Oct 15, 2014

God Less America

The LGBT strikes again. The City of Houston demands that pastors turn over sermons dealing with homosexuality, and gender identity. Look, it's one thing to attack Christianity outright, but to disguise it as "equality" is foolish. Understand this: I'm NOT promoting hate against homosexuals/lesbians or transgender folks, but I have to take a stand here. True equality involves equal rights for ALL, not a select few. The gay community needs to keep it real, and just say that they're trying to stamp out Christianity. They're too scared to be honest and say, "We're trying to eliminate Christianity", so by dressing it under so-called "equality", that'll take some of the heat off. The only issue is that most people can see right through this. If there was a time for the church to stand up, that time is now. Homosexuals are serious about forcing their lifestyle on society, so Christians should be just as vigilant about their beliefs.
Why should pastors be forced to turn over sermons dealing with homosexuality? Last time I checked, pastors are protected under the same 1st Amendment rights as others, so if pastors want to speak against homosexuality, that's their right. It's not that pastors are speaking against the homosexual, they're against their sin. It goes back to what I said in a previous blog, Christians can love the sinner, but hate the sin. Pastors are called by God to preach the truth according to God's word, and homosexuality goes against everything God stands for. The problem is that pastors are scared to keep it real. They don't want to lose half their congregation, so they preach milk-toast sermons instead of realizing that sometimes, you have to preach the uncompromising truth according to God's word. Looking at the state of America today, I'd say God Less America is a good title.

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.