Jan 14, 2013

Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better

"Nojma Reflects
You know, when we start dabbling into the thinking of "anything a man can do, a woman can do and do it better", we get into dangerous territory. Your search for a man will be null and void, because you will never have a man if you are trying to BE a man. The truth is men and women are NOT made equal. I never heard a man witness his wife or a woman give birth and say "man I would be so much better at labor then she would"!
Appreciate the way God made you. I love and I mean I freaking LOVE being a woman. I love my femininity. I love the beauty, power and life that is my womb, and I don't take that for granted at all.
I am learning that some women are confusing "independence" with "confidence", and since confidence is appealing, those who confuse the two don't understand why they aren't appealing.
Confidence is security in yourself, is loving yourself, loving the way God made you, your talents, and as a woman if you are confident in your womanhood, your ability to nurture, console, comfort and you know the value of your womb, THAT is appealing.
However, telling a man you don't need him for anything is quite the turn off."

I know we've all heard the little cartoon jingle "Anything you can do, I can do better, I can do anything better than you. No You Can't, Yes I Can" It's ok to have confidence in yourself & your ability but let's be clear, God didn't make men & women equal. He created men and women with a set of characteristics that defines who they are. There are things men can do better than women and vice versa. That's okay. Have you ever heard a man witness his wife or a woman giving birth and say "I could give birth better than her" NEGATIVE! Because men don't do that. For the most part, men know their place. Deep down, women need men and men need women so let's stop fronting and admit we need each other.

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.