Jan 14, 2013

Sarcasm, Role Reversal & Exposure

 I can say and do what ever I want to who ever I want because I'm me and I'm God's Chosen One. Only he can judge me and no one else can. 
That's right!
I talk to God ALL the time and he said to me that it don't matter if I call black men weak, broke, or liars because God agrees with me. He told me that it doesn't matter that I took my "baby daddy's" children from him and hid them from him because he's not giving me more or enough money.
God is MY MAN!
He told me just the other day when people were condemning me for tricking for money to buy some jewelry, get my kids some Baby Phat, me a nice Gucci purse, and maybe some baby formula, that to tell y'all that you're GOING STRAIGHT TO HELL and that he doesn't like UGLY.
Only God can judge and ya'll MESSED UP NOW!
OOOOOOOH girl, I can't wait for God to put you black men on a shishkebab and roast your little black butts in HELL for talking crap about his "chosen one" for tricking to SURVIVE. 
Thank you JESUS!

Out of the mouths of fools. What do some of these ignorant women think God's going to do? JUDGE THEM. This is sarcasm, role reversal and exposure all in one!

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🤦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.