Dec 31, 2023

2024 Wisdom

 Choose your friends wisely so you won’t have to talk about cutting anyone off at the end of each year.

Dec 29, 2023

2023 Reflection

 As I reflect on 2023, it’s been good to me for the most part. I’ve had ⬆️ & ⬇️, but overall..I was blessed this year. I finished 12 hours in the Fall semester for grad school with a 3.5 GPA (overall GPA 3.4), so I’m setting the bar higher with A’s in Spring 2024 with 12 hours. If your 2023 wasn’t good, there’s a new year to look forward to, which means you can change your 2024 trajectory.

Dec 28, 2023

All Gas, No Brakes

 I’m in a season of all gas & no brakes. For me, this applies to getting back on track with my fitness, leveling up in my finances & finishing my final semester of graduate school.😎

Dec 27, 2023

Keep Some Things To Yourself

 People cannot attack what they don’t know about! So many people face opposition because they share their dreams with the wrong people.

Dec 26, 2023

Morning Thought

 Never force someone to make a space in their life for you, because if they know your worth, they will surely create one for you.

Dec 25, 2023

Your Pet Needs You

 Pets, it turns out, also have last wishes before they die, but only known by veterinarians who put old and sick animals to sleep. 

Twitter user Jesse Dietrich asked a vet what was the most difficult part of his job.

The specialist answered without hesitation that it was the hardest for him to see how old or sick animals look for their owners with the eyes of their owners before going to sleep.

The fact is that 90% of owners don't want to be in a room with a dying animal. 

People leave so that they don't see their pet leave. But they don't realize that it's in these last moments of life that their pet needs them most.

 Veterinarians ask the owners to be close to the animals until the very end.

"It's inevitable that they die before you. Don't forget that you were the center of their life.

 Maybe they were just a part of you. But they are also your family. No matter how hard it is, don't leave them."

Dont let them die in a room with a stranger in a place they don't like.

 It is very painful for veterinarians to see how pets cannot find their owner during the last minutes of their life. 

They don't understand why the owner left them. After all, they needed their owner's consolation.

Veterinarians do everything possible to ensure that animals are not so scared, but they are completely strangers to them. Don't be a coward because it's too painful for you.

 Think about the pet. Endure this pain for the sake of their sake.

Be with them until the end.🐾🐾🐾

[Shared]- from a friend

Dec 24, 2023

Sunday Thoughts

Sunday Thoughts:

1. Women who say “real men don’t argue with women” are toxic because some of them want a license to be disrespectful to him without him checking her. Miss me with that. 

2. Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays to all. Special condolences to those who have lost (including being estranged) loved ones during Christmas.

3. Life can take you on a rough journey, but the hard times will pass.

4. The first 4 letters of my name will determine my future financial status.😎πŸ’ͺ🏾

5. My oldest niece Amya (she’s 21) said something that made lots of sense regarding the older & younger generation in church: A lot of young people are turned off by church because of the older saints. Some of them are judgmental & act like they’ve been perfect all their lives. Wow…and she’s right. I applaud young people for choosing NOT to get caught up in that nonsense. It’s better to church hop than sit in a church where you’re not fed spiritually. Until you find a solid church, where people KEEP IT REAL…nurture your own relationship with God.

Note: I’ve heard all the cliches: Keep your eyes on God, not man, no church is perfect, we all fall short, etc. Nobody’s expecting Christians to be perfect, just KEEP IT REAL. 

Dec 23, 2023

Men Need To Call Each Other Out

 I’m a man, but I will never condone the stupidity of men. Some of you dudes do such stupid stuff that I shake my head, and wonder who raised you clowns.πŸ˜’

Dec 22, 2023

Glory Brown Inspiration: Do What’s Best For You, Until…

 Everybody tells you to do what's BEST for you....until that includes cutting their behind off. Some of the people you are praying for and hoping they win…they praying so that you lose!!!!…

Dec 21, 2023

Dec 19, 2023

Peace: Tera Carissa Hodges

#Peace There’s a meme on several parent oriented pages on IG going viral that basically encourages parents to teach their teens if ever you feel the need to get out of a bad situation, leave a party, sleepover, etc, just blame it on me.

