Apr 12, 2014

Amazon: I'll Give You $5,000 To Quit

I read an article about Amazon paying disgruntled employees $5,000 to quit. The premise behind this pay-to-leave strategy is that if you don't like your job or the company, leave. How many people are foolish enough to take this offer? In the back of my mind, I'm thinking set-up. If people voluntarily walk off and take the money, that saves them from any paperwork & severance pay. If some employees take the money, there's no unemployment obligations for the state & the company gets a tax write-off. For Amazon, it's a win-win. Thinking deeper, this could be a test to see who's loyal to the company. Many employees have no loyalty to their employers, and with good reason: Many companies aren't loyal to their employees. Layoffs are prevalent in this economy, and even the best employees aren't immune.
Why should employees be loyal to a company that cares nothing about their welfare? Employers forget that employees are the backbone of the company. Without dedicated employees, the C-level executives would have to do their jobs, in addition to what the employees do daily. If employers want employee loyalty, show appreciation for the people who help build your company. Given how tough finding a job in this economy, people better be thankful they have one, even if they don't like it. If you don't like your job, use it as a stepping stone to something better. Keep doing what you're supposed to do, and look for another job on your own time. Many employers are looking for any reason to let someone go, and if it means paying money to do so, that's what they do.
If I enjoy my job & it's a good fit, I'm staying right where I'm at, because I may not find another job better than what I have now. I understand giving disgruntled employees a way out because you don't want them to drag morale down. Then again, that employee should've done enough homework to know if they would like the company or not prior to accepting the employment offer.

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🤦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.