Oct 29, 2014

Led By Emotions

I'm a firm believer that being led by emotions can get you in a world of trouble. Why? Because when you're led by emotions, you're not thinking straight. You're so focused on how you're feeling that logic is the last thing on your mind. Women are notorious for being led by their emotions, which gets them in a lot of trouble. She meets a man for the first time, and they're vibing. He makes her feel so good that she doesn't bother to do her due diligence to make sure he's legit. Most men play on women's emotions so that's why he's able to fool some women. All a man has to do is appeal to a woman's senses, and there you go. Men can be led by their emotions too when it comes to getting to know a woman. Because most men focus on her outer beauty rather than her inner beauty, she's able to fool some men. As long as a woman is shapely, throw out due diligence. Never mind that she could have issues from childhood, or she could be crazy. All I'm saying is this: It's rare that your emotions & feelings lead you correctly. Your feelings and emotions change like the wind. One minute you're on Cloud 9, and the next you're down in the dumps. The only example I can come up with that your emotions & feelings would not lead you astray is when you know something's not right. You get an uneasy feeling when you're in an unfamiliar environment because you know something bad is about to happen. You follow your instincts and leave before the foolishness happens. That's an example of your feelings/emotions saving you from drama.

Oct 28, 2014

Being Selective

Today's blog message is about selectivity. If you're looking for a job, then you've read the description as to what the employer is looking for. If you're experience & skills are a match, you apply and are called for an interview. The interview is where you showcase what you can do for the company. Whether people want to admit it or not, everyone is selective. Selective when it comes to choosing a mate, car, school, etc. Being selective can be a blessing because you're forced to be very detailed in what you're looking for. You're not looking at the surface, but you're looking at the supporting details that will make up your decision. I don't know about anyone, but I can't afford NOT to be selective. If I'm choosing a mate, I expect her to be detailed as to why she feels I'm the one, and vice versa. Relationships are not to be played with, because a person can make or break you.
If people were more selective, there wouldn't be divorce. I read many articles about couples who used to be on good terms, but they had a falling-out. One person wasn't who (s)he thought, and so on. You can get married with the best intentions, but you truly don't know a person. Couples don't tell each other every thing, some stuff is kept under lock & key. Friends turned enemies, same thing. Gotta be selective in who you call a friend, because some so-called friends are lurking, waiting to turn on you. It takes a lot for me to call someone a friend. I have to feel very comfortable around someone, and we have to vibe in order for me to consider them a friend. Too many people throw the term friend around loosely, when that should not be. "Such and such is my friend," "I've known this person and that person for years," etc. So much pain can be avoided if more people practiced the art of being selective. 

Oct 27, 2014

Bearing Fruit

Some women complain that men don't respect them. How can a man respect a woman if she has her goodies on display for all to see? You know what I'm talking about: Tight-fitting clothing so you can see her curves. If she's not wearing tight clothing, she's probably wearing revealing attire. If some women don't want to be catcalled, perhaps they should cover up. At the same time, you do have freedom of expression so one should be able to dress as (s)he sees fit, without judgment. Most women will reply with: If he's not buying my attire, it's none of his business what I wear. That's true in theory, but society is relatively judgmental. Judgments are being made every second, from what someone wears to how they act. The only safeguard from judgment is to crawl under a rock, but you'll eventually have to come out sometime. Whether a woman likes it or not, she will be judged on her appearance.
When it comes to "bearing fruit", church women are no better. I've never seen some church women show blatant disrespect for God's house. Yes, God wants us to come as we are, but even that has limits. I was raised NOT to come to church dressed any kind of way: If the young men aren't sagging, then the young women are rocking tight-fitting clothes so you can see all their blessings. Common sense tells you that you're not supposed to have all your stuff on display. You don't know who you may know at church that could work with you, and if they see a woman dressed like she turned up at the club last night, she's going to get a side eye from that visitor. People are watching believers. What they see determines whether they're going to come to Christ or not. If a woman chooses to bear fruit, she should make sure she's bearing the RIGHT kind of fruit. Bearing the wrong kind of fruit could do more harm than good.

