Mar 18, 2014

I'm Bossy-Kelis

Back in '06, Kelis dropped the song "I'm Bossy" The theme is to empower women to be more assertive. Many women carry that over into their relationships with men, and wonder why they can't keep one. Unless the man is a simp (there are weak men who actually like bossy women), no real man wants a bossy woman. Men are strong-willed and tough, and if you put a bossy woman into the mix, there will be friction because both man and woman will want their way. There can never be two chiefs in a relationship because of the inevitable conflict. It's somewhat acceptable for a man to be bossy because men are authoritative by nature, but for a woman to be bossy...that's not hot. I'm not saying she has to be a doormat (most women wouldn't go for that), but there's a fine line between assertive and demanding.
Ever since "I'm Bossy" came out, women have eaten this song up like a buffet. Regular women from time to time scream I'm Bossy. I don't have time to deal with a bossy woman because no matter what I do for her, it may never be good enough. A bossy woman will have a man jump through many hoops just because. No one has time for that. If a man wants a bossy woman, that's his perogative; he needs to understand that he can't complain about her being unreasonable because he chose her. Obviously, he liked her bossy nature if he slept with her. One thing's certain, I wish I would be interested in a bossy woman. I don't have to worry about that because I'm more laid-back so it's natural for me to want a laid-back woman.
I don't understand how some men LIKE bossy women, that has never clicked with me. Maybe he likes a bossy woman in the bedroom, but I digress. The only men who like domineering women are simps, and we all know simp men have no backbone. If simps want bossy women, they can have them.

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🤦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.