For ex: my mom is so annoying she just text I have to come home now because I forgot to wash the dishes, etc.

You know why parents are recommending this?

In part, because parents are mature enough to not care what children think of them.

They recognize their children’s friends opinion don’t matter in the grand scheme or daily nuances of their life. 

Likewise, would you like to know when you’ll walk in peace?

When like these parents, you come to a place where you don’t care what non consequential people in your life think.

If they don’t have the power to hire you, fire you, block your university acceptance letter, block your getting into heaven, block the mortgage lender from approving your loan, determine if your kids are safe, happy, and healthy, 

why care?

And if they are consequential, go above them. 

No one hired themselves. That supervisor has a supervisor. 

Bottom line, for some of you, you’re not at peace because your image 

(what you want people to think of you), is your god. 

When you remove that god off the pedestal of your mind, you will experience a peace that surpasses understanding. 

Dec 17, 2023

Tired? Keep Going

I know you're tired… I am too, but keep going…WE got stuff to do in 2024πŸ’― 

Dec 15, 2023

Dec 14, 2023

Life Is About Endurance

The race of life is a test of endurance. Can we endure the good, bad & ugly of life? With God’s help, we can. 

Dec 13, 2023

Grind In Silence

 Grind in silence, work when no one is watching. Not all success is loud! #Message

Dec 12, 2023

Men Intimidated By “Strong” Women?

 I read a FB picture that said men are intimidated by strong women. That’s false because a strong man can handle a strong woman, just not the agression, attitude & rudeness that come with some women. Too many women equate aggression, attitude & rudeness with being strong, when those traits make her labeled a word that rhymes with witch. For the most part, men would rather not deal with difficult women in light of better options. Some men like the aggression & rudeness of some women, but they deserve any drama she brings to him. MEN are NOT intimidated by strong women, we’d rather not deal with the drama & attitude.

Dec 11, 2023

Monday Encouragement

 Repost from Glory Brown Inspiration Coach

God is turning your sorrow into joy. Those prayer requests you have placed before the Lord are being answered NOW!πŸ™ŒπŸΎπŸ™ŒπŸΎπŸ™ŒπŸΎ

Dec 10, 2023

Sunday Message

If somebody can be strategic in the dope game/street life, they can take that same intelligence for something positive! 

Dec 9, 2023

CFP Controversy

 Repost by Governor Ron DeSantis:

I have included in my budget recommendations $1 million for litigation expenses that might come as a result of the NCAA’s poor decision to exclude our undefeated Florida State Seminoles Football team from the college football playoffs.

We are with them all the way!

Anyone who knows football (unless they’re ignorant) can see that FSU was robbed. People talking that strength of schedule nonsense; strength of schedule has nothing to do with record. You play the schedule you’re given…period.

Choose Wisely

 Choose your spouse like a spades partner, you won’t win with anyone on your team.

Dec 7, 2023

Christianity & Sexual Chemistry In A Partner

It’s bogus for some Christians to say they need to know the sexual chemistry of a prospective marriage partner. That tells me that some Christians aren’t interested in following God’s will. 

Thursday Real Talk

 Eating chicken with a fork and knife is tacky!πŸ€¦πŸΎπŸ˜’ I don’t care how messy a chicken may be, that’s what napkins for. 

Dec 6, 2023

Wednesday Thought

 If we see a need & not help, we’re no better than selfish society that’s all for self.

Dec 5, 2023

Tuesday Thought

 When you know you’re at peace, you live in peace. If God can get through to you, he can get more to you.

Dec 4, 2023

Tera Carissa Hodges: People Have No Power!

