It's best not to go by your emotions & feelings, because they will lead you astray.
— Florida Made (@RichardMIATL) October 22, 2014
Oct 29, 2014
Led By Emotions
Oct 28, 2014
Being Selective
People in general have to do a better job at being selective.
— Lissa Marie (@lissamaries) October 22, 2014
Oct 27, 2014
Bearing Fruit
The Bible says you're known by the fruits you bear. The problem is that some women wear tight-fitting attire so you can see ALL their fruit.
— Florida Made (@RichardMIATL) October 24, 2014
Oct 24, 2014
Positive Friday: 10/24
The Bible says you're known by the fruits you bear. The problem is that some women wear tight-fitting attire so you can see ALL their fruit.
— Florida Made (@RichardMIATL) October 24, 2014
People in general have to do a better job at being selective.
— Lissa Marie (@lissamaries) October 22, 2014
Playing defense without offense is a lost cause.
— Florida Made (@RichardMIATL) October 22, 2014
It's best not to go by your emotions & feelings, because they will lead you astray.
— Florida Made (@RichardMIATL) October 22, 2014
Don't ever be afraid to show who you really are, because as long as you are happy with yourself, no one else's opinion matters.
— Life Facts By Lemon (@lifeandlemon) October 21, 2014
You have to have an expectancy that something good is going to happen. Not next week, not next month—this could be the day.
— Joel Osteen (@JoelOsteen) October 21, 2014
Not everybody will celebrate the favor and blessing on your life. But you have to be wise enough to not lose sleep over it.
— Joel Osteen (@JoelOsteen) October 20, 2014
God loves you and He has a great plan for your life. Trust that He's in control and will work things out for your good.
— Tina Townsend (@TTownsend4969) October 19, 2014
Oct 23, 2014
Lesser Of Two Evils
Oct 22, 2014
Strawberry Letter | Steve Harvey in the Morning on WDAS
Oct 21, 2014
Strawberry Letter | Steve Harvey in the Morning on WDAS
Oct 20, 2014
Does Kissing Lead To Sex?
Oct 17, 2014
Positive Friday
In the end, you’ll realize that the best thing in your life is not a thing.
— Believe (@LargerThanWords) October 17, 2014
Your Purpose has been Decided by GOD, and it's meant to be Discovered by You.
— #LoveMovement (@Featuring_Jose) October 17, 2014
It is in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped.
— Believe (@LargerThanWords) October 17, 2014
Being a prisoner of hope means that you don’t let yourself get talked out of it. Believe that today will be your day.
— Joel Osteen (@JoelOsteen) October 17, 2014
Sometimes the decisions which seem hardest to make, are the ones that will eventually make us happiest.
— Believe (@LargerThanWords) October 17, 2014
Most people have a hard time with this one:
In a relationship, you have to accept the other Person as a whole, Not just the parts that are easy to like.
— #LoveMovement (@Featuring_Jose) October 17, 2014
I love this one from my old pastor:
Now look at your own life. You belong to a creative God, & He’s creative enough to turn your darkest hours into your most glorious moments.
— Ron McCants (@ronmccants) October 17, 2014
Don't talk about the way you are. Talk about the way you want to be.
— Brenda Edwards (@BEdwards1115) October 17, 2014
Oct 16, 2014
Preachers Of LA: Carnal Christians
Just because YOU are hot in the pants it doesn't mean everyone else has to be. Nothing is wrong with waiting on the Lord. #PreachersOfLA
— Tiffany Montgomery (@tmontgomeryrn) October 16, 2014
@PreachersofLA Tonight's episode is why Christians are so carnal, because they view sex according to the world.
— Florida Made (@RichardMIATL) October 16, 2014
Boy these Haddons are irritating me. Thats what wrong with the world now! #SexIsOverrated Its TOO much emphasis on it. #PreachersOfLA
— IGclassydiva_inheels (@DntUwannaSHANTA) October 16, 2014
This tweet sums up the entire blog message:
@PreachersofLA It's truly sad that Christians mock fellow believers for remaining virgins. Sex isn't everything.
— Florida Made (@RichardMIATL) October 16, 2014
Oct 15, 2014
God Less America
Oct 14, 2014
Monica Wright Ends Engagement to NBA Superstar Kevin Durant
Oct 13, 2014
Broke into Neighbors House, Wife was Away!
My Response: She's lucky to be breathing, because he could've shot her. You don't run up in anyone's house with bad intentions because they will give you a lead shower. This is the mess I'm talking about when I speak on relationships: People have NO respect for relationships. You can marry with the best intentions, and your spouse will still do what they want, so it's almost not worth it to get involved with someone. People talk a good game when they're in front of you, but when you two are apart, you don't know their real intentions. From the way she describes herself, she's shapely and very attractive. Based on her confidence, I'm sure she could pull any man, but why go after a taken man? I'm thinking every man she has pursued (or pursued her) has turned her down, so the only man she feels she can get is a married one. It's said that a married man is the highest possible caliber because that woman has what other women desire, a good man that'll do right by them. This man beat her like a runaway slave, and for 20 minutes at that. How was the man supposed to know that was her? He didn't, so he did what was best for him, and that was beating her like she stole something. I'm just glad she didn't get shot. Anyone else would've been a crime scene, I'm just being honest. I think he may be ashamed of beating a woman like a dog which explains why he's avoiding her. She saw a crack, and tried to take the whole mile, but she got what she asked for, more than she asked for. I bet she'll think twice before running up in another man's house. What if he had a gun, and shot her? This is why people need to be careful when they get others involved in their web of deceit, because it could backfire.
Oct 10, 2014
Issues With Independent Women?
Oct 9, 2014
Preachers Of L.A: Loretta Is Fed Up
Oct 8, 2014
Dating On A Budget
Oct 7, 2014
Giving Back An Engagement Ring
Oct 6, 2014
#1 Florida State
Oct 3, 2014
The Harbinger: What Do I Sense Is Happening To America?
Oct 2, 2014
Public Service Announcement: Money Equals Power
Oct 1, 2014
Public Service Announcement
Gentle Parenting
Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🤦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.
Message! See, I thought there was only one type of simp, but after reading this, there are 10 kinds of simps. This was posted on the Stop S...
Foolishness can end your life quick, and death will be ready to embrace you. — Florida Made (@RichardMIATL) July 2, 2015 As usual, ...
A lot of men get confused between simping, and showing your woman love. Many men believe that simping is respecting your woman who goes out...