Oct 2, 2014

Public Service Announcement: Money Equals Power

Finances are one of the top reasons for divorce. Ask any married couple who's been married for over 40 years and they'll tell you. When the money pours like the Mississippi, life is good. When the money dries up like the Sahara, that's when trouble creeps in. Couples have to make every dollar last until they get paid (which could be monthly, bi-weekly, twice a month or weekly). They can't live like they used to before their finances took a hit. Every argument seems to be about money, or the lack thereof. Anytime you have one spouse making more than their counterpart, (s)he will bring up "I make the most, so I call the shots" every time. People can deny this ugly truth all they want, but it doesn't change the validity. Whoever makes the most, makes the rules. If the man makes the most, he calls the shots. If the wife is the major breadwinner, she has more of a say over purchases because she's gonna be contributing the most. It behooves people to marry a levelheaded person, someone of similar financial status so you two can build together. A couple that builds together, stays together because they have nothing to lord over each other's head. 
In politics, money definitely equals power because billionaires can buy elections. They pay politicians to advocate on their behalf, and it shows in many of the laws passed. You don't believe me, research the two most recent elections, and I bet you that billionaires were influential in swinging the election in their favor. Politicians vote according to campaign contributions. Whoever contributed heavily to a candidate's election, the elected must vote in favor of their contributors. In conclusion, money equals power, whether people like it or not.

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.