Apr 30, 2013

Simp Men: By Enigmatic Opinion

The following commentary is by Mr. Enigmatic Opinion. He goes into detail about the word Simp. Read On.
MrEnigmatic Opinion
Simp men. I don't attack this word because I just woke up one day and decided that I don't like the word "simp" or the definition behind the word. Simps exist in all races, therefore it can hardly be considered a racial issue. Black men being so-called "simps" is not the sickness, it is however, a symptom of a greater "sickness" in black men. Attacking "simp" men is like giving someone aspirin for a headache, when he actually has a brain tumor. There is a larger reason why black American men reduce their value in order to hold onto an undeserving woman. For a man to cling to an unworthy woman, and deal with her belligerence, shows an extreme lack of confidence and self esteem. Self esteem in a man is not built the same way it is built in a woman.
For instance, a man typically does not have low self esteem because of his physical appearance. A man does not have to feel "beautiful" in order to be confident in his relationship with women. Black men are "simps" because of their lack of self fulfillment in their status/position in society. Because so many black American men have few personal accomplishments. This lack of self esteem is caused by the high school dropout rates amongst black American men, high unemployment, and lack of financial independence. Their lack of confidence cannot be eliminated by calling them "simps" over and over again. A confident and successful black man is less likely to exhibit a lack of confidence in his relations with women, and a mans confidence can only be built through his own personal fulfillment and his own successes. In other words, he does not look to have a woman (make him a valuable man). Black men must seek fulfillment in intellectual obtainment and personal goals, none of which has anything to do with women. So you see, being a "simp" is not the problem, it is a symptom of a much greater issue amongst black men. To believe being a "simp" is the biggest issue, is just reducing a much larger issue to something small and petty.

Apr 29, 2013

I Don't Know What To Do

This blog is straight from the heart. Whenever a loved one dies, the first thing someone says is "I Don't Know What I'm Going To Do". Grief is healthy & natural, we all experience grief when a loved one dies.  To me, I Don't Know What I'm Going To Do signifies a crutch because it's like you're saying you can't make it without that person. It's somewhat true if they've had a positive impact on your life. I've said this many times when a loved one has passed, but I remember their wisdom and keep it moving. They wouldn't want me to dwell on their departure. Even better, most likely they gave their heart to Christ so I know they're going to Heaven (which is a much better place than THIS world we live in). I find it scary when some people utter "I don't know what to do" because it makes me wonder are they self-sufficient? Can they make it without their loved ones? It boils down to resolve. I've lost my grandma and a close family friend; these people were stand-up to the core. Whenever I was going through something, I could call them up and they knew the right words to say. Sometimes, I didn't have to tell them what's on my mind, they knew. From that day on, I try not to say "I don't know what to do" should a loved one die. I remember what they taught me, which allows me to cope with their loss. Besides, dwelling on the fact (s)he is gone IS NOT going to bring them back, so you might as well move on. It's easier said than done, but it must be done in order to begin the healing process.

Apr 23, 2013

A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words

This is a beautiful picture that I just HAD to share. The following was quoted by Facebook friend Miloe Jackson off his Grown Man Logic page: Every WOMAN deserves a GROWN MAN who calls her "Baby", KISSES like He means it.. HOLDS her like He never wants to let go.. Doesn't make Her JEALOUS of other Women, and instead makes other Women, jealous of Her.. Isn't scared to let His friends know how He really feels about feels about Her, and let's Her know how much, He really LOVES HER.

Apr 22, 2013

Monday's Proverbs

*Miami won Game 1 of the NBA Playoffs yesterday evening, putting the smackdown on Milwaukee with a 110-87 win. 1-0, let's sweep those Bucks out of Miami.
*You cannot be predator and victim at the same time. Case in point, a man goes about his business when some belligerent woman tries him. He continues minding his business, and she still won't leave him alone. A man can only take so much until he hauls off and slaps fire from her. Moral of story: Don't start what you can't finish.
*People are funny. They mistreat you, then take no responsibility for their offense. On top of that, they have the nerve to say "The Bible says forgive". Yes, the Bible says forgive, but...the Bible also says do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Or, an eye for an eye and a tooth for tooth. Watch how fast they shut up.
*Jealousy is a disease, and so many people suffer from it.
*Say that Gary!
*Miami-Dade high school football is brutal. Settle for nothing, take everything. For many kids growing up in inner-city Miami, football is their exit route out of the ghetto, so I understand why football is of utmost importance in Miami.
*You can't be the predator & victim at the same time.
*I firmly believe that every woman isn't meant for motherhood, and every man isn't meant for fatherhood. All you have to do is google stories of children being abused by their so-called parents.
Denzel will always be my favorite actor, based on his principles
Tell the truth Pastor Creflo! (Excuse the vernacular)

