Jul 31, 2013

Ladies, Know Your Role: By Trina Rogers

This conversation is based on a status from Trina Rogers, called Knowing Your Role As A Woman. This is her status: A woman who knows her place, never loses her position.
Renee Robertson Some women just don't get this..
Trina BabyTee Rogers So very true Renee! Traditions have been distorted, and principles have no value anymore. I hear women saying they will submit to God and His will for their lives, but they won't submit to the man that God sent to them and what He created specifically for them. Submit doesn't mean being a doormat or a slave. It means the woman acknowledges the role the man has in a relationship and is willing to help him to achieve and succeed for both in the partnership.
Richard Hudson School these wayward women Trina BabyTee Rogers. It's funny though, because if a woman can't submit to God's ordained man for her life, how can she expect to submit to God and his will for her life? NO BUENO.
Trina BabyTee Rogers Exactly Richard!! They get caught up in "whom" they are submitting to, not why!
Renee Robertson Women have a problem letting a man lead and quite truthfully a lot of men want to lead in certain areas and want to fall back in others...It doesn't work like that! You need to be the man of the house and if a woman can't let him be just that she's either with the wrong man or needs to stay single a little longer until she gets it. I have a strong personality and very strong willed, and if you let me walk over you, its a turn off and I can't do it! If you can't speak up for yourself, you damn sure won't be able to speak for me!!
Richard Hudson There can't be two chiefs in a relationship. If you have two strong personalities in a relationship, you two will clash. It's best to have one strong-willed person, and the other be a combination of strong and meek (not pushover, but speaking up when it counts).
Trina BabyTee Rogers The woman can be as strong as a man. She just needs to realize when to use that strength and never use it against him. The man wants to know that when he isn't there she can hold down the home and family.
Richard Hudson Right. Many women lose sight of this. No man wants a woman that can't hold it down in his absence.
Renee Robertson That's where the right man comes to play Richard and being ready for him.. A strong woman will submit to man she feels deserving when she's ready!
Richard Hudson Of course Renee. A woman should never submit to a man that hasn't proven himself. That's why many women have issues with submission, they submit to the wrong clowns who aren't about nothing.

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.