Oct 24, 2014

Positive Friday: 10/24

Oct 23, 2014

Lesser Of Two Evils

Every year around election time, candidates go all out for votes. They tell voters what they're going to do, and once voters get behind them & the candidate gets in office, (s)he pulls a switcheroo. This happens far too often that voters are tired of being played. Honestly, you can't trust politicians nowadays because they say one thing, then do another once they get in office. Someone said that politics is a game, and they weren't lying. If you have a group of candidates all vying for top office, expect backbiting. Candidates are going to pull out all stops to get elected, even if it means smear campaigns. If you've been paying attention to these campaign ads, it's the same thing: Such & such person can't be trusted; 600,000 jobs lost under this person, and so on. The thing is, those who work closely with the Governor, President, etc. know the truth. There's some stuff that can't be disclosed, because it could put the city or nation at risk.
My question is: If you're presented with two candidates, and you know both of them won't do what they promised, who do you vote for? You want to vote, but both candidates aren't working with anything. If you've critically looked at both candidates, and discover that neither one is going to do what they've promised, then don't vote. Of course, you'll get those who say "If you don't vote, you can't complain." They have a point, IF....one candidate is clearly the better choice. However, if one feels neither candidate is qualified for office, (s)he has the right not to vote. Sometimes, you can't go with the masses all the time because the masses can be wrong. I used to vote according to party affiliation, and while both sides have their good & bad, honestly, I'm going to start looking at each candidate with a critical eye. Biblically, you have candidates who stand for things that are contrary to God's word, and as a Christian I'm obligated to stand behind those who are for righteousness.

Oct 22, 2014

Strawberry Letter | Steve Harvey in the Morning on WDAS

When you cheat on someone, they are within their right to give you another chance, or leave you. If your spouse takes you back, it's because (s)he feels you're worthy of a second chance. The worst thing you can do is violate your second chance, because that person may not give you another one. In marriage, cheating is grounds for divorce. I've never understood how some spouses continually take back their cheating (wo)man. It's as if they don't respect themselves enough to put their happiness first. If God sees fit to bless me with a good woman, I'm not going to disrespect her or myself by messing up a good thing. The kids are going to suffer without their dad because mom is going to have to explain to the children why daddy isn't coming home. If she's honest, she'll tell her kids the truth: Mom cheated on dad, and he left. She'll teach her kid(s) not to make the same mistakes she did.
The children are going to be without a father, unless custody arrangements are made.
The husband was right to leave his wife for infidelity. No second chances should be given for infidelity because you don't know if the person's sorry for the act, or sorry they got caught. Many people are sorry they were caught for cheating, otherwise they would've continued to be unfaithful. The more I read these types of letters, the more turned off I become from relationships because I'm thinking to myself, "Can't ANYONE be faithful to their spouse? It seems like everyone is cheating on each other." You don't know who's who anymore. If God sees fit to bless me with a good woman, I'm going to do right by her. Doing right by her means being faithful, and I expect the same in return. Now, this woman is looking crazy because her man left her. I feel sorry for the children, because their dad isn't in the home. I don't feel sorry for the woman because she had to have known what would happen. When you make your bed, you have to lie in it.

Oct 21, 2014

Strawberry Letter | Steve Harvey in the Morning on WDAS

The title of this Strawberry Letter is Secrecy. There's a saying that continues to ring true: If you go looking for something, you probably won't like what you find. This woman and her husband were on good terms when all of a sudden, she discovers that he's been texting another woman while she was asleep. She goes into his phone and prints out the texts, and shows them to him. After showing him these texts, she proceeds to go snap off on him. I want to feel sorry for her, but I can't because her gut feeling should have told her something wasn't right in her relationship. Anytime someone is texting another person in secret, they don't want their (wo)man to know they've got someone else on the side. It's just a matter of time before (s)he leaves their current relationship for another one. Privacy doesn't go out the window once a couple gets married. If anything, privacy should be that much stronger because some things your spouse may not be able to handle. Then again, if your spouse is being secretive, then maybe (s)he is cheating, and doesn't want you to know. This is why I say that you really don't know someone like you think. People aren't going to tell their partner everything, just the parts that sound good. In marriage, couples should expect that their partner won't tell them every little thing. There needs to be some level of privacy, even in marriage. At the same time, couples should be comfortable enough with each other to tell everything, even the ugly details.

Oct 20, 2014

Does Kissing Lead To Sex?

