Oct 3, 2014

The Harbinger: What Do I Sense Is Happening To America?

I've been reading The Harbinger: The Ancient Mystery That Holds The Secret Of America's Future by Jonathan Cahn. You have two main characters, the prophet and Nouriel. The prophet gives Nouriel a series of seals and Nouriel's job is to figure out the connection between each seal and the Harbinger. A Harbinger is one that indicates or foreshadows what's to come, a forerunner. A warning or omen; a sign. Let me share 2 thoughts before I get into my message: 1. The Harbinger is the most precise scriptural revelation of God's passion for America. The message is critical: Heed God's urgency, and get back to him. America was once a blessed nation, because we followed God's ways. As time passed, America turned its back on God, and we're dealing with the repercussions of that decision.
2. Every political leader and citizen should not only read the book, but understand the divine implications it contains. The Harbinger is far more than a prophetic warning to the United States; it is an unveiling of God's ways. The book shows how God renders his judgment of a nation in perfect balance with his mercy. Those who read it will be captivated by the narrative, convicted by our blindness to God's ways, and in awe of how thorough God's warnings are.
What Do I Sense Is Happening To America? Looking at what's going on, it's not hard to tell. America is racing towards judgment, and it's just a matter of time before God rains judgment on America. Just recently, elementary school children are being taught about masturbation as part of sex education. You don't teach children that type of filth! Children don't need to be taught that masturbation is ok. That's the mess I'm talking about: These perverted agendas are being pushed on the masses, and no one has the guts to speak out against it. Another thing: Corporate Greed. Employers have no hesitation about laying off employees, because it's all about the almighty dollar. Gain big profits by any means necessary, even if you have to lay off workers to do so. It's the EMPLOYEES who are on the front lines daily, they're the ones who understand their jobs. How many CEO's actually know what's going on in their companies? Not many. When something's not right, executives are quick to figure out how to fix a problem, as they should. Maybe executives should look to their employees for answers, because after all, the employees do have a better understanding of their department. A Facebook friend told it like it was, and I agree with him: Employers don't care about their employees. Just like they were quick to hire, they will get rid of you, even if you're a top performer. That's so they don't have to pay a valuable employee what they're worth.
From 9/11 to ISIS, it's safe to say that America is going down the drain. My concern is that America will sink so low morally, that this nation will reach the point of no return. It's at that point where God has no choice but to judge. Children rising against parents, parents warring with children, sexual abuse, drug use & abuse, greed, unemployment, divorce, selfishness, etc. All these things are a sign that America is looking real funky. God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah for sexual immorality and perversion, mainly homosexuality. If that's not a sign of how God feels about this gay agenda, then I don't know what is. All I know is I cannot, and will not support anything that's contrary to God's word. I want to be judged righteously, not for any wrong I've done. One thing I do know is that I will not bring up children in a depraved world. I'm not having my children succumb to this moral sewage that's being pushed in society. When America was following God, there were things that were NOT tolerated. Since America turned away from Christ, what was frowned upon is now acceptable.
It's funny that an atheist can feel slighted about Christianity, and get all forms of it stamped out, but if a Christian speaks the name of Jesus, it's a problem. People wonder why America is in the shape it's in? When you remove God out of schools and society, this mess is what you get.

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.