 I’m not sure who needs to hear this but you do know people can be wrong about you, not like you, hate on you, lie on you, scandalize your name, plot against you and more and you still:

Marry the love of your life

Get your dream job

Travel the world

Start a thriving business

Give birth to healthy children

Have great friends

Have a great home life

Have money in the bank

Have good credit

Be in good health

Buy a new house

Buy a new car

Eat at your favorite restaurants

Have a great credit score, savings, and retirement

Hear “well done thy good and faithful servant”

All I’m trying to say is the people who don’t like you ain’t got no power...

There’s a reason I follow this woman on social media because she’s raw. She tells women and men about themselves, and backs it up with scripture.

Dec 3, 2023

It’s Ok: Terrance L. Barber


 It’s ok to admit that you are tired, it’s ok to accept that you are emotionally unavailable for certain situations. Your cup is constantly empty because you are pouring into people that no longer serve you. Today I want you to let them go! Trust that God’s plan for your life isn’t attached to anyone else . Rest up saints we have work to do! πŸ’«☝πŸ½πŸ™πŸ½

Dec 1, 2023

Throwback Friday Message: 12/1/2016-Don’t Burn Bridges

This is a throwback message I posted 7 years ago, but it’s still relevant today:

People say you shouldn't burn bridges; well, some bridges deserve to be burned.

Nov 30, 2023

Thursday Message: Did God Say Move?

 This message is for me, but other believers could benefit: Prior to making a decision, the question “Did God tell you to move?” should be asked. It saves us unnecessary trouble.

Nov 29, 2023

Israel/Hamas Drama

 Israel & Hamas are in a truce period. Now…I’m no foreign policy expert, but I’m pretty sure we don’t negotiate with terrorists.🀦🏾Israel should have destroyed their enemies when God ordered them to.

Nov 28, 2023

Do Such Men Exist

Someone on Facebook posted this question: “A male best friend who pays your bills, makes sure you're always fine and yet asks for nothing in return. Do such men still exist?”

No, because he’s taken. No man will do all this for a lady friend unless he’s getting something in return. I don’t care how decent he is, at some point he will feel used & stop doing for his lady friend that’s not repaying him. Those are benefits she should get in a committed relationship, not friendship.

Nov 27, 2023

Church Folk Run People Away

 Repost from Glory Brown Inspiration Coach

If we’re being Honest.... Sometimes it’s the “Church Folk” that run People away from the Church!

My response: Not one lie was told. If anyone was on the brink of getting saved, they’re probably turned off by church people for whatever reason(s). If I’m being extra honest, it’s the hypocrisy for me: Praising God on Sunday, living like the devil Monday-Saturday.🀦🏾

Nov 26, 2023

Sunday Humor.

 Old school elders must have no fear because they can talk about you dead in your face. It’s like they’re waiting on you to check them before things go left.πŸ˜‚

Nov 25, 2023

Upholding Wrong: Tera Carissa Hodges

People carry spirits. The sooner you learn and accept that, the sooner you’ll stop wondering why people are upholding others in their wrong. They carry like spirits. That means, when going against you, they’re always going to unite as one. 

Saturday Message

 You’re not grown until you can admit you’re wrong! Too many childish grown folks out here. Who raised you clowns? 🀑

Nov 23, 2023

Thanksgiving Prayer

If you aren't driving or doing anything else, Let’s Take A Second & Bow Your Heads...Dear Heavenly Father, I come to you as humbly as I know how. I confess my sins, known and unknown. Lord you know I'm not perfect, and I fall short everyday of my life. I just want to take time out to say thank you for your mercy and your grace. Thank you for my health, my family, my friends, the roof over my head, food on my table, and everything I have. Lord You’ve done more than enough....COPY if you're feeling blessed too. No matter what it looks like He still blesses me!! AMEN πŸ™πŸΎπŸ™ŒπŸΎ Glory, Hallelujah!!!!! πŸ”’πŸ™πŸΎ

Nov 22, 2023

Good Men Require Structure

Women want a good man until he holds her accountable, then he’s controlling. Good men come with structure & accountability. 

