Apr 22, 2013

Monday's Proverbs

*Miami won Game 1 of the NBA Playoffs yesterday evening, putting the smackdown on Milwaukee with a 110-87 win. 1-0, let's sweep those Bucks out of Miami.
*You cannot be predator and victim at the same time. Case in point, a man goes about his business when some belligerent woman tries him. He continues minding his business, and she still won't leave him alone. A man can only take so much until he hauls off and slaps fire from her. Moral of story: Don't start what you can't finish.
*People are funny. They mistreat you, then take no responsibility for their offense. On top of that, they have the nerve to say "The Bible says forgive". Yes, the Bible says forgive, but...the Bible also says do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Or, an eye for an eye and a tooth for tooth. Watch how fast they shut up.
*Jealousy is a disease, and so many people suffer from it.
*Say that Gary!
*Miami-Dade high school football is brutal. Settle for nothing, take everything. For many kids growing up in inner-city Miami, football is their exit route out of the ghetto, so I understand why football is of utmost importance in Miami.
*You can't be the predator & victim at the same time.
*I firmly believe that every woman isn't meant for motherhood, and every man isn't meant for fatherhood. All you have to do is google stories of children being abused by their so-called parents.
Denzel will always be my favorite actor, based on his principles
Tell the truth Pastor Creflo! (Excuse the vernacular)

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.