Jul 31, 2013

Ladies, Know Your Role: By Trina Rogers

This conversation is based on a status from Trina Rogers, called Knowing Your Role As A Woman. This is her status: A woman who knows her place, never loses her position.
Renee Robertson Some women just don't get this..
Trina BabyTee Rogers So very true Renee! Traditions have been distorted, and principles have no value anymore. I hear women saying they will submit to God and His will for their lives, but they won't submit to the man that God sent to them and what He created specifically for them. Submit doesn't mean being a doormat or a slave. It means the woman acknowledges the role the man has in a relationship and is willing to help him to achieve and succeed for both in the partnership.
Richard Hudson School these wayward women Trina BabyTee Rogers. It's funny though, because if a woman can't submit to God's ordained man for her life, how can she expect to submit to God and his will for her life? NO BUENO.
Trina BabyTee Rogers Exactly Richard!! They get caught up in "whom" they are submitting to, not why!
Renee Robertson Women have a problem letting a man lead and quite truthfully a lot of men want to lead in certain areas and want to fall back in others...It doesn't work like that! You need to be the man of the house and if a woman can't let him be just that she's either with the wrong man or needs to stay single a little longer until she gets it. I have a strong personality and very strong willed, and if you let me walk over you, its a turn off and I can't do it! If you can't speak up for yourself, you damn sure won't be able to speak for me!!
Richard Hudson There can't be two chiefs in a relationship. If you have two strong personalities in a relationship, you two will clash. It's best to have one strong-willed person, and the other be a combination of strong and meek (not pushover, but speaking up when it counts).
Trina BabyTee Rogers The woman can be as strong as a man. She just needs to realize when to use that strength and never use it against him. The man wants to know that when he isn't there she can hold down the home and family.
Richard Hudson Right. Many women lose sight of this. No man wants a woman that can't hold it down in his absence.
Renee Robertson That's where the right man comes to play Richard and being ready for him.. A strong woman will submit to man she feels deserving when she's ready!
Richard Hudson Of course Renee. A woman should never submit to a man that hasn't proven himself. That's why many women have issues with submission, they submit to the wrong clowns who aren't about nothing.

Jul 30, 2013

A Liar Is Dangerous

If the Brian Banks story has taught anyone anything, it should be that A Liar Is Dangerous. Why are liars dangerous? Because a liar can't be trusted. Someone's life could be at stake, and the difference between life & death could lie in a liar's testimony. If they tell a fib, the alleged offender goes free, but if they tell the truth, the offender is locked up for life. I read instances on how people have lied on someone in revenge. Want examples? Here's one. A woman and her husband are engaged in a bitter divorce, citing irreconcilable differences. Each has a sizeable amount of assets. If memory serves me, alimony favors women because sometimes, women enter a relationship with less than their men, so the courts look at it like; she needs such & such amount to survive, so we're taking half of everything this man has worked for. She's not satisfied, so she's looking to take him for everything (or close to it) he has. When a person's been wronged, most times they're looking for revenge. Why wouldn't they? They want the other person to hurt just like they do/did. For anyone not familiar with Brian Banks, let me get you up to speed. Falcons LB Brian Banks was falsely accused of rape, and did 10 years for a crime he didn't commit. He was released not too long ago, and is looking to reestablish his football legacy. For him not to have ill feelings towards his accuser, speaks volumes about his character. I don't know too many people that would take being falsely accused lightly, and rightfully they shouldn't. When your life is on the line, you're supposed to fight. We must not allow anyone to front on us, and we not do anything about it. Me personally, I don't know if I could forgive right off bat; It would take lots of prayer for me to not hold a grudge against the lying woman. You can forgive, but not forget; otherwise, what's the use of having gone through that ordeal? That's crazy to me. There are real-life examples of people being falsely accused; having done 10, 20 years before they're found innocent. By that time, it's too late. Being falsely accused of a crime, and having to do a bid, only to be found innocent years later does something to your psyche. No amount of money can make up for lost time. Your kids are grown or almost grown, so that means you missed out on graduations (high school & college), and other milestones. You didn't ask to be falsely accused, someone decided to be spiteful and frame you. The worst kind of liar(s) is one in authority. The reason why liars in authority are extra dangerous is because your livelihood is oftentimes in their hands. They don't need a reason to dislike you, they just don't like you. These people go to great lengths to get you fired, written up, etc. all because you're a threat to them. One day, you find yourself unemployed through no fault of your own, many times a spiteful supervisor finally succeeded in getting you fired. It's gravy though, because it's a blessing. You no longer have to experience that nonsense, though the aftereffects linger for quite sometime. Every person you come in contact with, you assume they are foul because of past experiences. Those are instances where a liar is dangerous. Like the elders say, if you lie, you'll steal.