Nov 21, 2023

Spoiled Is NOT A Good Look

 I don’t care if a woman or man is married, it’s childish for a grown woman or man to be self-proclaimed spoiled.

Nov 20, 2023

Chase No One

 Don't chase other people. Work hard and be yourself. The right folks will find their way into your life.

Forgiveness Does Not Require Reconciliation

 Forgive people, but remember…forgiveness doesn’t require reconciliation!

Nov 18, 2023

Saturday Goodies

 Some folks are so thirsty for friendships, they'll befriend anyone even if it's not in their best interest.

Men get too much blame for women's failures. If she's not standing up being a woman, it's his fault.

The level of breakthrough is directly correlated to the severity of your trial.

Nov 17, 2023

Throwback Friday: Growing ⬆️ In Church

 Monday=Bible Study


Wednesday=Youth Night

Thursday=Choir Rehersal

Friday=Camp Meeting

Saturday=Dance Ministry Rehersal

Sunday=4-5 hour service, followed by Sunday night service at 6pm.

Rinse & Repeat for 18-19 years & it’s no wonder some black people are tired of church, because coming up, a lot of black youths’ lives centered around church.

Nov 16, 2023

Messy Men

 Throwback Thursday: One thing I can’t stand is a messy man. When I think of a messy man, I think of someone who slides down poles in a strip club.🀦🏾

I stand on this. Times have changed when MEN are messier than women. What happened? I stay to myself for this very reason because if a man will talk about another man, what makes you think he won’t talk behind your back?πŸ€”

Nov 15, 2023

Tera Carissa Hodges: God Allows People To Try You

 Sometimes, GOD allows people to come against you so they can see, even with them coming against you, you’re still going to win!

Nov 14, 2023

Greater Faith

 God will give you the desires of your heart. He put those desires there for us to submit to Him, that we’d trust Him to fulfill it. Wait on what’s yours. #greaterfaith

Nov 13, 2023

Stay Home If You’re Going To Raise Hell At Church

 Repost from Michael Sho-Nuff Glenn: Some Church Folks Just Come To Church to Raise Hell instead of getting a Blessing. Hell Raisers Need to Stay Home if They Don't want to hear a Word from The Lord.


Nov 12, 2023

Good, Godly, But Not Right for You

 Someone may be a good (wo)man and Godly, but it doesn’t make them right for you.

Nov 10, 2023


 If you can’t lead your family, you shouldn’t be in leadership at your company! #ISaidWhatISaid

Nov 9, 2023

Daily Thought

 I’m understanding daily why it’s better to observe instead of speak. 90-95% of what you learn is through observation. When you see it, no one can deny because you saw it yourself.

Nov 8, 2023


 Energy tells a lot about a person. If someone’s energy is negative, most times they’re negative. The same rings true for positive energy. I can feel people before I see them.

Nov 7, 2023

Good & Bad: Choose Wisely!

Sometimes God will put things right in front of you, GOOD & BAD, just to see how strong your faith is. 

Moral of the story is... choose your choices wisely! 

Nov 6, 2023

Keep Pushing & Praying

 Repost from Thicka Than A Snicker

Keep praying ‼️

Keep pushing ‼️

That's it, that's the post 🫢🏿

Monday Message: Sinners Should NOT Be Comfortable In Your Church

 “If sinners can feel comfortable in their sin when entering your church, something’s wrong”-RW Schambach


Nov 4, 2023

Saturday Thought

Everybody’s rise to the top is different. For me, doing what I want on my time is my definition of being at the top. 

Nov 3, 2023

Friday Word

 Most people tell the story about how others hurt them & they overcame, few tell the story how they hurt others in life.

Mastering The Flesh/Emotions

 A man’s highest test is mastering his flesh. 

A woman’s highest test is mastering her emotions. 

A man who is disciplined with his urges is a powerful man‼️πŸ’― 

A woman who is in control of her emotions is a powerful woman‼️

Oct 31, 2023

Change Begets Change: Tera Carissa Hodges

 #100Million When it’s time for you to expand financially, something else must decrease exponentially.

