Mar 19, 2014

You Don't Tithe? No Help From The Church

The Bible makes mention of tithing; it states that Christians are supposed to give a tenth of their income to the church so there can be meat in the storehouse. What happens when a Christian who isn't a church member comes to the church for help? Do they get turned away or get the help they need? There's a reason why most churches have benevolence funds, because members fall on hard times and those funds are a safety net. I feel like this: If you don't tithe to your place of worship, you can't come to the church for assistance. You tithe to your favorite ministries (there's nothing wrong with that), but you can't financially support your local church, and you have the audacity to reach out for help? Have several seats.
That's like coming to a party with your cup, but didn't chip in on the alcohol. Not only is that awkward, but crazy. You didn't bring any drinks, but you want to drink the alcohol. That's not going to go over well with the other patrons. Most churches will help outsiders in need, but their first priority is to their congregation. It's only fair for churches to help tithing members first, and everyone else afterwards. I think it's ridiculous for some Christians to think they're entitled to help from a church they don't go to, let alone tithe at.
Can I withdraw money from my 401K if I refuse to put money in? Can I use my ATM card if I never make a deposit? If I was in a motor cycle club and I refuse to pay dues, could I get them to fix my bike with due money? Yet, people think they can come a get money from the church house. Getting a true understanding of the word is worth more then any benevolence one can receive. Churches exist to help their members, not be everybody's sucker. If that means putting restrictions on who you help, so be it. You're not going to make everyone happy because there are some people you won't be able to help.

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.