Apr 19, 2013

Real Talk Friday

1. Marriage is under attack. With the divorce rate topping 50% for first marriages. polygamy spreading like wildfire, and cohabitation, it won't be long before marriage dies permanently.
Quoted By Dick Johnson-The young people of today are all about themselves and are constantly wanting their spouse to wait on them hand and foot and give very little in return. Plus, they want to bail when things get a little rough and don't want to put in the WORK to have a healthy relationship. When you get two people with that same mentality in a relationship it's bound to fail. The problem is, the majority of today's generation is like that. If that mentality doesn't die, then marriage will die.
2. "Until Lions have their own historians,
tales of the hunt will always glorify the hunter."
African Proverb

3. Ball Now, Cry Later:
4. Priorities Out Of Order:
5. I hate when someone always have their hands out, get your own!
6. This Is Not Attractive By Any Means:
7. If She can do both, she's winning.
8. I salute the women who have mastered this list:
1. Respectfully communicate with him.
1a. sex. sex, sex.. sex for men is different. it is his way of physically, emotionally bonding with you. do not use sex as a tool of manipulation !
2. Let him know he’s important to you.
3. Purposefully... try to understand his feelings—even when you disagree with him.
4. Show interest in his friends giving him some time with them if they’re trust-worthy.
5. Let go of the small stuff. We all have annoying habits and preferences that are different from our spouse’s. (Dave Ramsey)
6. Tell him you both love him AND like him.
7. Either show interest in his hobbies or allow him space to participate freely. (D Ramsey)
8. Protect his dignity on a daily basis.
9. When confronting him, realize he has feelings also.
10. Foster an atmosphere of laughter in your home. Look for ways to laugh together.
11. Try not to make sudden major changes without discussion, giving him time to adjust.
12. When you go out on a date together don’t bring up problems—have fun instead.
13. Focus on what he’s doing right, instead of focusing so often on the negatives.
14. Show interest in what he feels is important in life.
15. Give him special time with you apart from the children.
16. The first minutes after a spouse comes home often sets the stage for how the rest of the evening will go. Try to make that time a positive experience. (Ease into the negative.)
17. Give him time to unwind after he gets home from work. Your evenings will be much more enjoyable. (Dave Ramsey)
18. Don’t allow family members to treat him disrespectfully. Defend him to anyone that dishonors his place as your husband.
19. Compliment him often.
20. Be creative when you express your love, both in words and in actions.
21. Talk with him about having specific family goals for each year to achieve together to feel closer as a marital team.
22. Don’t over commit yourself. Leave time for him.
23. Extend God’s grace to him and be forgiving when he offends you.
24. Find ways to show him you need him.
25. Give him time to be alone. (This energizes him to reconnect at other times.)
26. Admit your mistakes; don’t be afraid to be humble. Peel away your pride.
27. Defend him to those who disrespectfully talk about him. Love protects (1 Cor. 13:7).
28. Respect his desire to do well—not his performance.
29. Rub his feet or neck, or scratch his back after a hard day.
30. Take time for the two of you to sit and talk calmly (schedule it when necessary).
31. Initiate going out on romantic outings (when he’s not tired).
32. Email him when he’s at work, telling him how much you love him.
33. Surprise him with a fun gift of some kind that he’d really enjoy.
34. Express how much you appreciate him for working so hard to support the family.
35. Tell him how proud you are of him for who he is (giving him specific reasons).
36. Give advice in a loving way — not in a nagging or belittling way.
37. Help your husband to be the Spiritual head at home (without “lording” it over him).
38. Reserve some energy for him so you’re not so tired when he wants you sexually.
39. Don’t expect him to do projects beyond his natural capabilities.
40. Pray for him to enjoy God’s best in life.
41. Take special notice for what he has done for you and the family.
42. Brag about him to other people both in front of him and even when he’s not there.
43. Keep conversations brief when he’s tired—so he isn’t “flooded” by too many words.
44. Tell him 3 things you specifically appreciate about him.
45. Honor him in front of the children (differ respectfully in private when necessary).
46. ”Look straight into the eyes of your husband when he talks to you or if you’re speaking to him. This will make him feel that you are interested in what he wants to say.” (J. Clain)
47. Get up with him, even when he gets up earlier than you want to and pray with him (you can go back to bed afterward, if possible —it’s a sacrifice worth making.)
48. Be his “help-mate” in whatever ways you sense he needs it.