Jul 29, 2013

Random Thought

It must be said. Adam, you idiot! How can you let Eve trick you into eating the forbidden fruit? Adam & Eve were given dominion over the Garden Of Eden. They had their selection of the choiciest fruit. God told them they could eat of every tree EXCEPT one...The Tree of the Knowledge Of Good & Evil. There's a reason why God commanded them NOT to eat the forbidden fruit. Forbidden fruit is just that, FORBIDDEN. It looks pleasing on the outside, but one bite of that forbidden fruit, and it doesn't bode well. When Adam & Eve disobeyed God, and ate from the tree of Good & Evil, Adam tried to play it off and say "That woman you gave me, she ate the fruit first, and then I ate." Yes, Eve did eat the fruit first, BUT Adam being the head should've checked Eve, and told her "Look, God ordered us not to eat from the tree of Good & Evil; we shouldn't do this." Eve allowed the serpent Lucifer to deceive her, and she deceives Adam. Because of their disobedience, sin came into this world, and that's why we have the BS we do today. Let's be real, God ordained man as the head, right? Right. A man's job is to keep order under his watch, by any means necessary. If there's anyone under his command that will not abide by established guidelines, he must do whatever's necessary to maintain order, even if he must terminate a member of his team. This goes double for husbands & wives. If a man asserts authority (within reason), and his woman refuses to submit, he should banish her on sight. Usually, rebellious women will show better than tell that they will not submit, even if the man is leading honorably. This is why it's important for a man to screen who he puts on his team. A coach's job is to motivate, and encourage his players. How can he do that, and much of his time is spent trying to get wayward players in line. Adam is symbolic of most men today; never want to take responsibility for what happens under their watch. True, no matter how stand-up a man is, and he leads correctly, there are some people that just won't do right. Those are ones he doesn't need to put on his team. This goes out to deflective men: If you want to wear the crown, take responsibility for the ups & downs.

Jul 25, 2013

Panties or Pants?

I'm going somewhere with this, so hold on. Panties Or Pants? I'm asking this question because there's a caliber of women that wear both. What I mean is that some women have forgotten how to be ladies, but they're content with wearing the pants in the relationship. These women seek out simps (weak men) because they know her man won't check her wayward behavior, and let her talk crazy to him. He sits there looking stupid, because he's dependent on her for survival. There is no way a woman should wear the pants in a relationship. It's a reason God has established order for men and women. God has guidelines for men on how they should conduct themselves, and God also holds women accountable. A woman must feel uncomfortable wearing the panties and pants in a relationship. Then again, some women like being the man & woman. To those types, we call them hermaphrodites. Fellas: There can be one woman, that must not be you. A man is to embrace manly wisdom. Ladies: There can be one man, it cannot be you. Embrace womanhood, and everything it entails. The problem is that men are too comfortable being women, and women are comfortable being men. When was it acceptable for an able-bodied man to sit home doing nothing? He's home chilling, while his woman is grinding at work. At most, he'll leave home at 8am, and come back at 5pm; acting like he put in a full day's work. The ladies are no better, because some of them act more manly than men, and that ought not be. Some men will do anything for their woman. Unfortunately, women see this as a sign of weakness, and then before a man knows it, his woman's wearing the pants in the relationship. When it comes to relationships, the ideal situation involves communication and equal partaking in both the decision-making and responsibilities. But this is not the case with most couples. In general, it is usually one spouse who ultimately takes control. From a Christian standpoint, the man is the CEO of the home, and the wife is second-in-command. This arrangement ensures that God's order is being followed. I'll leave you with this: If women are wearing the pants, and the panties, what is the man wearing?

Jul 24, 2013


1. Chicago has long had violence issues, so why all of a sudden is Chicago in the news for murders? We get it, mass shootings & murders are commonplace. No need to constantly report that 50+ people were shot & killed.
2. Stevie J (Love & Hip Hop Atlanta) is doing the most. He's got Mimi and Joseline wrapped around his finger. When he says jump, they ask how high.
3. There's a time & place for everything: A time for laughter & grief, a time for jokes and seriousness, a time for grinding, and a time to relax. You get where I'm going with this?
4. Why is it that seemingly all singers get hooked on drugs? You have fame & fortune, and throw it away because you want to puff, puff, pass.
5. It's hard for most people to trust, because they have taken so many L's in life.
6. Sometimes, God will take you through storms in your childhood, so you can become a strong (wo)man.
7. You have to go back 60 years in order to find good music. Today's music is fecal matter.
8. When it comes to food, I'm not picky. As long as it tastes good, I'm all in.
9. Jay-Z, Stevie Wonder, Usher, and other artists are boycotting Florida because of our Stand Your Ground Law. Florida will go on with(out) them. Besides, millions of tourists will continue coming to Florida for vacation.
10. When you say, "I'll do anything", be ready for someone to hold you to that.
11. Some people want the fame and glory right now. They want the high paying job, want the perfect relationship, want the success now. But what seeds have you sewn to yield that crop? Thankfulness and humility goes a long way.
12. Going to the gym is my time to get away from everything & everyone. When I'm working out, I have no worries.
13. Ever since Lebron James said "I ain't got no worries". I try to adopt that motto to my life.
14. In order to prosper, you may have to leave your stagnant environment. For example: If you're looking for a decent job, and can't find one where you're at, look elsewhere.
15. Why are some people afraid to step out on faith? The worst that can happen is *gasp* THINGS FALL INTO PLACE!

