Jan 13, 2013

Facebook Amusement Park

Welcome To Facebook, where liars tell more lies, losers are CEO's, every sinner is a saint, captain save 'em is a pimp, haters complain about haters, friends & family block you, enemies are facebook friends, weak people are gangsters and some women are models. Men post pics of themselves with shades and last but not least most people put on for the book. You can be whatever you want to be on Facebook so step right up. Some folk know they need to stop fronting for Facebook. The worst is when someone knows you outside of FB that knows your history and you're on here putting on for FB. That's why it's not cool to add every Tom, Dick & Harry that requests you because you don't want to look crazy by talking about how you're this & that. Granted, there are truthful people on Facebook who keep it real on and offline (myself included) but to outright front for FB is not the move. Who are you trying to impress? I feel like this, be yourself on and offline. Nobody on Facebook impresses me enough to where I have to front about who and what I am. The thing is, there's always a few people that have you as a mutual friend so you are affiliated by default. I joined facebook to meet new people and connect with those I lost touch with over the years. There are people I haven't seen since high school & college that I looked up (and have looked me up) who added me and vice versa. All others, we share similar views and outlooks on life. Honestly, for anyone to get an add from me I pay attention to what they post. If they post inspiration, humor or general thoughts, they get a request from me because I like stuff like that.

Facebook World
P.O. Box 14079
Miami, FL 33207

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.