49. Participate in shoulder-to-shoulder activities with him (like watching a movie and such) without talking. Sometimes men just like to BE with you and not talk.
50. Be a student of his ways so you show your love in ways he best comprehends it.
51. When your husband is in a bad mood give him time to recover. Don’t crowd him.
52. Help him to finish his goals, hobbies, or education when your see he needs it.
53. Treat him as if God has stamped on his forehead: “Handle With Care.”
54. Work to get rid of habits that annoy him.
55. Be kind and thoughtful to his relatives. Don’t make him choose between you.
56. Don’t compare his relatives with yours in a negative way.
57. Thank him for things he’s done around the house. (It means a lot to men).
58. Don’t expect credit for all you do for him. Do it as “unto the Lord.”
59. Make sure he agrees with everything important that you’re planning to do.
60. Do little things for him—let him sleep in, bring him coffee, etc.
61. Don’t belittle his intelligence or be cynical in your words with him.
62. Initiate sex periodically. And respond more often.
63. Sometimes let him enjoy his day off work without having to “work” at home.
64. Get to the point in your discussions. Spare him details unless he wants them.
65. Discover his sexual needs.
66. Surprise him with a 15 second kiss when he gets home from work.
67. Wink at him from across the room when you’re out at a group function.
68. Give him the benefit of the doubt when he mis-speaks.
69. Don’t quarrel over words.
70. Be kind and courteous with him. (Don’t be kinder to strangers than to him.)
71. When things go wrong, instead of assessing blame, focus on how to do better.
72. As a kindness, don’t say, “I told you so.”
73. Try not to argue over money. Peacefully discuss future expenditures instead.
74. Take him out on dates—pre-planning all of the details ahead of time.
75. Hold his hand and snuggle up close to him at times both at home and in public.
76. Praise his good decisions; minimize the bad ones.
77. Tell him you love him more often.
78. Put love notes in his pockets and brief case.
79. Sit with him while he’s watching TV—even if the program doesn’t interest you.
80. Don’t expect him to read your mind (despite your thinking he should— extend grace).
81. Periodically, give him time with his family alone.
82. Check with him before you throw away his papers and stuff, when possible.
83. Put effort in to keep yourself in good shape so he’s especially proud to be with you.
84. Let him express himself freely, without fear of being called stupid or illogical.
85. Carefully choose your words. Remember to “speak the truth in LOVE.”
86. Don’t criticize him in front of others—keeping his dignity in tact.
87. Visit his childhood home with him.
88. When you’re angry, express it in respectful ways. Don’t give the silent treatment.
89. Pray for him.
90. Make him homemade soup when he’s sick.
91. Look your best—dress to honor him and make him proud to be seen with you when you’re out together.
92. Support him when someone tries to put him down. Be his best cheer leader.
93. Don’t disagree with him in front of the children.
94. Take him for a weekend get-away without the children.
95. Cheer his successes whether in business or in other areas of everyday living.
96. Graciously teach him how to demonstrate his love for you.
97. Give him coupons to redeem—maybe for a back scratch or a shoulder rub.
98. Buy him a gift certificate to his favorite lunch spot and put it in his wallet.
99. Hide notes for him around the house where only he will find them.
100. Thank him for just being himself.

Apr 18, 2013

Thursday Protein

1. Hoes are for everybody, not just one person, why do you think they're referred to as such?
2. I've watched 3 Gangland Documentaries: One was about New Orleans' notorious Gotti Boys, a gang that controlled the infamous 3rd Ward (Magnolia, Melph and Calliope Projects). The other 2 were about Chicago's gang world. Chicago's gang culture is deeply entrenched.
3. Raphael Saadiq bringing back funk music like it never left:
4. I Remember Shirley Murdock's As We Lay. This is a great song to play when you want to cheat on the low:
5. To whom much is given, much is required.
6. Raphael Saadiq bringing that James Brown funky soul music sound back:
7. Oldie, but a goodie:
8. It's funny how a man isn't supposed to cry, but let one of his loved ones die, the waterworks come out.
9. A man will NEVER say "A happy husband equals a happy life" because that statement sounds stupid.
10. In today's society, men are becoming womanly and women are becoming manly. That's not the move.
11. If you don't live up to your expectations, you can become a statistic.
12. From Hondo Solomon: Pimping Is wack, and hoes don't last too long.
13. Much is required to whom much is given.
14. Famous quote from Miami Vice: Where there's drugs, there's violence.
15. If I could have two powers, it would be invisibility and mind-reading. I'd love to read people's minds to figure out why & how they think; and invisibility to be able to move in silence.
16. The Number 1 Rule to Crime: Don't draw attention to yourself. Move In Silence.