Jul 23, 2013

Real Talk In 140 Characters Or Less

1. Men who say we need to heal our women, are the very ones who hurt them.
2. When a woman says she wants a man who can "handle" her, she means tolerate her disrespect, and he not check her.
3. Constant prayer for things to be alright means nothing without actually putting in WORK for it. The Bible says, faith without works is dead.
4. Making cornball moves like getting rid of Nate Robinson guarantees the Bulls will NEVER see another championship. Nate Robinson had heart.
5. Just like you can be fed God's word under the right ministry, you can be fed poison under the wrong ministry.
6. Some blacks raise hell on Trayvon Martin's behalf, but go back to shooting each other in the streets over perceived disrespect. Yes, way to go. MLK would be proud.
7. Everybody is scared to come to Florida, because of the Stand Your Ground Law. Interesting, because other states have similar laws, and people still visit those. That's fine, Florida will continue prospering with(out) a select few.
8. There can only be one chief, and one Indian. If you have two or more chiefs, each will try to push their agenda.
9. Employers complain about the lack of qualified candidates; Of course some employers are going to complain, because employees won't allow companies to lowball them.
10. I wonder if I can have my own reality show; think about it, I get paid $500,000 per episode to make a fool of myself on national TV.
11. Some women expect a man to be complete before stepping to her, but she won't help him come up.
12. Some people have a knack for selectively quoting the Bible. They quote scripture when it suits them.
13. Since when did church become a social club?
14. When a man tells the truth about a woman, he should expect deflection, and attacks on his manhood and/or sexuality.
15. When you have responsibilities, you don't have time to dream. Dreaming is what you did when you were a child.

Jul 22, 2013

Church Beef

 "I Told You So" isn't one of my favorite phrases, but I utter it from time to time. This is what I don't like: Whenever a church split happens, half or 3/4 of the congregation follows a pastor to his new church. The former pastor badmouths the church, and those who still attend. Ok, if you started a new church, why are you still hating on the old church you left? That's stupid. Are you that bitter because the pastor of your old church hasn't given you the time of day? He refuses to speak ill of you, because his focus is on HIS OWN CHURCH. If I'm a pastor, and I have a successful ministry; I'm not worried about what the next pastor is doing. My focus is on being a shepherd to my congregation, feeding them God's Word, so they can go out and make disciples. If a pastor wants to badmouth another pastor, that's his decision. Understand that he's contributing to the lack of souls being won for God's Kingdom. Unsaved people come to your church looking to get fed, and you go on tirades about how this and that church did you wrong. What message are you sending to the unsaved? Better yet, what does that say to your congregation? No one in their right mind would sit under a ministry that a pastor shoots venom out of their mouth, at least I wouldn't. Just like you can get fed God's word under the right ministry, you can get fed poison under the wrong ministry. Looking for a church is just as important as choosing who to spend your life with, what college you're going to, which job to take, etc. You wouldn't buy the first car you see (unless you already did your homework, and that car has what you're looking for.), so why would you just follow man? That's the problem with some Christians, they idolize man instead of God. When your focus is on a pastor instead of God, God will remove that pastor. He wants all eyes on Him. All these Christians who sit under a poisonous pastor are blind. They don't have sense enough to get out from that church, and look for another church. You want to know why? Finding a church that preaches accountability, and growing in God is TOO MUCH LIKE RIGHT.

Jul 19, 2013

People First, Things Second

Question From A Friend: I have a question. Several men from facebook have asked when am I coming to see them, a couple offered to send me tickets. None have been my type. For one, my type wouldn't ask. He would come to me. Anyway, I haven't expressed that sort of interest, and I don't catty myself like that online. What gives?
MY RESPONSE: Simple. They want to enjoy your company. Doesn't matter if they're not your type, you never turn down free tickets, especially if they're paying. On to my sermon. I hear many people say People First, Things Second. What does that statement mean to me? To me, that means you value people over posessions, which is how it should be. Posessions will fade away, but people will remain forever, in most cases. Let me speak on People First, Things Second from a relationship standpoint. When two people are getting to know each other, they engage in small talk, along with probing questions. The probing questions are designed to gauge his/her outlook on life, their beginning, and how that has shaped the way they view the world, etc. An established (wo)man seeks a likeminded person, but also wants to be a husband/wife, and eventually have children. When family comes into the picture, a man's priorities change. It's not about going out with the fellas every night, it's about being there for your family so you can provide them with guidance through life's turbulent waters. A man's identity is tied with being a provider. Even the Bible states that a man who doesn't provide for his family is worse than an unbeliever. Many men don't understand that provision isn't necessarily about finances, but providing time, affection, and guidance to those under you. Once you (the man) are gone, your family is left to carry on your legacy. A man can leave a good or bad legacy for his family. A bad legacy involves a man putting his job ahead of his family; he's so focused on trying to move up the ladder, that his family is put on the backburner. The wife gets lonely, and may resort to adultery (which I don't condone, but I see why it happens). The kids wonder why dad's never home, and start doubting his love for them. Over time, the children become accustomed to their father being a workaholic, that they could care less whether he's there or not. A good legacy involves a man being there for his family, even at the expense of his job. He has the choice of missing his daughter's school play or son's football game in lieu of a big work project, that carries major implications: Big promotion with a 30% raise, with an appearance in Who's Who Magazine For Executives. The father puts his children first, even if he may not get that big raise by taking on that project. For him, seeing his children smile is far more important. It boils down to priorities: What a person values, goes into how they conduct their lives.