 I was having a conversation with a Facebook friend when the following question was asked: Do I think Kissing Is Ok or should you wait until marriage: Kissing is a gray area because it's an intimate act reserved for married couples as a way of showing love. If you're married, there's nothing wrong with kissing your spouse. That's what couples SHOULD do if they love each other. If a couple is saved but unmarried, kissing can lead to sexual activity. Let's keep it real: You're spending time with your (wo)man, and they're looking right. You've been together for a year and you two enjoy each other's company. One day, (s)he invites you over to their place for a movie. Popcorn and soda is ready, and as you two are watching the movie, someone's going to make a move. What starts out as a peck on the cheek can turn into full-blown sexing between a saved couple. To avoid fornication, set boundaries for spending time together. 
My friend's pastor said he believes there should be no deep kissing to avoid sex, and he's right. The Bible says to not give off the appearance of evil, and deep kissing is doing just that. You can get by with a kiss on the cheek; a peck is ok, but nothing further. Most people aren't content with a peck on the cheek, they get to full-blown tongue because they have such a strong desire for each other. Before you know it, hands start roaming and clothes disappear. After that, the saved couple ends up between the sheets, and you know the rest. You want to lay hands on your mate, but not in a Godly manner. Having said all that, do I believe that kissing leads to sex? Absolutely. With fornication being so rampant in society, it seems like couples would sex each other first before getting to know each other.

Oct 17, 2014

Positive Friday

Starting today, I'm going to do Positive Friday. Positive Friday is where I share inspirational tweets from some people I follow on Twitter. With all the negativity in society, people need every bit of positivity to get through life. Here we go:

Most people have a hard time with this one:
I love this one from my old pastor:

Oct 16, 2014

Preachers Of LA: Carnal Christians

On last night's Preachers Of L.A., the subject was Saved, Sanctified, and Sexual. Deitrick Haddon sounded stupid with his comments about virgins. When his friend Tim said he was 49, and a Virgin, Deitrick acted shocked. Why be shocked? Just because he couldn't keep it in his pants, doesn't mean everyone is the same way. That's what's wrong with Christians today, and is the reason why sex has NO PLACE in church, because Christians discuss it according to the world's standard, and it's looked at as vile. Pastor Tim sits down with Wayne & Myesha Chaney, and Myesha giggled when Tim revealed his virginity at his age. Myesha's reaction proved one thing: Christians have become so carnal, that they ridicule a virgin believer. According to the Bible, fornication is a sin, so let them ridicule all they want. Virgins have the last laugh because they don't have to deal with the pain of bad relationships. Contrary to what the world has people believe, there are some people that don't place sex on a pedestal. Not everyone is concerned with chasing tail. There are believers who have a far greater purpose than just getting some action. Kudos to the believers who aren't influenced by carnal Christians. I salute you to the highest! It's not easy holding out in a carnal world, especially when there's so much pressure to "do it". Everyone around you is fornicating with this person & that person, but there are those who actually have self-control. Those are the ones who get my respect.

This tweet sums up the entire blog message:

Oct 15, 2014

God Less America

The LGBT strikes again. The City of Houston demands that pastors turn over sermons dealing with homosexuality, and gender identity. Look, it's one thing to attack Christianity outright, but to disguise it as "equality" is foolish. Understand this: I'm NOT promoting hate against homosexuals/lesbians or transgender folks, but I have to take a stand here. True equality involves equal rights for ALL, not a select few. The gay community needs to keep it real, and just say that they're trying to stamp out Christianity. They're too scared to be honest and say, "We're trying to eliminate Christianity", so by dressing it under so-called "equality", that'll take some of the heat off. The only issue is that most people can see right through this. If there was a time for the church to stand up, that time is now. Homosexuals are serious about forcing their lifestyle on society, so Christians should be just as vigilant about their beliefs.
Why should pastors be forced to turn over sermons dealing with homosexuality? Last time I checked, pastors are protected under the same 1st Amendment rights as others, so if pastors want to speak against homosexuality, that's their right. It's not that pastors are speaking against the homosexual, they're against their sin. It goes back to what I said in a previous blog, Christians can love the sinner, but hate the sin. Pastors are called by God to preach the truth according to God's word, and homosexuality goes against everything God stands for. The problem is that pastors are scared to keep it real. They don't want to lose half their congregation, so they preach milk-toast sermons instead of realizing that sometimes, you have to preach the uncompromising truth according to God's word. Looking at the state of America today, I'd say God Less America is a good title.

