Apr 30, 2013

Simp Men: By Enigmatic Opinion

The following commentary is by Mr. Enigmatic Opinion. He goes into detail about the word Simp. Read On.
MrEnigmatic Opinion
Simp men. I don't attack this word because I just woke up one day and decided that I don't like the word "simp" or the definition behind the word. Simps exist in all races, therefore it can hardly be considered a racial issue. Black men being so-called "simps" is not the sickness, it is however, a symptom of a greater "sickness" in black men. Attacking "simp" men is like giving someone aspirin for a headache, when he actually has a brain tumor. There is a larger reason why black American men reduce their value in order to hold onto an undeserving woman. For a man to cling to an unworthy woman, and deal with her belligerence, shows an extreme lack of confidence and self esteem. Self esteem in a man is not built the same way it is built in a woman.
For instance, a man typically does not have low self esteem because of his physical appearance. A man does not have to feel "beautiful" in order to be confident in his relationship with women. Black men are "simps" because of their lack of self fulfillment in their status/position in society. Because so many black American men have few personal accomplishments. This lack of self esteem is caused by the high school dropout rates amongst black American men, high unemployment, and lack of financial independence. Their lack of confidence cannot be eliminated by calling them "simps" over and over again. A confident and successful black man is less likely to exhibit a lack of confidence in his relations with women, and a mans confidence can only be built through his own personal fulfillment and his own successes. In other words, he does not look to have a woman (make him a valuable man). Black men must seek fulfillment in intellectual obtainment and personal goals, none of which has anything to do with women. So you see, being a "simp" is not the problem, it is a symptom of a much greater issue amongst black men. To believe being a "simp" is the biggest issue, is just reducing a much larger issue to something small and petty.

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🤦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.