Jul 18, 2013

Respect Yourself

I approve this message 100%. If a woman doesn't respect herself, she can't expect a man to respect her. Respect will always be a 2-way street. The respect factor goes double for a couple in a committed relationship. What woman wants to spend her life with a man who doesn't respect her? No Bueno. Then again, some women have low self-esteem that they will tolerate disrespect from her man, so she won't have to be alone. Usually, these women are tired of being alone so they settle for a no-good man. I feel like this: A disrespectful woman DOES NOT deserve respect from anyone, let alone a man. Look at her ratchet conduct, and tell me you would respect a woman who's acting out of character. I have a hard time respecting women WHO don't behave in a worthy manner. It's very simple: To get respect, you have to earn it. There are some women who believe ALL women deserve respect, regardless of how ratchet she is. I have a hard time following logic like this. I appreciate the loyalty of some women, but the stand-up women can easily become tainted by the unruly ones. There's a saying that I go by, and it fits: The majority dictates the whole. Simply put, if the majority of people are foul, then the entire population is foul, even if a select few don't partake in foolishness. Stand-up women who condone disrespectful women are not a good look; What fellowship does light have with darkness? NONE. If you're condoning the actions of disrespectful women, then that means you support ratchet behavior; most likely you partake of such behavior yourself. In case some people forget the text in the picture, I will repeat myself: It's a man's job to respect a woman, BUT it's a woman's job to give him something to respect. Then again, I steer clear of nonsense, so that's why I don't have the conundrums of most people. I respect those who respect me; that will never change. Flipping the script, some women respect themselves and those around them, and many stand-up women STILL get disrespected by some men aka clowns. It's a Catch 22.

Jul 17, 2013

Socialite vs. Homebody, Can It Work?

Shout Out to Jeannine Carswell for this topic. If there's any definition of opposites, it's the Socialite/Homebody relationship. A socialite someone who participates in social activities and spends a significant amount of time entertaining, and being entertained at fashionable events attended by others of similar standing. Socialites are often in the top 1-2% income bracket, so in a sense, they can afford to participate in social events. A homebody is a person who prefers home-based activities; they're a stay-at-home person. If there's a good example of opposites, it's the socialite/homebody relationship. Socialites like to be out & about, whereas homebodies prefer home activities. Homebodies aren't concerned with being seen, although their relationships center around those of similar standing. Can a homebody and socialite work? Yes & No. Yes, because if they have a common goal, and are willing to work towards that purpose; they should be able to have a successful relationship. No, because the homebody may want to spend time with a socialite (wo)man, and if (s)he has to compete for time, that poses a problem. Socialites have many demands on their time, that I'm willing to guess many of them are unmarried. Homebodies have periods where they are out & about, but much of their time is spent at home. A homebody's best bet is to seek out a likeminded person. They can spend all their time in the confines of their home. There is someone for everyone, let's make that clear. Just like socialites are better suited for socialites because fellow socialites understand time committments, the same applies for homebodies. Only in extreme cases can socialites and homebodies work, because both parties take time to understand each other's lifestyles. It takes a lot of understanding on both sides, and many people don't have the patience for it.

Jul 16, 2013

Justice For All? I Can't Tell

Anyone who has recited the Pledge Of Allegiance, knows the last sentence: One Nation Under God, With Liberty, & Justice For All. In a perfect world, there would be Justice For All, but we live in a flawed society so you do the math. When I think of Justice For All, I envision JUSTICE FOR ALL. That's what the statement is supposed to mean, right? Wrong. As evidenced in the Trayvon Martin trial, the facts can be in your favor and you still get no justice. What are you supposed to do then? Keep fighting for justice. Trayvon Martin's parents have filed a civil suit against Zimmerman, and they should. Don't let this slide; Not Guilty doesn't mean the case is over. When it comes to your family, you can't let things slide. You have to fight for your family because no one else will. Trayvon Martin's parents are in my prayers, that they will get some kind of justice for their son. Even though the criminal justice system failed them, they still have some hope. Only this time, I hope things work out for the Martins. People are expected to have faith in a flawed criminal justice system, because IT'S THE LAW. Well, how can one have faith in something that's proven to favor a select few? Let me explain: Two people commit the same crime (one black, and working class; one is white and in the top 1% of incomes.) They are charged with 1st degree murder, let's say the black killed someone in self-defense (similar to the way Zimmerman did Trayvon). The evidence clearly shows the black man killed in self-defense, whereas the white man deliberately shot someone. Who do you think is going to get off? The white person, because he will be able to afford top-notch legal representation. It's true that with the right amount of money, you can buy the best of anything, including legal representation. Sorry, but the black person will be charged with 1st degree murder, even though he has a strong case, and all evidence points to him shooting in self-defense. I can seriously understand why some blacks have little to no faith in the criminal justice system, because it has been slighted towards African-Americans for the longest. It's mess like this that's why I don't want to bring children in this world. I do NOT want my kid(s) subjected to wanton foolishness, and unfairness. I just pray that no other parent has to endure what Trayvon Martin's parents are going through.