Oct 14, 2014

Monica Wright Ends Engagement to NBA Superstar Kevin Durant

WNBA Superstar Monica Wright broke things off with NBA star Kevin Durant. The reason was that Durant was unfaithful. I stand behind this sister because even though you've invested time with a person, you're not supposed to tolerate cheating. If you overlook small matters, you'll let big things slide. Monica Wright did the right thing, no matter if her fans hate her for it. There comes a time where you have to put your faith first, and if your fans can't respect your decisions, they weren't your fans to begin with. True fans will have your back, even if they don't understand your decision. Sometimes, it's not for her fans to understand why Ms. Wright to do what she did. She said it herself: Her decision to break up with Durant was based on Godly principles. He was cheating on her, and she wasn't standing for it. When you know your worth, you're less inclined to tolerate mistreatment from your mate. The average woman would've stayed, knowing he was a walking millionaire.
Monica Wright's decision to leave Kevin Durant confirmed the difference between a godly woman and worldly woman. A Godly woman knows her worth because she was made in God's image. She respects herself enough to walk away from that which doesn't edify her, and that's what Monica Wright did. If Monica wasn't saved, she would've stayed with Durant because she would've been blinded by dollar signs. Some women are blinded by dollar signs, so she'll put up with any & everything because she doesn't want to lose that comfort. There are "worldly" women who value themselves too, but a Godly woman's worth is far deeper than that of society. In my eyes, she's the real MVP for staying true to her values, and refusing to compromise herself as a Godly woman. In conclusion, she (Monica Wright) didn't let money make her settle. Because she didn't let money make her settle, that makes her God's MVP.
In conclusion, you have to take a stand for what you know is right in God's eyesight. When you do that, God's rewards far outweigh any punishment you could face for taking that stand.

Oct 13, 2014

Broke into Neighbors House, Wife was Away!

Strawberry Letter: I have had a crush on my neighbor for years, but he has never paid me any attention. So what I thought was when his wife/girlfriend was away, I would hit on him. When I saw him heading for the store, I would go to the store, when he would go to work, I would make it my business to be outside when he leaves or when he gets back from work. Shirley, I have went so far as picking up a cigarette butt he was smoking when he was walking home once. Now let me tell you what happened, I noticed his wife/girlfriend goes away occasionally and he is home alone, so on night I decided to break into his house and seduce him. What man would turn ME down? I mean me, I should have thought about it when I entered because it appeared to be quiet, so I started looking around, and the next thing I knew I was being attacked. I was getting hit so hard, I thought I was being beat with a bat. All I saw in this man's face was the hate that you would have for another man. He beat me so bad that I had a broken wrist as well as a broken tooth, I didn’t think no one could hit so hard. He hit me for about 20 minutes and threw me out the front door, and I was glad to be free from him. When I got home, I didn’t tell anybody what happened; I stayed in the house. Did he know I was a woman or what? That happened 2 years ago and I see him every now and then, and he walks past me like he doesn’t know me. Do you think he knows it was me who he beat that night?

My Response: She's lucky to be breathing, because he could've shot her. You don't run up in anyone's house with bad intentions because they will give you a lead shower. This is the mess I'm talking about when I speak on relationships: People have NO respect for relationships. You can marry with the best intentions, and your spouse will still do what they want, so it's almost not worth it to get involved with someone. People talk a good game when they're in front of you, but when you two are apart, you don't know their real intentions. From the way she describes herself, she's shapely and very attractive. Based on her confidence, I'm sure she could pull any man, but why go after a taken man? I'm thinking every man she has pursued (or pursued her) has turned her down, so the only man she feels she can get is a married one. It's said that a married man is the highest possible caliber because that woman has what other women desire, a good man that'll do right by them. This man beat her like a runaway slave, and for 20 minutes at that. How was the man supposed to know that was her? He didn't, so he did what was best for him, and that was beating her like she stole something. I'm just glad she didn't get shot. Anyone else would've been a crime scene, I'm just being honest. I think he may be ashamed of beating a woman like a dog which explains why he's avoiding her. She saw a crack, and tried to take the whole mile, but she got what she asked for, more than she asked for. I bet she'll think twice before running up in another man's house. What if he had a gun, and shot her? This is why people need to be careful when they get others involved in their web of deceit, because it could backfire.

Oct 10, 2014

Issues With Independent Women?

