Jan 16, 2013

What You Won't Do, Another Will

"What You Won't Do, Another Will" seems to be people's favorite statement to use in a relationship. It can carry a negative & positive connotation. It can be positive and negative because if you refuse to do right by your spouse, someone else will come along and take your place. The above link entails a woman who had a lot going for herself and her husband proposed she sleep with another man. My first thought was "Really?" What sensible man would give his woman a pass to sleep with another guy? She obliged and slept with the first man. Another guy comes along and asks the same thing and she obliges. She's pregnant by BOTH men and doesn't know who the baby's father is. She gave into her husband's fantasy and now she probably will have to raise the child solo because both men will deny the child is theirs. Reading stories like this are why some men & women need to be careful who they bonk because children are no joke. I feel for the child moreso than the lady because that child doesn't know who the real father is. Who's to say she's going to explain to the child once it grows up and starts asking questions? At some point, this lady is going to have to have real talk with her child about its father. When the lady got pregnant, the man had the nerve to go off on her. He was just as much at fault as she was because he could've put a stop to it but he didn't. Why did you not use a condom? Whether or not the bf suggested it, she should have been more conscious about protecting herself and preventing pregnancy. Has she been tested for HIV, STD/STI? 
When he became distant, she didn't mention that she sat him down and talked to him. What happened to asking simple questions? I hope the letter writer has learned some things about herself from this experience. I wish her and her daughter luck, and a good therapist.

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.