Jul 15, 2013

R.I.P. Trayvon Martin

Trayvon Martin was destined for greatness, until he was snuffed out by George Zimmerman.
This is a poem I penned when Trayvon was first slain. R.I.P...

No justice

Gunned down like a dog
Not even a threat
The street where he walked
Now bloody and wet

Could be my son or your son
Does anyone care?!
This cross of injustice
We ALL have to bear

Shout from the hilltop
Scream in the valley
Our babies are hunted
Too many to tally!

Not bangin' or slangin'
Not harassing nobody
Please hear our cries
Acknowledge our plea!

Stand up and be counted
Someone has to act
to another life lost
We are forced to subtract.

We don't understand
We can't comprehend
They slaughter and attack us
When will it end?

This hunter, this killer,
This murderer walks free!
The same as the days
They would lynch us from a tree!

We cry till we're hoarse
And Weep til we're dry
Goodnight our sweet angel
We'll see you on high.

Jul 12, 2013

Athletes Better Wake Up

If memory serves me correctly, Siohvaughn (Wade's ex) cheated on Wade first, and tried to keep him from his children. Wade files a lawsuit, and is granted FULL custody. As time goes on, she's still seeking more money from Wade. Whenever money's involved, you figure out someone's true colors real fast: Who your true friends are, who's hanging with you for fame & fortune, etc. If I'm ever in a position of influence, I'm keeping my circle extra small, because I don't want NOBODY on my team for ulterior motives. These athletes better wake up! They get fame & fortune, and lose their senses; marrying the first woman they see, because she's attractive. Forget what her body's like, he better figure out what her character is like. I guess it's true that when a woman is scorned, she will do everything in her power to make your life hell. This is more reason for me to be thankful of my singleness, so I can avoid these issues. Wade and Gabrielle Union are happy (so far), but should things go sour between them, who's to say Gabby won't pull a similar stunt? You don't know. Wade's ex sounds greedy, I'm just saying. What happened to the money she received from the last settlement? She probably spent it on lavish items, and expensive vacations. If a rich athlete is going to marry, he needs to use extra caution in who he wants to spend his life with. There are some women who are after a man's pockets. She doesn't have to work, because he's making millions of dollars. They divorce, and she gets half. Oh, asking athletes to use wisdom before they marry the first woman they see is too much like right. Before the fame & fortune, many pro athletes weren't given the time of day by women. As soon as the fame & fortune, every woman within a 50 mile radius wants him. Here's the catch: He married a woman who was supporting him when his family didn't. She and her family took him in when he was in need, before all the money. This is just one of those situations where he decided afterward, that he wanted something (or someone else) and now he will have to deal with the consequences. I do believe if someone's family have supported your dreams, then once you blow up, they should share in your success. I do remember Wade's humble beginnings on Chicago's Southside, where he was homeless. I respect Wade's rags to riches story, and he deserves his success. I do think the ex-wife needs to pull herself together and move on. As long as he does right by their kids, that is all she can really ask for now. She being his friend, wife and mother of his children allowed him to pursue his dreams. I don't think any woman should get half, but there should be some kind of living compensation for him ending the marriage. My hope is they can be civil for their kids' sake, because the kids suffer in all of this.

Jul 11, 2013

Won't Know My Business!