First off, I don't know of ANY MAN that has an issue with independent women. According to Facebooker Deanna Butler, she feels men have issues with independent women. First off, men don't have issues with independent women, it's the arrogance & attitude that comes with it. Here's a few comments from the debate (over 200 comments and counting)

"It just seems like they want a woman who is down on her luck or something. I just don't know any more."-Lovely Day

"It's been my experience that men are wired to be needed and wanted.  So if a woman is independent where she hasn't saved room for him besides in her bed, what's the point.  I think most men appreciate a woman whose well rounded and can hold it down.  They just don't like the attitude some "independent" women have. But I'm not a man and I'm single so what do I know...."-Twanna Gill

Michael Garrett: Not all men have a problem with this, what I do have a problem with is a woman trying to be the Alpha male in our household!

Richard Hudson (myself): 😴It's the attitude that comes with being independent. Some women like to scream they don't need a man (which may be true), soooo...why are you looking for what you don't need?

Swoll Heffner: We don't have issues with independent woman at all. What we have issues with are the women who uses her status as a token to prove over achievements in their education and careers. We're proud of those accomplishments, but it's the women that becomes shallow in those feats that we don't like or appreciate.... Deanna Butler

Darnell Cooper's comment was spot on: After someone defines "being independent" as not being an insufferable bitch,.. the convo will start.
Harsh to say it that way,.. but I had run into enough "independent women" who believes "Independent" = "Having it her way" up to and including Spending his money, burning his time, scheduling stuff that doesn't inconvenience her.

I don't feel any pity for those women who see independence this way and complain that men don't accept it,.. life is too short.

C Rob Jones: Its not that she's independent.... Its the fact that most self proclaimed independent have this level of arrogance that turn men off. Its great that you are doing your thing ... very great.. need more like ya.. however SOME are just too much and too independent

Ranata Denise: They wanna play captain save a hoe. Lbs. I don't know why a woman can't be proud about being a success. So men can be arrogant but not women? I see men throw around their success left and right.  And I don't think women say they don't need a man cuz they are independent. They say it cuz they are fed up, like most women, with men. That's my take on it. Of course we need a man, but we're not hurting without one is all that means.

Michael Moultrie: I am being honest with you. I will put this on my deceased father and uncle. I have never ever heard in my circle of friends or family about them feeling any type of way that a woman is doing good financially better than them. That has got to be the dumbest thing I have ever heard in my life. If somebody really thinks about it, how dumb does that shit sound. Most men got problems with that fake attitude that comes with it. If you don't need anybody spiritually, financially, or physically then you need to stay single. I am not dating anybody that doesn't serve me any purpose or I don't need them in some type of form or fashion.

Twanna Gill: I feel like if you are with a man you can't trust to lead the relationship he's simply the wrong guy for you.  Doesn't necessarily reflect badly on either person.

Lovely Day: I believe in being capable or having the funds to get it done, single or in a relationship. I won't be alpha but I can't be so dependent either.

Robin Butler: I'm old school and I like the traditional household. That's always been my dream. My mother work but she doesn't have to. If she walked in a quit my dad wouldn't say a word. My grandparents were the same way. The men always took care of the woman and she took care of the house.  So I guess its embedded. I can handle my own don't get me wrong but I do respect having a mam around the house.

Richard Hudson: Lovely Day, my approach to relationships is simple: There can only be one chief in the relationship. If she refuses to submit even after I've shown myself worthy of following, I can't, and choose not to deal with her any further.

Neathra Stanberry: I don't think its that "men" have an issues with the woman being successful or independent. I think its the attitude that comes with "what most men assume" women with this type of success will portray. As soon as I say what my profession or where i live the very first thing i hear is "oh you like to be in control". I think most of us assume.

From these comments, you have a balanced view. Some believe men don't have a problem with independent women, others do, and according to their old-school upbringing, they feel like the man should lead. I'm all for a man leading, but there are areas where the wife may be better in, so he would be wise to defer to her strengths. The man has a different perspective than his lady, so he can see things a little more clear. There are times where the man leads, and times where he has to defer to his lady.

