Jan 15, 2013

Call & Response Segment

Normally I do blog commentaries on various issues but today's going to be different. I'm going to post a series of statements that sound crazy and I give a response. Without further ado, let's get it on!

1. The sweetest woman in the world can become the meanest woman in the world if you make her that way.
Response: Negative. She was already mean to begin with, just that she did a good job suppressing it.
2. A man sleeps around and gets called a pimp, while a woman sleeps around and gets called a trick, hoe, slut, etc.
Response: Both men and women who sleep around are playing Russian Roulette with their lives. But hey, if you want your meat to turn rancid and your kitty to shrivel up into a prune, who am I to judge?
3. Everybody deserves a chance, just not from me.
Response: That's your perogative, but know that the other person can say the same to & about you.
4. Good Men & Women are hard to find
Response: Negative. They're right in front of you but you don't want to do the work to get & keep one.
5."I'm a good woman with a Master's Degree, my own house and car"
Response: And? So are many other women, what makes you stand out from the rest?
6. All women are golddiggers.
Response: You get what you put out. If you floss like you have bankrolls, then expect every woman on the block checking for you.
7. Men Are Dogs
Response: You stayed with that dog, so what does that make you? It's owner.
8. Mom! I'm pregnant. It's something in the air
Response: Your legs.
9. Women say: Your body is a temple, not a visitor's center
Response: Really? With all the men you let visit your temple, you need to consider expansion.
10. Behind every good man is a good woman
Response: For the most part, this is true. A good woman brings out the best in her man and vice versa.

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.