Apr 11, 2014

I Want A Man, & I Need Him Now!

Today's topic is a play on an old JG Wentworth commercial: The commercial states: It's My Money And I Need It Now! Flipping the script, I say: Some women want a man, and they need him now. I read a Facebook post from a woman that used to be content being single, but now she's getting desperate for a man. First off, why switch now? You're fine being alone and all of a sudden you want someone in your life. I've said it before, and I'll say it again: Learn how to be alone before you can be with someone. Use the alone time to work on yourself. I can't stand some (wo)men that are so desperate for a (wo)man, they'll sacrifice their principles. The first person that comes along, you fall head over heels for them. Never mind them having a life before & after you; you just want someone to have on your arm. When you get desperate for a (wo)man, you act thirsty and that turns many people off. You're thinking with your hormones, and tend to throw caution to the wind.
I'm not saying it's wrong to desire someone to spend your life with; humans were designed for companionship. What I'm saying is that a (wo)man shouldn't get so caught up in finding someone that (s)he compromises their principles. What you require of someone, you throw your standards out the window as soon as a pretty young thing comes along. Never mind that oftentimes, wolves appear in sheep's clothing. Sometimes, a toxic person will come as a stand-up (wo)man just to get close to you. Once they wear you down, that's when their toxic nature comes out. I suppose many people talk a big game about being content with singleness, but after careful thought...those same folks realize that a committed relationship could be a blessing.
It's ok to want someone to spend the rest of your life with, but needing them is a different story. What if God wills you to be single forever? Are you going to go against his will, or is (s)he going to continue fighting hard to have someone in their life?

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.