Oct 9, 2014

Preachers Of L.A: Loretta Is Fed Up

On last night's Preachers Of L.A., Bishop Noel Jones threw his friend Loretta a birthday party. During the party, Noel shared his feelings with a poem he wrote. It was pretty smooth, but she was disappointed because she was expecting a proposal from him. Bishop Noel Jones and Loretta have been friends for 17 years, and anyone can clearly see they have feelings for each other. They've had intimate conversations about the direction of their relationship, they greet each other with kisses, etc. I could be wrong, but friends don't greet each other with kisses, at least not same sex friends. If it's a man and woman and they're just that friendly, then maybe they'll greet each other with a peck on the cheek. Last night, Loretta decided to confront Noel about her disappointment, and she told him he needs to grow up, and give her the love she deserves. Bishop Jones told Loretta earlier that he's content with their friendship, but Loretta wants more. The other preachers are enjoying married life, and Loretta feels left out because she's the only one who's unmarried. Lavette (Bishop Ron Gibson's wife) told Loretta that her merchandise is good, meaning she has a pure heart and is worthy of a good man. I respect Loretta because she finally got some gumption and told Bishop Jones to give her the love she deserves, or there's a possibility she may not be around. I've long said that Loretta comes off desperate. She keeps asking for more than what Bishop Jones is willing to give. Hopefully, Bishop Jones will make Loretta his leading lady, or Loretta needs to exit and don't look back. There's no sense in holding onto something that's not possible.

Oct 8, 2014

Dating On A Budget

The title of today's blog message is Dating On A Budget. The scenario is self-explanatory: Guy takes a woman to a nice restaurant on a date and agrees to pay for dinner, but he tells her she can only order up to $25. Should she feel slighted? Ok, what nice restaurant do you know that you'll only spend $25? Very few, if any. At most high-end restaurants, the appetizer will cost you $25, so there goes the date right there. The only restaurants you can get by with spending $25 are Applebee's, Chili's, Red Lobster and Pizza Hut. For $25, you can get 2 Large 2-topping pizzas for $7.99, and still have money left over. Not even Red Lobster has entrees that cost $25 unless you order something really expensive. My first thought is he took her to this nice restaurant with the intention of paying for her meal. Putting her on a budget screams he can't afford to pay for her meal, so he could've taken her to Applebee's for a 2 for $20 special, and still had money for the tip. That's what you call being smart.
It's established if the man asks a woman out, he pays for meal, as he should. Before confirming the date, he should check his money, and if he can afford to wine & dine her, take her someplace nice. If not, Applebee's and/or Chili's has a 2 for $20 special. If she's grounded with good values, being in your presence is enough to satisfy her. This discussion was posted in a Facebook group, and some women actually got upset. I'll present both sides, the man and woman's side. From a man's standpoint: A man who has himself together is looking for a likeminded woman. No man wants to feel used by any woman he's seeing. A man sees potential in a woman he agrees to take out on a date. He's wining & dining her and he's not getting anything in return except her time, which works for some men. This could be a test to examine her motives. If she orders within the $25 budget, she gets points in his eyes, and proceeds further. If she orders the most expensive thing on the menu, that tells him she's after his wallet, not him as a person.
From a woman's point of view, he doesn't trust her. I don't know of one woman who doesn't want to be treated special on a date, NOT ONE. To put her on a $25 budget tells me he doesn't trust her character, which I can see why because there are some women who take advantage of men with money. They see a man with $$$ as a meal ticket. I can see this from both sides, so I really can't take sides on this topic, but I will say this: Date within your means. The greatest dates cost little to no money. What about meeting at a coffee shop for conversation, going to free events in your city, things like that? Doing fun outings that don't break your wallet; daters have to learn how to get creative in dating. For me, dinner & a movie is played out. The first few dates are introductory in nature; I'm getting to know her. If she makes the cut, then maybe I'll treat her to dinner & a movie.
It's hard for me to take sides because I see this from both the man's and woman's point of view. As stated in the previous paragraph, people should date someone of similar background. If you're financially independent, seek someone of that same background. So many issues in relationships can be resolved if people sought a mate of similar background. For example, a saver and spender have two different mindsets about money, so one cannot expect them to have a successful relationship.