This past weekend I had the absolute pleasure of being included in a private small group coaching session with a woman who has VERIFIABLY made over $100 million US dollars through her LEGITIMATE businesses.

A #woman who has already cleared a million myself (TO GOD BE THE GLORY!!!), I was surrounded by other women who have already done the same.

Can I tell ya’ll our conversations were different? 

For eight straight hours we talked LLCs, 

S Corps, sweep accounts, attrition, trusts, 

real estate, you name it!!!

Who go with who, who sleeping with who, 

what somebody heard, what somebody said, 

didn’t come up.

In other words, EVERYBODY ACTED like they had good sense. 

How did I get here?

Besides getting closer to God, I got away from people who spend more time talking about people than they do looking at themselves to identify where they could improve.

I got away from church folks who thought holiness means broke.

I got away from #toxicrelatives who couldn’t see me beyond the 18 year old girl I was when I left to go off to get my FIRST degree. 

(I emphasize first because some of them are so behind the times concerning me, they couldn’t tell you my other alma maters).

I got away from mean girls who are catty and in competition.

I got away from people who preach about God but whose life would make you truly wonder do they know God.

I got away from people who thought no one makes $100,000 a year. 

(I know people personally who clear that a week…

That’s only $5 million a year)

I got away from people who think all successful people sold their souls to get there. 

(No. GOD still holds the power to give us wealth…#namethatverse).

What am I saying?

There’s a reason just about everybody in the Bible who walked in #wealth had to walk away from people…

Ask Abraham! (Genesis 12)

And the further you get away from them, 

you understand it wasn’t the person God was getting you away from as much as it was their #mentality.

I don’t know who all I’m talking to or who all will receive it but when you want CHANGE 

(money, wealth, overflow, increase) YOU must change (behavior, atmosphere, mentality, environment).

Change creates change…

Don’t ever forget that!

Oct 30, 2023

Monday Message

You can’t be rejected from what you’re not seeking acceptance. #ReadThatAgain

Oct 28, 2023

Men vs. Women

 If you’re on social media, then you know about men and women posting their lists of men and women they wouldn’t date. The lists were ridiculous because who has time to post the types they wouldn’t date? Men doing lists of women they wouldn’t date, ladies retaliating with their own list. Both sides are looking like Boo Boo The Fool with this back & forth nonsense. 🀦🏿‍♂️If a woman prefers fine dining, cool. If a man doesn’t want single mothers, that’s his choice. People are going to choose who they want, so let’s move on to important matters.

Saturday Message: Breaking Generational Curses

When breaking generational curses, don’t expect support from those who passed it on. 

Oct 27, 2023

Women’s Desire For Good Men

 Women want good men until he brings discipline & order, then she’s accusing him of being controlling. Don’t ask for what you can’t handle.

Friday Message: People Will Cut Themselves Off

 Sometimes, people will cut themselves off so you don’t have to!

Oct 26, 2023

When A Man Cries

 When a man cries, it hits different!

Today’s Message

 Some people are jealous of how well you held your life together after going through a storm that they thought would tear you down. That’s why they really can’t stand you because you keep coming out on top when that same storm would’ve finished them!🫢🏾🌸

Oct 24, 2023

Inability To Build Healthy Relationships

 This generation doesn’t know how to build healthy relationships.. We end up saying stuff like “I don’t owe anyone anything.” You do owe people something. You owe those you offended an apology. You owe those who gave you support, gratitude. And you owe those you disrespect, respect. Accountability is a personal act of integrity and moral principles. We will forever live in a broken society, until we learn to account for our actions that impact other peoples lives negatively.

#justbeinghonest πŸ“Œ

Oct 23, 2023

Stay Up Fellas

 One time for the men who are working & taking care of their families, going back to school to further their education, growing in their walk with God, etc. I salute y'all. For all the mess men face daily, every now and then men need encouragement to keep up the good work.