Apr 17, 2013

Wednesday Medicine

1. To me, helping someone entails giving them the tools to better themselves. Give a man a fish, he eats for a day. Teach a man to fish, he eats for life.
2. People who say, "I'm not your average (wo)man" are usually the average ones. You don't have to say "I'm not your average", it shows in your conduct.
3. Because we live in a fallen world, death is a part of life. So many people say, "I don't know what I'd do without my mom/father." If they raised you right, you know what to do. Follow their teachings.
4. Black On Black Murders are a sad reality. Make it so bad, white supremacist groups have fallen away from exterminating blacks.
5. Now that I think about it, Tookie should've been spared the death penalty. Think about it, he could've stopped the gang warfare in Los Angeles, because he's lived that lifestyle.
6. Chicago is going through what Los Angeles did in the 80s and early 90's, regarding to street wars.
7. The bonafide truth!
8. Quoted by Stop Simping Movement:
The only Disney movie that ever matters and is the best Disney movie of all time hands down, landslide victory was; The Lion King. It had a strong male lead not on some sucker shit. Unlike all other Disney movies. It taught accountability, ...standing up for what's right. Learn not to sweat your past, put it behind you. (Hakuna Matata dammit!) You gotta stand on your own feet. Have some Fucking courage. And above all else, to be a king, ya gotta claim your kingdom, kick anybody off your doorstep that you don't allow in your home.
9. A Happy Wife Equals A happy life ONLY if the woman is worth it. If no matter what a man does is good enough for her, all the prayer and love is useless.
10. Fellas, stop trying to change your woman into who you want her to be. You should've done your homework before you got involved with her.
11. You know something...the more stories I read about babies being raped and abused, the more I have reason NOT to bring children into this world. It's a baby for crying out loud! My goodness.
12. I'm ready for the NBA playoffs, time for Miami to have their First 3 peat.
13. Never will you hear a man say "A Happy husband equals a happy life" Why? Because it sounds stupid.

Apr 16, 2013

Tuesday Gospel

1. A Louisiana city has a pants-sagging ban that warrants $50 for the first offense, and $100 for any subsequent offense. That's interesting because the City Of Opa-Locka (Miami ghetto suburb) has the same ban, except you get a $250 fine. To each their own, I say. Just know that I don't, and will never sag.
2. Love & Sex are two different things. Sex is a physical act that doesn't require love for the person, which explains one-night stands. Love can lead to sex based on a mutual attraction. If there's strong chemistry between a man and woman, most times they want to graduate to the physical level.
3. There's a time to fight, and a time to live.
4. Women, take heed:
5. Amen On This!
6. Fake As all get out!
7. If you say real talk after your statements, does that mean everything you say in the future is fake?
8. Prayers go up for the Boston region. They are going through it right now. It's God that more people weren't killed in those 2 blasts.
9. Everybody coming out with their own reality show, maybe I should come out with my own show. No, because people would know all my business, and I can't have that.
10. Some men want a woman to give him the world, but he doesn't have the proper documentation.
11. Go, even if you have to go by yourself.

12. Quoted By Marina Woods: It's amazing to me how divided this nation is on what is considered child discipline which really is borderline child abuse. There are many who quote Scriptures like spare the rod spoil the child but these same people are having children outside of marriage. #justobservingoutloud

Apr 15, 2013

Monday Medicine

1. Some women complain that all men are the same: Well, if women want different, they have to be different.
2. It's suspect for a man to be jealous of another man. An example is when a man has the woman another guy wants. There's hundreds of women for every dozen or so men. Jealousy is not a good look, man or woman.
3. A man's home is his castle. It's the one place where he should have peace. If a man can't have peace in his own home, that's bad. He needs to get a new helpmate.
4. I know everything happens for a reason, but sometimes it helps to know why.
5. 42 was a great movie about Jackie Robinson. In a game filled with racial division, Jackie MADE people respect him.
6. Everything that glitters isn't gold, and everything that's old isn't rusty.
7. Just because someone's older, doesn't always mean they have more wisdom.
8. A woman can be different, but some guys will remain the same.
9. If women don't want men telling them what to do with their body, they shouldn't get upset when men get vasectomies.
10. Iyanla should have checked DMX Saturdaynight for trying her like that. She trying to help him, and he flares up at her like a man.
11. The swastika originated as a peace symbol in Asia centuries ago, until the Nazis corrupted it, and started using the symbol for evil.

