Feb 20, 2022

Who Eats First? Kids Or Husband

 Who Eats First? Man Or Kids

From time to time, this subject is debated on social media. Like Jordan vs. Lebron, this debate is infinite. Some people feel the kids should be fed first, others think it's the man. Those who feel the man should be served first understand it as honoring the provider, but...a provider would also make sure everyone eats before him. When I was coming up, my parents would feed me & my brother first, then we started fixing our plates once we got older. 

Repost from Nikki Brooks (FB friend):

"That’s what I’m saying. The hypocrisy of one calling themselves a provider, but then refusing to allow the children to eat until they have been served is crazy.

What’s lost on a lot of folks is how generational toxic masculinity actually hurt and wounded so many men that they have changed the narratives because they refuse to be their fathers.

And honestly, the kids and family units are so much better now."

This the one. I can't call myself a provider if my kids are starving while I'm eating; I wouldn't feel right. Besides, making sure my kids eat first is part of sacrificing for them. They're growing kids so they need their strength to grow up healthy & strong. It's not about me, it's about them. I can eat anytime, but my kids need to eat first. Shout out to all men BREAKING generational curses because they don't want to be their toxic fathers. I'm old school with a modern twist. Generational toxic masculinity needs to be destroyed and thrown into a river of fire & brimstone because it's done too much damage to men, and the black community as a whole. Let me get Biblical and say: Leaders are servants. Leaders have to put others ahead of themselves. So while men are barking about being fed the biggest piece of chicken, most of them don't realize that indirectly, they're providing for their families. Every move they make, whether good or bad will affect themselves & their families. What it boils down to is dynamics: Some men prefer to be fed first, other husbands have no problem feeding their family first. I know for me, if I had a family, they're eating first, then me. I don't need to eat first in order to prove that I'm the man of the house.

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🤦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.