Feb 19, 2022

Old-School Discipline: Whoopings


Old-school discipline was how most black children were raised. Black parents believed in sparing the rod & spoiling the child. While that's Biblical, the same Bible instructs parents not to provoke their children to anger. I thought this question was worth writing on because it makes parents think about how they were raised, vs. the alternative discipline more black parents are using today. Both have their place, but for me...I was raised with old-school parents who used the belt as a last resort. All it took was a look from either of my folks and that was it. When I did get spankings, my parents explained to me why I received them, and I did my best not to repeat the same offense that warranted them. I do think constant whoopings can cause issues in children later on in life if they're done out of anger. From self-esteem issues to teaching kids to react with violence, the side effects of constant whoopings are documented, so that's why many black parents (or parents in general) are going towards alternative discipline. I'll say this: Each child requires a different form of discipline. Some kids react fine to spankings & the occasional smack, other children, not so much. Today's kids are a different breed with the disrespect because when I was coming up, I would NOT have gotten by with a fraction of the disrespect today's kids give their parents, and other authority figures.

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🤦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.