Apr 12, 2013

Real Talk Friday

*You're turned up, right? After it's said & done, you will be turned down and off.
*Where's the outrage for violence against men, by women? Everybody raises hell when a man goes upside a woman's head, but when it's a man getting assaulted by a woman, crickets & tumbleweeds.
*Real Men Do Real Things:
*You Think You Know, But You Have NO IDEA:
Ridiculous, isn't it?
This is from men all across the nation, and the world:

Apr 11, 2013

Richard's Gospel

*Relationships can be successful, if men & women took the time to get themselves right.
*Shout Out to Peggy Bundy (Married With Children) for being a sorry excuse for a wife, let alone a woman. She brought nothing to the table, but wanted Al to sex her.
*It's funny how you're called controlling, if you enact boundaries.
*Some people are full of crap, they need a laxative.
*Do what you have to do, so you can do what you want to do.
*Everybody wants accountability for others, not for themselves.
*Manhood is not defined by how you treat or what you do for women, it is defined by what a man stands for.
*Beauty cannot co-exist with ugly. As soon as the ugliness is eradicated from society, then we can have beauty.
*Shout out to all single fathers who are playing their role.
*There are many rivers named for US States: Arkansas, Mississippi, Missouri, Illinois, Ohio, Alabama, Tennessee, Kansas River, etc.
*Many of the greatest R&B soul singers have lived in or came from the Southern United States, the most famous of them being Al Green.
*A committed family equals a man, woman and a couple children.

Apr 10, 2013

Richard's Proverbs

*I never imagined The Chill Zone (my blog website) would have almost 10,000 views, even though it's been up for a year. I started this website as a way to speak my mind about today's current issues, plus drop nuggets here and there. Looks like people respond to this format, so I will continue doing blog commentaries as well as my daily ISMS.
*If you need a license to drive, you should need a license to have children.
*Make the most of every day.
*The Miami Dolphins could use some hood players on their squad. The hood players were the reason the Canes were a dominant college football team in the 90's-early 2000's. You had players from Overtown, Liberty City, Opa-Locka and Miami Gardens who came together and left it all on the field. They had that killer instinct.
*Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional.
*Today's Miami hip-hop scene is garbage. When Uncle Al died, so did Miami hip-hop. DJ Uncle Al was willing to promote any artist trying to make a name for themselves. Now, there's no unity among Miami artists, everybody trying to be the top dog of Miami rap. That's why Miami will never be on the map to the degree of Atlanta, Memphis, and Houston. Those cities' artists work together.
*9 times out of 10, the truth WON'T be given to your liking, nor will it be pleasant.
*If you rape & murder a child, you deserve the death penalty. No life without parole, just erased off the earth. The problem with the criminal justice system is that sex offenders are given too light sentences.
*This skinny jean phenomenon must cease & desist. When did MEN get comfortable wearing jeans tighter than a woman's?
*Why get married and not have kids? Simple. Some couples want to enjoy each other without the responsibility of children.

Apr 9, 2013


*Women can't be thirsty, right? Wrong. Myra from Family Matters was a perfect example of a thirsty woman. Think about it, she was all over Steve Urkel and wanted to sex him every chance they got.
*Steve Urkel was a simp because he kept trying to win Laura's affection when she rejected him over & over.
*Liberty City vs. South Beach (Miami): In The Miami Streets, you're surviving life. On South Beach, you're living life. Sounds spot on to me.
*Good TV died after the 90's. Everybody and their mama coming out with reality shows, and most of these so-called reality shows aren't REALITY.
*There should be prerequisites for parenting, because some people DO NOT deserve children. You have people that WANT children, but can't conceive
*Contrary to popular belief, things are as they seem.
*Don't Waste Another Minute.
*Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional.
*The good thing about working from home is that I don't have daily commutes, which can put wear & tear on my car. I make a lot more money (while working full-time) & have unlimited overtime, and I actually like the company I work for and my co-workers.
*When you treat people like they want, they don't appreciate it. Treating people like they deserve, you keep yourself from being hurt.
*There's a good & bad to everything.
*You can't be a real man, and be a little emotional.
*Why should a man stop running around being a whore, when there are women who will give him what he wants?
*There was a time where music was actually good.

