Jul 9, 2013

Everybody Has A Price

We've all heard the saying, "Everybody Has A Price". When it comes down to it, everybody does have a price. Some people can be bought for the right price, others for the wrong price. It depends on the individual's motives. In the business world, deals are made daily. "I'll offer this amount of $, and these perks if you go into business with me." Because many people are motivated by $$$, they agree without hesitation. There are times where you jump at opportunity, others require a little finesse (meaning, you do your homework before you decide to jump). I'm not going to lie, I have a price. If someone presents an opportunity that can change my life, I'm getting excited because this opportunity has the potential to affect my life, and my loved ones. Why wouldn't I jump? Here's the catch: I pray over EVERYTHING. Yes, an opportunity may sound good, but if I don't get a peace about it; I pass, and trust that something better will come along (which it usually does). There's a time to take action, and a time to pump your brakes. Look at the cutthroat nature of Corporate America: Everybody is trying to reach the top, so what do they do? They undermine each other so the boss can look favorably upon him/her. If the boss promotes ethical behavior in his company, (s)he won't go for that foolishness. (S)he will check the backstabbing immediately because (s)he doesn't want the company to run amok. When I think of this statement, I think of a person that's willing to be bought for the right price. You offer them the world, and they're all in. How about taking bribes? A person in authority is offered a certain amount of money to overlook illegal activity, and they accept. You'd never know (s)he accepted a bribe, because bribes, by their nature are discreet. As long as the price is right, people can be bought.

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.