Oct 7, 2014

Giving Back An Engagement Ring

In a Facebook group I'm in, this was a topic of discussion: Should A Woman Give Back An Engagement Ring If Things Don't Work Out? The discussion got pretty intense with some people saying she should, and others saying she shouldn't. My view is she should give back the engagement ring. Things obviously didn't work out between them, so her keeping the ring signals that she still has feelings for this man, and that's gonna make it hard for the right man who comes in her life. If a man's honest, he notices things like that. Anytime a man is getting to know a woman, he's going to ask are there any other men in the picture? If a man sees a woman with an engagement ring, he's going to notice that. Going further, he'll end the date because he assumes her current man is in the picture. A man wants to feel like he's the only one for her, and wearing an engagement ring isn't a good look for a woman unless she's intent on marrying him.
It's crazy for a woman to keep an engagement ring even if he broke the engagement, and let me explain why: What in the world is she going to do with the engagement ring, marry herself? That's about the only hope of engagement she has, because any man with sense would be turned off by a woman wearing an engagement ring. If I'm getting to know a woman, one of the first questions I will ask is to look at her ring finger. I want to know if she has a wedding or engagement ring because I don't want to be second place to any woman. Either I'm going to be 1st place in her life, or nothing else. To me, a woman who wears an engagement ring and she's not with her man is playing games. There's no point in keeping an engagement ring if the relationship failed. If I broke the engagement, I'd ask for the ring back. Why let her keep it? As a reminder of what didn't work out? No thanks. By getting the ring back, I'm releasing her to the next man that'll treat her how I didn't.
In conclusion, unless she's going to pawn the ring, it's useless to keep something as a reminder of the person who was once in your life. It's like they still have a hold on you.

Oct 6, 2014

#1 Florida State

Anyone who knows me knows I've been an avid FSU football fan for a while. I've been following FSU Football since they've won their first 2 titles in '93 & '99, and their most recent championship in '13. Florida State has had more than it's fair share of ups and downs. They've had a lengthy period of struggle, where they struggled against beatable teams in the 2000's. Fast forward to 2014, and it's safe to say that the Seminoles are back to their winning ways. They've earned their #1 spot. Who cares if they play cupcake teams? Wins are wins, whether they're against tough or easy teams. In case people haven't noticed, FSU plays in the Athletic Coast Conference, which by many accounts is a cupcake conference. Florida State's biggest rivals are Miami, and Florida. Florida State has beaten Miami and Florida many times before, so one can say even the Canes and Gators are no match for Florida State. Florida State defeated Auburn for the national championship last year. Auburn is a tough team that consistently ranks in the top 25 teams.
Do I think Florida State should play tougher teams? Sure, I have no problem with FSU playing harder teams. It would be a great test to see how FSU stacks up with competition from the Big 12, Pac-10 and other tough conferences. Because FSU is an ACC school, they can only play teams from their conference. I do think if FSU played tougher teams and won, college football fans would have no choice but to respect Florida State because they've proven they can beat tough teams from other conferences. Upset Saturday had several losses from Alabama, Texas A&M, and Oklahoma. Prior to that, Oregon fell at home. The aforementioned teams consistently go undefeated for much of the season, so I know Florida State would be given trouble from Oklahoma, Alabama, TX A&M or Oregon.
Even if Florida State's wins come relatively easy, the fact remains is they're the only unbeaten team left in college football, so they deserve to stay at #1 until someone knocks them off.

Oct 3, 2014

The Harbinger: What Do I Sense Is Happening To America?

