Dec 3, 2014

Read vs. "Read"

 There is a difference between Read and "Read". Reading is studying material from a textbook or other source in order to obtain knowledge and understanding. "Reading" is an attack on one's credibility, and it also means to tell someone about themselves. My problem with this "reading" phenomenon is that everybody claims to be an expert at "reading" folks. It seems like everyone is quick to tell someone about themselves, but they forget one thing: The same people claiming to "read" folks are also being read themselves. No one is above being read. It's almost like pointing fingers: There's always 3 fingers pointing right back at you, so why do it? There will be times where you need to tell people about themselves, but make sure you're clear before you try to read someone. There's nothing worse than reading someone with your own skeletons. For example, the Atlanta Housewives. You have a group of outspoken, strong black women who are quick to "read" someone. Being that Nene, Phaedra, Cynthia, Kenya and Kandi have been around each other for a while, they know each other very well. They've gotten into it with each other, and each cast member has told things in confidence that were later used against them. That's why you can't tell people your business because as the adage goes in criminal justice: Anything you say, can & will be used against you. Here's an idea: While people are so busy trying to read others, perhaps they should READ themselves. The world will be a better place for it.

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.