Seems like everyone is coming out with a Tell-All book nowadays. A tell-all book is a story involving one or more people, and a celebrity. These people give details of their experiences with an influential person. This celebrity wines & dines him/her, they usually sleep together, etc. I don't know how some people can be so open. True, you should keep it real, but some things don't need to be disclosed. Some people are very foul, and when a disagreement arises, they use your information against you. Knowing this, KEEP YOUR BUSINESS TO YOURSELF. To me, a tell-all book is another money-maker for some people: If I sing like a song about what I did with this, that, and the third person, people will buy. After all, people like juicy details. I'm very private, so there's no way I'm airing my business on Front St. Think about it, people have access to my most private details of my life; there's no telling what their intentions are. If you want to test how foul some people are, here's a good way to do it: Tell someone your deepest secret(s), and trust them enough NOT to put you on blast. If they air you out, they're grimy and cannot be trusted. If a week or so goes by, and no one knows, they're legit. Some people can be trusted to keep secrets, others can't. Not everyone can be trusted; it's sad, but that's life. People Are People: They're going to lie, cheat, steal, mistreat you, etc. Through it all, you learn who's legit, and who's flaw. Many times, the motive behind tell all books is revenge. Someone was hurt, so they hold a grudge against the person for years, and all of a sudden: They write a tell all book, and people eat that up. The internet is notorious for this. Some people put their lives on Facebook, and they need to be careful. Do they realize something called identity theft? People steal your information and wreak havoc. I would never put my life story on Facebook, because I have sense enough to know some people have nothing better to do than blast you out, and I can't have that. If people want to know something about me, just ask. Just know, I have discretion in what I reveal about myself to people. Families warring with each other, putting their business on Twitter & Facebook, and people gobble the gossip up. That goes against everything I believe. Work out your issue(s) amongst yourselves, but don't blast each other out. That's not right, and it makes one look stupid. I could not see myself going on VH1 or BET, telling my business.

Jul 10, 2013

I'm Bothered

Because of what I've been through, not much bothers me. One thing that does bother me is a dismal statistic: 70% of people with disabilities are unemployed. That's scary. Why is it scary? Because you have a population that's dependent on taxpayer money for survival. Due to budget cuts, many support services that disabled people rely on are going to be limited or terminated. Many disabilities are hereditary, so many disabled people didn't ask to be born with a medical condition. I've always believed that life is tough, but 10x tougher with a disability, because a disabled person has to battle discrimination, ridicule (yes, there are jerks that mock disabled people), judgmental people, etc. Ask any person with a disability, and they would gladly trade places with a non-disabled person. Nobody should have the odds stacked against them early on; people with disabilities deserve the same shot as everyone else. When you have biased employers that won't give a person with a disability a chance to prove themself, you get a 70% unemployment rate among persons with disabilities. You can have two qualified employees for a position, one candidate has a disability and the other is non-disabled. The disabled person is the best candidate for the job, but the employer can't outright say "I won't hire you because of your disability." due to the Americans with Disabilities Act. Instead, employers will make excuses for why a PWD (Person With Disability) won't get the job. "It was great meeting you, and while you were very qualified for the job; we selected someone whose education, experience and skills closely match the requirements for the position." That's code for "Your disability prevents you from excelling in the position". I know how to read between the lines, so people can't get over on me. Every person with a disability WANTS to work, and should be given that shot. The only way the unemployment rate about PWD's will decrease is if employers check their biases at the door, and realize that PWD's have higher retention rates, and perform just as well as, or better than their non-disabled counterparts (http://www.strategicdiversity.com/Diversity_Statistics.htm). Employers complain about difficulty finding qualified employees, but they refuse to give a qualified person with a disability a shot to show what they can do. If you refuse to give someone a shot, you as an employer have NO RIGHT to complain about difficulty finding qualified employees. The talent is out there, but they know their worth, and won't let companies take advantage of them. Let's be real here: You have PWD's that live productive, successful lives, but that's because an employer looked past their handicap, and saw them as an asset to their company. The only other alternative is self-employment for persons with disabilities, since they are subject to widespread & severe discrimination in the workplace. Not every disabled person is lazy, so people need to cut the crap about their idiotic statements towards those with disabilities. Most PWD's would run circles around some people in the workplace.

Jul 9, 2013

Everybody Has A Price

We've all heard the saying, "Everybody Has A Price". When it comes down to it, everybody does have a price. Some people can be bought for the right price, others for the wrong price. It depends on the individual's motives. In the business world, deals are made daily. "I'll offer this amount of $, and these perks if you go into business with me." Because many people are motivated by $$$, they agree without hesitation. There are times where you jump at opportunity, others require a little finesse (meaning, you do your homework before you decide to jump). I'm not going to lie, I have a price. If someone presents an opportunity that can change my life, I'm getting excited because this opportunity has the potential to affect my life, and my loved ones. Why wouldn't I jump? Here's the catch: I pray over EVERYTHING. Yes, an opportunity may sound good, but if I don't get a peace about it; I pass, and trust that something better will come along (which it usually does). There's a time to take action, and a time to pump your brakes. Look at the cutthroat nature of Corporate America: Everybody is trying to reach the top, so what do they do? They undermine each other so the boss can look favorably upon him/her. If the boss promotes ethical behavior in his company, (s)he won't go for that foolishness. (S)he will check the backstabbing immediately because (s)he doesn't want the company to run amok. When I think of this statement, I think of a person that's willing to be bought for the right price. You offer them the world, and they're all in. How about taking bribes? A person in authority is offered a certain amount of money to overlook illegal activity, and they accept. You'd never know (s)he accepted a bribe, because bribes, by their nature are discreet. As long as the price is right, people can be bought.