I've been reading The Harbinger: The Ancient Mystery That Holds The Secret Of America's Future by Jonathan Cahn. You have two main characters, the prophet and Nouriel. The prophet gives Nouriel a series of seals and Nouriel's job is to figure out the connection between each seal and the Harbinger. A Harbinger is one that indicates or foreshadows what's to come, a forerunner. A warning or omen; a sign. Let me share 2 thoughts before I get into my message: 1. The Harbinger is the most precise scriptural revelation of God's passion for America. The message is critical: Heed God's urgency, and get back to him. America was once a blessed nation, because we followed God's ways. As time passed, America turned its back on God, and we're dealing with the repercussions of that decision.
2. Every political leader and citizen should not only read the book, but understand the divine implications it contains. The Harbinger is far more than a prophetic warning to the United States; it is an unveiling of God's ways. The book shows how God renders his judgment of a nation in perfect balance with his mercy. Those who read it will be captivated by the narrative, convicted by our blindness to God's ways, and in awe of how thorough God's warnings are.
What Do I Sense Is Happening To America? Looking at what's going on, it's not hard to tell. America is racing towards judgment, and it's just a matter of time before God rains judgment on America. Just recently, elementary school children are being taught about masturbation as part of sex education. You don't teach children that type of filth! Children don't need to be taught that masturbation is ok. That's the mess I'm talking about: These perverted agendas are being pushed on the masses, and no one has the guts to speak out against it. Another thing: Corporate Greed. Employers have no hesitation about laying off employees, because it's all about the almighty dollar. Gain big profits by any means necessary, even if you have to lay off workers to do so. It's the EMPLOYEES who are on the front lines daily, they're the ones who understand their jobs. How many CEO's actually know what's going on in their companies? Not many. When something's not right, executives are quick to figure out how to fix a problem, as they should. Maybe executives should look to their employees for answers, because after all, the employees do have a better understanding of their department. A Facebook friend told it like it was, and I agree with him: Employers don't care about their employees. Just like they were quick to hire, they will get rid of you, even if you're a top performer. That's so they don't have to pay a valuable employee what they're worth.
From 9/11 to ISIS, it's safe to say that America is going down the drain. My concern is that America will sink so low morally, that this nation will reach the point of no return. It's at that point where God has no choice but to judge. Children rising against parents, parents warring with children, sexual abuse, drug use & abuse, greed, unemployment, divorce, selfishness, etc. All these things are a sign that America is looking real funky. God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah for sexual immorality and perversion, mainly homosexuality. If that's not a sign of how God feels about this gay agenda, then I don't know what is. All I know is I cannot, and will not support anything that's contrary to God's word. I want to be judged righteously, not for any wrong I've done. One thing I do know is that I will not bring up children in a depraved world. I'm not having my children succumb to this moral sewage that's being pushed in society. When America was following God, there were things that were NOT tolerated. Since America turned away from Christ, what was frowned upon is now acceptable.
It's funny that an atheist can feel slighted about Christianity, and get all forms of it stamped out, but if a Christian speaks the name of Jesus, it's a problem. People wonder why America is in the shape it's in? When you remove God out of schools and society, this mess is what you get.

Oct 2, 2014

Public Service Announcement: Money Equals Power

Finances are one of the top reasons for divorce. Ask any married couple who's been married for over 40 years and they'll tell you. When the money pours like the Mississippi, life is good. When the money dries up like the Sahara, that's when trouble creeps in. Couples have to make every dollar last until they get paid (which could be monthly, bi-weekly, twice a month or weekly). They can't live like they used to before their finances took a hit. Every argument seems to be about money, or the lack thereof. Anytime you have one spouse making more than their counterpart, (s)he will bring up "I make the most, so I call the shots" every time. People can deny this ugly truth all they want, but it doesn't change the validity. Whoever makes the most, makes the rules. If the man makes the most, he calls the shots. If the wife is the major breadwinner, she has more of a say over purchases because she's gonna be contributing the most. It behooves people to marry a levelheaded person, someone of similar financial status so you two can build together. A couple that builds together, stays together because they have nothing to lord over each other's head. 
In politics, money definitely equals power because billionaires can buy elections. They pay politicians to advocate on their behalf, and it shows in many of the laws passed. You don't believe me, research the two most recent elections, and I bet you that billionaires were influential in swinging the election in their favor. Politicians vote according to campaign contributions. Whoever contributed heavily to a candidate's election, the elected must vote in favor of their contributors. In conclusion, money equals power, whether people like it or not.

Oct 1, 2014

Public Service Announcement

I'm sick of people bragging about what they have. I have this, I have that, I'm a boss, etc. If you say something long enough, you'll believe it. That's called bragging, and that's not a good look. Who are you trying to impress? Really though, every other person probably has what you have, and more, so you're bragging for nothing. People who brag are overcompensating for the lack they've suffered at one point, so I guess they're not trying to go back to being broke. Nobody cares about how many cars you have; no one cares if you can buy something with no worries, nobody cares if you can buy $500 plates at a ritzy restaurant. If you can do those things, I'm glad for you. Understand that the majority isn't as blessed as you are. Boasting about what you have is a slap in the face to those who are struggling, and as jealous as people are, you're asking for haters. You know most people can't stand others doing better than them, so why invite those issues if you don't have to? People who are really blessed, don't have to brag. Their demeanor tells all. They use their fortune to help others better themselves. That's the definition of a boss, someone who uses their authority to help others better themselves. You may be legit in your boss claims, but if you're not using your blessings to bless others, then you're not as much of a boss as you think. If you're such a boss, give an unemployed person a job. If you're such a boss, pay off a struggling family's mortgage. I rest my case.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🤦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.