Apr 9, 2014

Will You Marry Me? In 1 year or less.

I hear of couples that have gotten engaged in a year or less, and I ask myself: What's the rush? Getting to know someone takes longer than a year, and you're going to propose to them based on lovey-dovey feelings? That's silly to me, but to each their own. It's easy to get to know a person's good side, but when their bad side shows him, that high wears off. I couldn't propose to my lady after a year or less of knowing her. Even if I know what to look for (which I do), I believe in taking things slow. We have plenty of years ahead of us, so slow down ma'am. There's a reason why half of first marriages end in divorce, and I'm willing to wager that haste (among other factors) had something to do with it. It seems like nobody wants to wait anymore, everyone rushing into marriage.
There are couples that have gotten married a year after meeting each other, and are doing very well. I salute those couples because they obviously hit it off to take a big step so soon. Seldom does a couple hit it off and end up married a year later, but I know it happens. A couple should take a minimum of 2 years to get to know each other before becoming engaged. I say 2 years because that gives you enough time to find out as much about them as possible. You see them at their best & worst, and in between. 2 years is enough time to figure out if you are compatible with that person, something that can't be accomplished in a year or less. The first year is the lovey-dovey phase, where you're so enamored with that person that you see no wrong.
Once the lovey-dovey phase wears off, you really see where your partner stands. When the money's drying up, are they down for the long haul? It's easy to stick around when the money pours like the Mississippi. The love is tested in sickness & health, rich or poor, etc. People need to think marriage through very carefully before making that leap. You cannot know everything about a person in one year or less. Getting to know someone is a lifetime affair, one that shouldn't be taken lightly.

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.