Apr 8, 2013

Food For Thought

*The older you get, the meaner you become.
*You want a real man to come into your life, with everything going for himself, plus being a great cook, ambitious, educated, loves God, and all you're (woman) bringing to the table is a funky attitude, lackadaisical cooking ability, horrible money skills, and mountains of kids. Really? Where they do that at?
*Relationships should be 100/100, not 99/1 or 100/0 like some expect.
*Don't ask to play if you don't want to pay!!!
*When a couple fights too much, but they're not breaking up, they're really in love. Riiiight, and I was born yesterday. Only dysfunctional people live by this motto. You two want to fight so much, join the military.
I DON'T CARE WHO SLIGHTED: Women complain about inequality, but here are scenarios where women are favored.
1. Domestic Violence-A man goes upside a woman's head, he goes to jail. Being that some women are very nasty (many proudly admit this), they trump up false rape charges on him. Not only is he locked up for domestic violence, but rape as well. His life is ruined all because of a spiteful wom...an.
2. Child custody-It doesn't matter if she's an unfit parent, the courts will almost ALWAYS rule in her favor because of her gender. There are instances where the father is awarded full custody, but that's extremely rare. The father has to fight tooth & nail to prove he's a good parent.
3.Alimony-70-75% of divorces are initiated by women. Guess who has to pay alimony? THE MAN. Men are wising up and opting against marriage, because they know a woman can initiate divorce for any or no reason, and HE will have to come up off alimony.

*Those are the top 3 instances, but there are a lot more. So...I don't want to hear ANY woman complaining about unfair treatment, because I got the big guns (and more) stashed away just in case.
*You have unemployed people who are busting their butts to get a decent job to support themselves & their families, but no matter how strong their resume & cover letter is, no matter how well they Ace the interview, employers STILL won't hire them. Then, employers have the audacity to complain about lack of skilled employees.
*There are people who are employed, that hate their jobs, but can't leave because it would be harder to find another job. Be thankful you are employed, because jobs are hard to come by in today's economy.
*Temp/Temp-To-Hire positions are a joke. There's no guarantee of being hired, even if you prove yourself as a temp. Think about it, you work for 6-9 months, and get a little income going; the job ends and you're unemployed once more. That doesn't make sense.

Apr 5, 2013

Richard's Proverbs

-People who know you the least, have the MOST to say about you.
-If people say "Real Talk" after every sentence, does that means all other statements are fake?
-The only time people talk to God is: 1. When they need something. 2. When they're asking God to get them out of trouble, and 3. Asking God for direction
-Why ask questions you know the answers to? That's dumb.
-If another man is stupid enough to give a woman money, knowing she's taken, she should take it.
-If a woman is stupid enough to give a man money, knowing he's taken, he should accept it.
-Tallahassee better tighten up and start bringing high-wage, private sector jobs here, because retail, State and Education won't hold this city together. Economic diversification is needed here. Drive around Tally, and you swear we in Crawfordville, Monticello or Perry because there's no life here. Once I get that Master's, dueces and never looking back.
-If a woman is mistreated by her man, it's because she allows it. The problem is some women want a man so badly, that they take the first one that comes along, even if he's doggish. I salute all the strong women that would rather be solo, than settle for a no-good man
-So I'm hearing Scott Projects (The Scotts) in Miami, off 22nd Ave in Liberty City got remodeled, and is looking brand new. If that's the case, good for them. The Scotts was almost as bad as Pork & Beans in its heyday.
-It Is What It Is.
-Men need to stop trying to save these women. It's not your responsibility to bear any woman's burdens, unless she's your lady. Even then, there's limits to how much one should be willing to endure for the sake of loving their woman.
-To everybody posting pictures of their money on FB, twitter or instagram, be careful because a robber might be on your way to take yours.
-Some people claim that marriage interferes with romance. There's no doubt about it. Anytime you have a romance, your wife is bound to interfere.

