Mar 10, 2014

Powerful Revelation About Prayer

This was posted on Kala Brown's wall. It's long, but worth the read. Read On:
Last week, I had a conversation with my brother Ivan Christopher about prayer. He happened to mention that someone recently told him that they would pray for him, and he asked them not to. When I asked why he refused the prayer, Ivan said, "Because I don't know the spirit from which that man prays. And, he might be sending me negative energy without me knowing it."

This very interesting. The power of prayer comes not from the conscious section of the mind, but the subconscious. In many people, the two are not in alignment. For example, a person whose idea of GOD and prayer are based on suffering and struggle, might make a prayer as follows:

"Dear God, please help (insert name here). I know he has been struggling with debt, and is in a bad place. He is dealing with problems and issues that he needs to overcome, please help him. I know we are not worthy. But, please help him get out of his struggle. Please help him get away from the pain. Please help him get out of poverty...."

This prayer may have good conscious intentions. But, the subconscious mind (which is responsible for sending out the energy of prayer) does not process negation. In other words, it feeds off of the imagery that the person praying is painting. So, the above prayer is more than likely generating the energy of struggle, debt, bad placement, problems, issues, pain, and poverty. When this energy is focused on another, it is working to activate that energy in that person's life. And, the stronger the emotion (energy motion) is from the person praying, the more powerful the energy.

The best prayers come from a space of power and faith. So, if you're going to pray for someone, be sure that you are sending that type of energy out. Try something like:

"In the Name of (insert your label for GOD here), I command that a spirit of triumph comes over (insert name here)! I send powerful vibrations of wealth and success in his direction! Send this brother the power of wisdom and discernment, so that he can overcome anything in his path! We are made in YOUR Image and Likeness, thus are endowed with the power to create! Help this brother to utilize YOUR Creative Force to better his life. I know he can overcome anything. I know he has the power to achieve great wealth..."

That is virtually the same prayer. But, the polarity is much different. So, before you let a person pray for you, be sure that the energy that (s)he is sending to you will be positive, productive, and empowering. And, if you pray for another, you be sure to to the same. Otherwise, you just may be unconsciously helping to keep a person in the same space that you are trying to pray them out of. ~Wize Shabazz
Great Read, and puts prayer in perspective. While people who pray for you mean well, it's important to be in the right mindframe before you agree to let someone pray for you (and you pray for someone).


  1. A very good spiritual (not religious) perspective about prayer!

    1. You got it. Prayer is a powerful tool, and should be used wisely.


Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🤦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.