Jan 16, 2013

Where Are The Good Men?

Many women ask Where Are The Good Men? According to the following poem by Winslow Willis, they're amongst us. Now, everyone's definition of a good man varies but I think this poem nails it.
From the MIND of Winslow Willis
"Where have all of the GOOD men gone?"
Some good men are janitors. Are you willing to date a janitor?
Some good men are garbage men. Are you willing to date a garbage man?
Some good men manage fastfood restaurants. Are you willing to date a fast food manager?
Some good men drive school buses. Are you willing to date a school bus driver?
OR, by GOOD do you mean: college degree, fancy six-figure job that you can brag to your girlfriends and parents about, fancy new wheels, and a five-figure bank account? Don't miss out on good MEN, while searching for good THINGS! :)

To me, good men don't have to advertise about being one, it shows in their conduct towards their loved ones and strangers. A good man knows who he is and what he stands for. There's nothing wrong with wanting to live good (I want that myself and I'm taking steps towards doing so) but like the poem reads in the last sentence, don't miss out on a good man while searching for good things.

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.