Apr 4, 2013

Random Thought

Whenever a woman says relationships require compromise, and she gives examples of couples who do that, I wonder a few things when she lists scenarios and how long they've been married.
I Wonder:
-Does the wife make more than her husband.
-Does the wife have a hyphenated last name
Then I start to think does that man wear the apron too? He already wearing the skirt.

The only compromising done in these situations is the men, women compromise very little, if at all. He does whatever she wants and he can continue getting sex, all 2 minutes and 15 seconds. Men's negotiating skills are way off. They'll give up their entire lives for sex. Stupid Men Logic.

Apr 3, 2013

Relationship-ISMS, Pt. 2

*Just like women frown upon mama's boys, we (men) frown upon women who refer to themselves as Daddy's Little Girl.
*Marriage has turned into a business contract, rather than a union. What I mean is that both man and woman come into marriage asking "What's In It For Me?"
*There Is no reason for committment if you're performing husband or wife duties: Paying bills, giving each other sex, cooking & cleaning, etc.
*Most relationships fail because one person is being loved too much, while the other isn't being loved enough.
*The American system teaches women that they don't need to be in a relationship with a man
*Carlton from Fresh Prince Of Bel Air was far better than Will, and here's the reason why: Carlton didn't have to simp for women to gain their approval, he was real with himself. If a woman got sideways with Carlton, he would properly check her, which caused that woman to be attracted to him. Will would simp for any & every woman that was checking for him. When Uncle Phil & Vivian were away, they trusted Carlton to run the house in their absence.
*Men are more concerned with getting sex from a woman, rather than getting to know her.
*Any fool with a d*** can make a baby, only a real man can raise his children.
*Any woman can part sunshine for a man, but a real woman will take responsibility for the child she helped create.
*Manhood is NOT defined by what you do for women, it's defined by his conduct.
*Romantic Love is like WWE or Magic, it's fun to watch & be entertained, but if you believe an illusion, you'll live a lie.
*True Love is not sacrifice & pain, it should be joyous.
*A man can tell you how good a woman's coochie is, but he cannot tell women his life strategy and how she plays a role.

Apr 2, 2013


-Relationships are like books; short or long, good or bad, they all have to end.
-A good woman brings out the best in her man, and vice versa.
-Many men intentionally choose bad women, then have the nerve to complain. You chose her, knowing how she is, soooo....your complaint pass revoked.
-"He completes me", "She completes me": These two statements are ridiculous because that tells me people are dependent on others to make them better. People can HELP you improve, but YOU should already be striving for improvement on your own.
-It's funny how some women expect a man to have his stuff together, but she has nothing to bring to the table. Where they do that at?
-It's not a man's responsibility to tear down the walls a woman has built due to her not doing due diligence.
-Some women won't give a struggling man the time of day, but get upset when he dates outside of his race. Opposite race women are more likely to work with black men.
-Woman: Yes, he cheats. He knows where home is. Me: Riiiight. I was born yesterday.
-Men lead with strength & stability if he's trying to find a wife. In a lot of cases, men lead with their sausage and money.
-Why Is it alright for a black woman to blame a man for not having his own, & not doing his thing when the same is done for the white man?
-It's funny how women are overlooked for living with their parents, and being daddy's princess; but if a man is living at home with his parents, it's a problem.
-Woman: Get your self together, then come holla at me. Man: No, it doesn't work like that. I get myself together, then holla at HER!
-Just like women want a man with his own, so do men.

Apr 1, 2013

Richard's Life-ISMS

These are some ISMS I've come up with throughout my 32 years on earth. Here Goes:
1. Never put anything past anyone. Why? Because people will tell you what THEY want to tell you about them. It doesn't matter how long you've known a person.
2. A shoulder to cry on, leads to sex.
3. Good women are being snatched up by stand-up men (as it should be), leaving the Kelly Bundy types as leftovers.
4.Duck faces are NOT cute; stop it ladies. Look like you constipated. Who came up with this crazy mess?
5.If God gives his hardest battles to his strongest soldiers, what's the payoff?
6. God takes you through the storm as a child, so you can become a strong man/woman.
7. If you talk to your children like dogs, don't be surprised when they become as such.
8. Marriage doesn't carry the same weight it used to.
9.You don't have to have disagreements in order to have a healthy relationships.
10. Women can't be naive to think that a man won't capitalize on her vulnerability. Let's be honest: She tells him all her trouble, he hooks her up with money, advice, etc. All a man needs is an opening, and he's in there.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🤦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.