Jul 8, 2013

Same Crap, Different Toilet

This is about the violence crisis in Chicago. If you've lived in Chicago for any period of time (all your life, several years, etc.), then you should be aware of Chicago's violence issue. 30 people shot, 5 dead, 46 shot, 7 dead, 74 shot, 13 dead, etc. Mass shootings/murders are so common in Chicago, that it boggles the mind as to why some Chicagoans would say "Where's the outrage?" Ok? Chicago has been bad since the 80's and early/mid 90s, and all of a sudden people want to ask, where's the outrage? Honestly, Chicagoans should be used to the violence by now. Violence is entrenched in Chicago history with the evolution of Al Capone, the Gangster Disciples, Vice Lords, etc. If you live in a violence-prone neighborhood, you should know that people get shot & die everyday. I'm not promoting violence, I'm just saying that some people should do a little research, and stop being so shocked at Chicago's violence outbreak. How many times can you report on 40 people getting shot? At some point, you get accustomed to the violence. Where was the outrage in the 80's/early 90's, when Chicago topped 800+ murders every year? Were people raising sand then? Probably Not. Unless you're on the frontlines doing something about the violence crisis in Chicago, have several seats. Just recently, I read ANOTHER mass shooting/murder headline that stated: 74 shot, 13 dead since 4th of July weekend. It's interesting I read that headline because I posted the following Facebook status on Saturday: I wonder if Chicago's violence will set new records: It's usually 7-8 dead, and 45-50 people shot. If 70-80+ people were shot, and 35-40 of them died, even the Chi would have to say "This is bonkers". It's tough to be outraged at something that's commonplace. Los Angeles and New York went through the same thing: Gangs were shooting up the block, causing those cities' murder rates to go up. It's a matter of time before Chicago sets new violence records; 74 shot, 13 dead could turn into 100+ shot, 30+ dead.

Jul 5, 2013


Some people don't know what the term self-hate means. You must hate yourself (or your own ethnicity) if you point out foolishness amongst your people. "You must hate blacks since you criticize their bad behavior" Really? So you're supposed to let foolishness go unchecked? That's news to me, why didn't I get the memo? The actions of one (or a few) reflect on the whole. For example: I live in Southeast Washington, DC; which is supposedly the pit of hell in DC (on the contrary, since gentrification is sweeping SE DC like a flood). 80% of violent crime occurs in this area, and I'm active in trying to get the area cleaned up: I speak out against the ghetto thuggery. Some people get upset with me, and say I hate myself. I'm trying to figure out what it is about you that could make me hate myself. See how silly that sounds? I was chatting with a friend on Facebook, and we discussed this very issue: Why do some blacks assume you hate yourself if you have the guts to speak out against foolishness? People kill me sometimes. My definition of self-hate is having no pride in who you are as a person. You see no good in your own, and point out the negative. That's the problem with some blacks: They want their behinds powdered, and don't want to address the issues. You can't have beauty without getting rid of the ugliness. Ugliness symbolizes foolishness & ignorance (Worldstar Hiphop, youtube videos showing blacks acting stupid, etc.). Beauty is when you see blacks prospering in life. We all know there's far too much negativity, and not enough goodness among blacks. Yet, people raised sand when Bill Cosby called out black people for their ridiculous behavior. I feel like this: When you care enough about someone or something, you point out their foolishness because you want better for them. Hopefully they'll straighten up, but some people thrive on being ratchet; they see no shame in acting stupid. Help who wants to be helped, and leave the rest to their demise.

Jul 4, 2013

I Used To Think...

There was a time where I asked myself, "How could some people go through life unmarried?" These people have everything someone could want in a spouse, but somehow love eluded them. I never thought something was wrong with him/her that is preventing them from finding love; I just believed that everyone is deserving of someone to spend their lives with. As I got older, I realized that some people are content being single; doesn't mean they can't find Mr(s). Right, it's just that they're so used to riding solo, that they're no longer concerned about finding a spouse. Some people are indifferent towards relationships; they'll be alright with or without a mate. That comes from being secure in yourself, and knowing your worth. As long as you know your worth, the rest will fall in place. Depending on someone's destiny, a relationship could be a distraction rather than blessing. Take President Obama for example: US President, husband & father. Being U.S. President is hard enough, but to have family responsibilities adds extra pressure. Sherman Hemsley played on The Jeffersons, and Amen. He was unmarried with no children, and he died at 74. Most people would think something's wrong with a person that dies unmarried and no children, but because he was an actor, it was no big deal. I believe God calls some people to marriage, others to be single. This IS NOT an attack on marriage; marriage is a beautiful thing when you're with the right person. It doesn't mean you won't go through trials, just that it's easier to get through rough times with Mr(s). Right at your side. The older I get, the more evolved my thinking becomes on certain topics. I used to see things one way, but now I'm seeing things from all angles.