Oct 20, 2023

Old Vs. Young Grandmas

 Today’s grandmas are nothing like the ones in my era: Grandmas were in their 70s & ⬆️, today…you have grandmas in their 20s-40s 🀦🏿‍♂️

Oct 19, 2023

Just A Thought: Monica Regina Jones

 Repost (Monica Regina Jones):

Just a thought: It's actually very easy to self sabotage what you've prayed and asked God for. Repetitive disappointment will cause you to expect what you've always received in past times. Don't allow it to. Our destiny is in our hands more than we realize.

How many times have I sabotaged what I’ve prayed for? πŸ€¦πŸΏ‍♂️. Lord, forgive me for sabotaging my answers to my prayers.

Oct 18, 2023

Wednesday Message

 The fake get in where they fit in, the real stand strong where they belong.

Oct 16, 2023

Monday Thought

 If we make promises, we better be able to keep them. Otherwise, we end ⬆️ making people upset by not following through.

Oct 15, 2023

God Makes No Mistakes

 Nothing God does is by mistake. You are right where you need to be and for a very special reason.

Oct 14, 2023

Companies: Do Better!

 Companies need to do better screening potential candidates for leadership positions! The first rule of leadership is knowing how to talk to your staff. If you can’t talk to your staff with sense, you have no business leading anyone!

Oct 13, 2023

Friday Word

 God will harden your heart if he sees you intent on sticking to foolishness.

Oct 12, 2023

Thursday Thought

 The more I read about shootings/murders in Tallahassee, the more I appreciate Woodville living.

Oct 11, 2023

Fighting Battles That Don’t Matter

 Retweeted Joel Osteen (@JoelOsteen):

Don’t get involved in battles that don’t matter. God will use your enemies to bless you.

Oct 10, 2023

Your Next Blessing

 Your next blessing is outside of your comfort zone! It’s in the outer parameters beyond the borders of what is familiar.

Tuesday Message

An average looking woman with a good heart is far more attractive than a pretty woman with ugly character. #NotUpForDebate 

Oct 8, 2023

Generational Curse Breakers

 People that are generational curse breakers are not ones to mess with. They don’t care what anyone thinks. They have gone against so many, even their own blood to pull themselves out of paths so many before could not. 

They have stood alone so many times, and stood strong. You can’t break a generational curse breaker.

Let Them Be

Repost: Tamika Latoya Henry (Facebook)

If you’re constantly reaching out to someone and they never respond or reach out to you! Let them be! That goes to show you how much they care about you! Start only caring about the people who care about you! 

I’m learning this daily. I have no desire to go all out for those who don’t or won’t return the favor.

Oct 6, 2023

Friday Thought: Your Destiny

 Having a heart that's too big and caring for others doesn’t mean you should give your hand to everyone. Remember that it’s not your job to make everyone happy or comfortable.  Being in charge of your own destiny is preferable to being a slave of someone else's.

Oct 5, 2023

Acknowledging God

 Every day God wakes us ⬆️, is another day to acknowledge Him. If it wasn’t for HIS breath of life, none of us would be here.

Oct 4, 2023

What Should People See?

 When people see us, what do they see? They should see Christ exemplified.

Oct 3, 2023

Take Everything Personal

 Take everything PERSONAL‼️ Your friend didn’t help you celebrate your birthday but help other friends celebrate….take it PERSONAL‼️ family members invite certain family members to gatherings but not you….. take it PERSONAL‼️ Your friend jump for everybody else but move slow motion when it comes to you take it PERSONAL‼️ I had to learn tha hard way people treat you exactly how they feel about you‼️ Dont be NaΓ―ve‼️πŸ—£πŸ’―

Oct 1, 2023

Ministry Competition

All of us (Christians) should be on the same team: God. There’s no place for competition in God’s kingdom. 

Sep 30, 2023

Boundaries: Tera Carissa Hodges

Repost (Tera Carissa Hodges):

If you want to upset people, do 3 things…

#1 Be Blessed

#2 Make yourself inaccessible

#3 Keep people out of your business

Do those 3 things and demons will buck. 


