Mar 17, 2014

You're That Chick

You're That Chick: Destroying a family because you can't get your own man, knowing good and well he's not leaving his wife. You're just a side piece to him.
You're That Chick: Sleeping her way to the top because she can't get there on talent and hard work.
You're That Chick: First one to say she doesn't like drama, but always in the midst of it.
You're That Chick: Telling a man what his role is, but when he tells a woman what her role is, it's a problem.
You're That Chick: Posting all your drama on Facebook, then get upset when people judge you.
You're That Chick: Complains about thirsty men in her inbox, but her pics have her bent over with her butt tooted in the air. She brought that on herself.
You're That Chick: Being combative with men, but want to cower when he puts you in your place, and dares you to move.
You're That Chick: Faithfully tuning into Scandal Thursday evening, but don't know how to cook.
You're That Chick: Teaching your son how to "beat it up". I believe that's called incest. Ewwww.
You're That Chick who thinks it's cute to have your little girl cussing up a storm. No, it's not. I'm sick of seeing these videos of little ghetto children cursing like grown folks. That's not hot, and never was.
You're That Chick who thinks she can raise a boy into a man. Look at all these effeminate young men, and I ask how's that working out for you?
You're That Chick who would rather spend $500 on weave than your child(ren).
*If all of these make a woman "that chick" then she needs to do some serious soul-searching. Being "that chick" is nothing to be proud of.


  1. Omg ! You better say that !!

    1. Women say "I'm That Chick" like it's a badge of honor.

  2. If you check yes to one of these then your not a woman your still a little girl trapped in a woman body

    1. There's far too many little girls posing as grown women.


Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.