Jul 3, 2013

God Did That! He Won

When I read this story, I had to cut & paste because it was good. P.S: She pushed out 4 children at once; I know her woo-ha is broke. Think of what would've happened if this man listened to the naysayers, and chose NOT to marry this woman. Read on:
A girl that is faithful to the Church with a bump on the back was going to marry a brother of the Church. People made fun of him telling him, with all the beautiful girls that are in this church, is it this girl that you want to marry? A girl with a bump? The brother replied: I love it, and also God told me clearly that she is the woman of my life. They got married, and after 3 years the brother that was nothing, had nothing and lived in poverty began to prosper in business and he teamed up with his wife and they became rich and prospered in their business, everything they touched turned into gold, they bought cars and houses. Some time ago, his wife became pregnant, and they went for an ultrasound and was told that she was pregnant with triplets. When the time of birth arrived, the doctor and the wise women were doing their job by telling the woman to push and the first, the second and third babies came out.
While she was getting ready to have a rest, the doctor told her she has another one in the belly so she should continue to push, while she did a round thing came out of her stomach, the doctor examined it and discovered that it was hump.
She straightened and could now stand up normally; there was a loud noise throughout the hospital. People gloated on all sides and gave glory to God.
When she went to the church people who laughed at her were all silent, they were shocked by the huge miracle that God did in her life:
1] a miracle of finance
2] a miracle breakthrough
3] a miracle of birth without caesarean.
4] a miracle of three bouncing baby boys
5], a miracle of healing of her bump.
6] A miracle which silenced all those who laughed at them.
Our God is wonderful!
This brother went against the grain and married this woman, despite what others told him. Now he & his family are doing very well for themselves. A Happy Ending Indeed.

Jul 2, 2013

Lord, Why Can't I Find A Good Man?

I don't mean to laugh, but I find this pic hilarious for obvious reasons. Many women pray for a good man, but when God sends one to her, she finds every reason to sabotage a beautiful relationship. Some women are so used to doggish men, they can't handle a stand-up brother who has his stuff together. According to this pic, God gets tired of answering a woman's prayer for a good man, that the caption says it all: "I sent you one. You said he didn't have enough swag. So? Yes, God has unlimited patience, but even he has limits. I feel like this, if a woman wants a good man, be a good woman. No good man wants a bad woman, and vice versa. When you pray for something, be ready for the blessing; however it comes. The problem is, some women have a manual of what they want their man to look like: 6'4, light-skinned like Boris Kodjoe, makes 6-figures, puts up with her foolishness (some women love to throw up scripture to support this argument. "A husband is not to divorce his wife" bla bla), spends money on her, great cook (some women who want their potential mates to go beast mode in the kitchen, typically can't cook, or have no desire to learn how to cook). Ok, that's great you have a manual. God sends you your desired man, but here's the curve ball: He's short, and content with his position in life. He's reached a level of success that's good enough for him. She gives this man the side eye, because she wants to take over the world, and he's content without the fame & fortune. Can she get past her hangup(s) towards him, or not? Time Will Tell. Most women can overlook a few flaws in a man, as long as he has the core values she's looking for: Compatibility, Trust, Respect, Caring, etc.

Jul 1, 2013

A Time To Fight, A Time To Chill

Ever since Adam & Eve disobeyed God, life has been a struggle. Between unemployment, and kids being born with disabilities, some people are born with a good start in life, others have the odds stacked against them. That's the mark of living in a fallen world. How much fighting does one do before (s)he wants peace? At some point, you want to kick back, and relax. No one wants to fight 24-7, I know I don't. I've been fighting all my life (still do to this day), and now I just want to kick back and relax. I want a taste of Easy Street. Then again, when your back's against the wall, you find out how strong you really are. The Bible speaks on seasons: There's a time for laughter, and a time for grief. A time to live & die, etc. Everything happens according to season. Some people experience difficulty early on in life, others experience it later. Both aren't necessarily wrong, it's just that we're all different, so each person has their own story to tell. The more battles you face, the more accustomed you become to fighting. Is this a good or bad thing? Yes & No. Yes, because testimonies come from tests. No, because you should want to have good times in life. Even the most battle-tested warriors want times of peace. They want to be able to let their guard down, and enjoy life. There was a Lizard Lick Towing episode that dealt with this very issue: Ron Shirley, owner of Lizard Lick Towing received a business proposal from a crooked businessman Lars Dixon. Lars offers Ron a hefty sum of $ if he forks over his company. Ron accepts the check, but Lars throws a curveball. The curveball was that Ron's crew would be without jobs, and after Ron realizes the mistake, he gets his company back because Ron's cousin was going undercover for Lars, feeding Ron intel about how Lars is cooking the books. Long story short, Ron had to fight hard to get his company back, and now that he has his company back: He learned that everything that glitters, isn't gold. Sometimes, you can chill too hard, and be caught off guard by a situation. At least when you were doing battle, your guard was always up so nothing could get by you. I said all that to say this: There's nothing wrong with being a fighter, but you should also want to kick back sometimes. There's a time to fight, and a time to start living. I think I want to start living.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🤦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.