Apr 8, 2014

Project Woman

It takes a special woman to realize a man's potential, and help him make his potential reality. Not many women will work with a struggling man (through no fault of his own) because they expect a man to have his stuff together before he steps to her. I can understand having your stuff together before getting into a relationship, because nobody has the patience to help someone who's struggling. Most struggles are of our own doing, others are through no fault of our own. Many people had to struggle to get where they are today, so they should know how it feels to NOT have someone give them a chance. Everybody has their choice to take a chance on someone or not, but once that person makes it, everybody wants to be around them. They weren't shooting in the gym with you, but want to celebrate your championship victory.
What is a woman's motive for helping a struggling man come up? As stated in the beginning, most women want to see their man succeed, so if she has the connections to make it happen for him, she invests in him. Once he makes it, she lights up because she was the catalyst behind his success. Then again, some women have ulterior motives behind helping a man come up. Think about it: At any given time, she can hold that over his head. Women are very good at remembering what they've done for their man, so she can easily pull out that weapon to use in an argument. Even the most stand-up women aren't above hitting below the belt. She can easily say, "I Made You!". He can't say anything because she's telling the truth. She did make him.
The message behind this topic is to have your own, man or woman. Once you earn your own, no one can ever take that away from you. While it's good to accept help from someone who's where you want to be, it's even better when you incorporate what they've taught you and take off running. They've given you the tools, you do the rest.

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.