Jul 25, 2013

Panties or Pants?

I'm going somewhere with this, so hold on. Panties Or Pants? I'm asking this question because there's a caliber of women that wear both. What I mean is that some women have forgotten how to be ladies, but they're content with wearing the pants in the relationship. These women seek out simps (weak men) because they know her man won't check her wayward behavior, and let her talk crazy to him. He sits there looking stupid, because he's dependent on her for survival. There is no way a woman should wear the pants in a relationship. It's a reason God has established order for men and women. God has guidelines for men on how they should conduct themselves, and God also holds women accountable. A woman must feel uncomfortable wearing the panties and pants in a relationship. Then again, some women like being the man & woman. To those types, we call them hermaphrodites. Fellas: There can be one woman, that must not be you. A man is to embrace manly wisdom. Ladies: There can be one man, it cannot be you. Embrace womanhood, and everything it entails. The problem is that men are too comfortable being women, and women are comfortable being men. When was it acceptable for an able-bodied man to sit home doing nothing? He's home chilling, while his woman is grinding at work. At most, he'll leave home at 8am, and come back at 5pm; acting like he put in a full day's work. The ladies are no better, because some of them act more manly than men, and that ought not be. Some men will do anything for their woman. Unfortunately, women see this as a sign of weakness, and then before a man knows it, his woman's wearing the pants in the relationship. When it comes to relationships, the ideal situation involves communication and equal partaking in both the decision-making and responsibilities. But this is not the case with most couples. In general, it is usually one spouse who ultimately takes control. From a Christian standpoint, the man is the CEO of the home, and the wife is second-in-command. This arrangement ensures that God's order is being followed. I'll leave you with this: If women are wearing the pants, and the panties, what is the man wearing?

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🤦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.