Feb 5, 2022

Protecting What's Yours

Why Gospel Singer Kierra Sheard Has Friends At A Hotel 

When I read this article, the first word that came to mind was trust. She doesn't trust her man NOT to sleep with any of her girlfriends, so she sends her friends to a hotel. If she has to do all that, maybe she needs new friends OR...a new husband. It's not her responsibility to police a grown man; it's HIS job not to put his wife in a position to have to put safeguards up. Are some men that weak for women? I'm just asking because anytime a man is caught in infidelity, some folks try to excuse his sinful act by blaming his "flesh" Look, ALL of us have & do fall short, but at some point, we need to use wisdom and avoid getting caught up. This article sounds like her husband was caught slipping with one of her girlfriends, and like most women, she stood by her man. I'm sure she let him have it but feels like she has to protect her marriage by not entertaining any potential temptation. Whether she trusts her man is a mystery. I think she makes her job as a wife harder than necessary, but that's on her.

Who really has time to watch an adult 24-7 to make sure they do right by them? If I have to police my wife to make sure she's faithful to me, then I don't want marriage. I have business to tend to, so my spouse needs to be grown and honor the vows she took & vice versa. Shout out to the brother for this comment: 

Sidney's comment ties into what I said previously about having to police an adult. It does seem like a man's sexual responsibility falls on the wife because the moment he cheats, some people justify his mistake by saying, "his wife must not have been meeting his sexual needs". Like the brother in the comment said, "Temptation & weakness is not a legitimate excuse for a man to give into his sexual desires." Hebrews 4:15-Jesus faced temptation, but did not sin. If Jesus didn't sin, then men should have enough sense NOT to put themselves in compromising positions. Flat out, some Christian men are hoes. Sorry to use that term, but I have to call it what it is.

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🤦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.