Apr 4, 2014

Question: Equal Contribution

The following question was posted by The King-maker Michael-Cordele Rolle: If a single man moves in with a single mother of 3 (they have yet to get married), what percentage should he contribute to household expenses if they make the same amount of money?
My Answer: Before I answer the question, I have to say this: Why would a single man with his own income move in with a single mother? That doesn't sound right to me, but it happens. Some of these men move in with the mother and children, he eats them out of house and home and he contributes nothing. The sad thing about it is that some women allow it! The only reason I can come up with is he wants a free ride. Assuming he has a good rapport with her, she won't require that he contribute to household expenses. He's eating for free and has a warm bed to come home to every day after work. Throw in some loving, and he's living like a king. If they make the same amount of money, I think there should be equal contribution. She pays half of the expenses, he pays the other half.
It's unrealistic to think that moving in with a woman who has kids somehow let's him off the hook for taking care of them. The kids will be part of the arrangement. That's why it's best to just avoid the situation altogether if he isn't willing to deal with the children as his own. Anytime a man moves in with a woman with kids, there will be an expectation that he contribute in some way. Very few, if any women will let a single man live with them free & clear; throw in children and that's a different ball game. I think some women are so desperate for companionship that they'll settle for a man in their home, just to say she has someone. If money is more important than peace of mind, more power to her. Any mother with good moral character will care more about her children before you.
 This was a good comment: Kala Brown It's a man's responsibility to provide food & shelter for his wife or woman if they decide to live together. When you make the decision to move in with a woman, you're basically saying I'm ready to assume the responsibility of her & whatever comes along.

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.