Jan 12, 2013

Utter Nonsense

This is why Christians should not go to nightclubs because it arouses sinful behavior. In the above photo you see a woman gyrating on the man and the next day he's in church praising God. It's sad and true at the same time. There's always a few people that go out on Saturday night and act the fool, then be in church the next morning singing God's praises. Ask these people what the sermon was about and you'll hear crickets & tumbleweeds. Most of them that go DON'T know the word, they look at it as a place to go every time they make bad decisions because they are easily forgiven. Yes, God forgives but he expects us to make leeway towards becoming more like Him. I'm the least perfect person, but at least when I foul up, I make amends not to do it again. If you're gonna go to the club, go to the club but don't look crazy by going to the club Saturday night and have the nerve to be in church the next day knowing you did God knows what last night.

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.