Dec 1, 2014

Low Key

Living low key keeps you out of so much drama because no one can tie your name to any mess. "Richard knows what happened, he was there." Unless it involves my loved ones, I live as low key as possible because not only does it benefit me, but my loved ones as well. My loved ones do not partake in my issue(s) unless I request their assistance, but even then I can take care of most things on my own. I've been following the drama on Atlanta Housewives for a while, and the term "low key" comes to mind. The ladies fake & front like they're so close, when we all know that's a lie. For a group of women to be so close, they're constantly at each other's throats. Then again, it's said that many women can't get along with each other, so I'm not surprised. If a person's low key, they don't have to worry about this nonsense because they can sit back and observe. If someone's about drama,  swerve on them! There's one problem with being low-key, some people will mistake that as being stuck-up, when that's not the case. I like to think most people have a low tolerance for drama, and act accordingly. If you don't like something, why place yourself in that environment? Makes no sense at all. If living low key makes one seem arrogant, that's fine. Wear that with pride because that means you're doing something right. It's better to live low key and drama free, than be social and get jammed up.

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.