Because people with controlling spirits, 

nosey spirits, interfering spirits, 

jealous spirits and disruptive spirits, hate boundaries because it keeps them in their place.

This part. When toxic people don’t have proper access to you, they get pissed. Let them..

Sep 29, 2023

My Relationship With God

My relationship with God matters to me. Because when NOBODY else was there, GOD WAS.

Daily Thoughts

 Morning Thoughts:

You can’t play both sides & claim to be solid. Either be real or fake.

My dad used to tell me as a young boy “You think I’m hard on you, but you’ll realize why as you get older”. Pops was right.

A weightlifter will tell you that weightlifting isn’t about how much weight you lift, it’s about strength to get through life’s worst. 

God giving humans free will has been society’s downfall because…look at what’s going on. One man’s sin messed it up for everyone. Reference Genesis 6:5-7

Sep 27, 2023

2-In-1 Blessing

 Repost from Jae Jones (Facebook)

Too many people are operating out of Singleness and not out of His Sovereignty!!! 

You want the blessing of two in one!!! 

God said many of you will miss what He has because you rather DO IT YOURSELF!!! 

You don’t want to trust anyone

You don’t want to let anyone in

You don’t want to let anyone help you

The blessing that God is trying to give to you is in multiplicity!! 

“Be fruitful and Multiply”

Multiplication comes with an additive!!! You were not meant to do this alone. If you do it alone, you won’t be able to multiply. 

Hear me! You’re going to have to let someone in. Many of you are agitated with the thing God is using to HELP YOU!!! So you’re pushing it away. Driving it away! Running from it. Simply because it is doing its job! 

1. You’re healing is in them

2. You’re deliverance is in them

3. You’re activation is in them 

Help isn’t always PRETTY and it doesn’t always feel good! 

Jesus’s help was bloody

The Good Samaritan’s help was nasty

The widow’s help was sacrificial

To Help COST!!! Pride is the price. It takes humility to help and it takes humility to receive help!!! 

Receive your help and stop hurting the help God sent to you! 

✌🏽#imout #convowithGod

Sep 26, 2023

Throwback Tuesday

From time to time, I hear some men complain that women aren't letting them be men. LET? Since when did a man need a woman's permission to be a man?

I stand on this. Last I checked, a man needed no one’s permission to be who he was created by God to be.

Sep 25, 2023

Excusing Sinners

 Christians make excuses for sinners: The enemy is working through them. The devil (Satan) can’t use anyone who’s not willing to be used. 

Pastors are scared to keep it THIS real.

Sep 24, 2023

Sep 23, 2023

Confused Women

 Repost from John King Johnson:

Women be like:

I need a man who's gonna be loyal to me, but ALL the women want him.

Who sings R&B but lives like a drill rapper.. with a corporate job but has the trap on lock. That travels and speaks different languages that I can learn from who ain't gonna tell me what to do. A dominant man who let's me do whatever I want. Who's secure yet jealous over me. 

Who respects my boundaries but has none of his own. Who pays for everything including my girl's trips without asking questions

He gotta be 6'9" with a foot long πŸ†, but not sleeping around. Knows how to get me off πŸ’¦ but don't have a lotta bodies.

Who owns property and major in these streets but low-key. Let's me act any kind of way, but checks me, in a way where it's sexy to me and I can choose to ignore it and he don't trip when I talk to him crazy.

A man who loves God, Jesus Christ, is a Christian who submits to Allah SWT, and is a Muslim. Respects and honors Rasulillah PBUH. But counsels with the ancestors follows the laws of Ma'at, is into Lukumi, Voudu and listens to the Loa and honors the Orisha... And makes all that make sense.

Who can teach me everything,but not really but tell me nothing. Sometimes and preferably a Virgo but not really and an Ares but sometimes.


