Jan 12, 2013

Can Men Love Unconditionally?

This is one of those questions that make me think. Can Men Love Unconditionally? Men are raised to be no-nonsense and have zero tolerance towards indiscretion. For a man to overlook offenses against him, some people will consider him weak. That being said, how much tolerance is a man supposed to have if his woman keeps hurting him over and over again? Keep in mind that some women are quick to get rid of a man if he violates. Every man is different which means each man has his own level of how much he will deal with. Generally, most men have a low threshold for BS, which is why some men are quick to dip out on their woman if she starts acting stupid. No one wants to be with an irritable mate. A man can see things through the rough times for so long until he gets to a point where he has to maintain his peace of mind. There's a time to fight and a time to cut your losses and move on. Not every relationship is worth saving, especially if you have pointed out your issue with your spouse to her and have given them a chance to correct the indiscretion. Sometimes, the problem isn't her, the problem may be HIM. Many men (and women) don't want to look at themselves because that's too much like swallowing pride and saying "I'm wrong." Rough times are inevitable in a relationship and depending on the level of love a man has for his woman, he may tolerate just enough from his woman to where he gives her an ultimatum. Sometimes, you have to give your spouse an ultimatum to act right or take flight. It seems like some women use the term unconditional love when they expect a man to constantly deal with her crap. No one has time for that! Peace of mind is far more important than dealing with someone at their worst. When women throw out unconditional love, I think she wants to test him in order to see how much she can get away with before he lays the smack down. There's a difference between not being able to love unconditionally and not being treated like a doormat. When you continue to love someone even though they aren't loving you back, you are allowing yourself to be a doormat. As much as a man may love a woman, he also has to love himself enough NOT to allow her to cause him further pain. I'm a forgiving person but that doesn't mean I have to take you back. If you overlook one offense, what else are you going to overlook? You have to nip issues in the bud before they fester into major problems. Forgiveness DOES NOT mean giving someone a pass to hurt you over and over again. That's the problem, people don't have enough love for themselves to enact limits on what they won't put up with. If the issue is on my end, I have no problem making adjustments because that's what you do if you care enough about someone to make the relationship work. I'm man enough to admit if the problem's with me because sometimes it's ME. All I expect of my future woman (whoever she is) is that she takes responsibility for her screw-ups because I'm willing to do the same. If she does that, I can work with her. BUT...after having given her fair warning and leeway to work on the issue; if she can't act right, she can take flight!

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.