Apr 7, 2014

Marrying Like My Father

If women marry men like their father, then that explains why some women are unmarried. Marinate on that for a minute. It's understood that a girl will marry a man like her father. If her father is a stand-up guy, that's what she gravitates to because that's what she was exposed to. Conversely, if her father was a dog, then either she will marry a no-good man or would rather not marry at all. Can you honestly blame a woman for not wanting to marry like her father, especially if he was foul? No. She's been through a lot, so she doesn't want anymore headaches. It breaks my heart to see good women get hurt by no-good men, and these good women turn bitter because many of them didn't know what to do with a good man because she wasn't exposed to that coming up.
You have dads who have raised upstanding women to know what to look for in a man. As time passes, these women don't want marriage. Why? Because marriage is a big responsibility. A friend pointed out to me (I still find it hard to believe) that many women aren't naturals at wifely duties. How some women can't be good at women roles is beyond me, but I digress. Anyway, a woman doesn't have to be a wife in order to have basic housekeeping skills. Every (wo)man has the right to NOT want marriage, and that's fine. I've said this long ago and it bears repeating: Not everyone is cut out for married life. If more people were honest with themselves about their desires for marriage, the divorce rate for first marriages wouldn't be 50%.
While many women marry men like their father, there are those who marry the opposite of him. For example, a woman can have a deadbeat father and decide to marry the opposite. She's tired of being hurt, so she's determined NOT to marry someone like dad. I salute those women for wanting better than what they had, and taking steps to correct. Just because a woman grew up with a sorry father, doesn't mean she has to repeat the cycle. She can look at the kind of man her father is, and marry opposite.

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.