Make this make sense. I’ll wait🀦🏾

Sep 22, 2023

Friday Thought: Showing Up For Fake Friends

 The problem isn’t your friends not showing up for you; the issue is YOU still consider them friends! This goes back to what I said earlier: People use the term friend loosely. Friendship requires vulnerability & longevity; you have to invest time with someone, and many people aren’t willing to do that.

Sep 20, 2023

Today’s Message

 To avoid disappointment take people as they are & not what you want them to be!! πŸ’―

Sep 19, 2023

Entertaining Angels

 We could be entertaining angels and not even know it. That’s why we should reflect Christ at all times.

Sep 18, 2023

Being Left Out

 I get it, we all crave acceptance. All acceptance isn’t good because that acceptance may require compromising your values, in that case you’re rejected because you won’t go along to get along. Being left out is God’s way of saying you’re not needed there.

God’s Anointing

 People may not approve of you. Don't worry about it. God approves of you. People don't determine your destiny. People can't stop God's plan for your life. God called you. God equipped you. God anointed you.

Sep 16, 2023

Is Marriage Required For Success In Full-Time Ministry?

 Is marriage required for success in full-time ministry? It seems that way because it’s like every pastor is married. Full-time ministry is tough, but add family and it can be tough balancing both. I’m versed on the pitfalls of ministry because a lot of women are checking for ministers based on position. I think of Pastor John Gray as an example; his infidelity is publicized. Some women will throw themselves at an influential Christian man, so some men need marriage as a covering. My thing is, if a Christian man in ministry needs a wife to keep him straight, he has no business in ministry. He can’t be that spiritually weak to where he won’t put himself in compromising positions with women. He should be so focused on God, lust doesn’t cross his mind. I don’t care how fine a woman is, if God calls me to full-time ministry ALONE…my focus is serving God.

Sep 15, 2023

Something Very Wrong

 Repost (Tera Carissa Hodges)

There’s something very wrong with someone doing someone wrong and then expecting the person they KNOW they did wrong to come to them, instead of humbling themselves to go to them.

It reeks of pride, entitlement, control issues and lack of true repentance.

Who do people think they are to do someone wrong, and expect the offended to come to them? Ms. Tera is spot on:  Pride, Entitlement, Control Issues & Lack Of Repentance. Chile…I stay away from toxic people like this as far as East is from West.

Sep 14, 2023

Thursday Message

Stop befriending unfriendly people, and trying to fit in where you don’t fit in! 

God In Your Life

 Having God in our lives is a plus. He has the right people to speak into our lives to shoot us to greatness.

Sep 13, 2023


 Rats are attracted to cheese. Folks start off as mice tattling about unnecessary things, then become rats when they're grown. I stay away from rats because if they'll tell on this and that person, they'll tell on you.

Sep 12, 2023

Abundant Blessings

 May God's abundant blessings shower upon you today. As you go through the day, remember that every good and perfect gift comes from our loving Father. Embrace His grace and love, and share that love with others. Have a blessed day!

Reveal & Remove

 When you ask God to reveal & remove,  be prepared for the unexpected 😩‼️ you’ll lose friends, family members & significant others, but you can’t be mad because he see what your eyes don’t.πŸ˜ŒπŸ™πŸΎ Keep praying, he’s listening πŸ‘‚

Sep 10, 2023

Attack Follows Anointing

 You can’t be anointed without the attack! When God anoints, he prepares you for the attacks.  Joseph sold into slavery by his brothers, Moses had to endure complaints by his followers, etc. Nowhere in the Bible does God promise you won’t face attacks following your anointing. The greatest people in the Bible face trials that preceded their anointing, so what makes us think we’re exempt?

Sep 8, 2023

Friday Message

 Everyone wants to be chosen, but they don't want the drama that comes with it. When you're chosen, you have a target on your back.

Sep 7, 2023

Sep 6, 2023

Wednesday Message: Let The Truth Reveal Itself

 Even if you know what’s going on, sometimes you need to be quiet because the truth will always be revealed!

Sep 5, 2023

Sep 4, 2023

Servant Leadership

 Jesus led by example with servant leadership, so if we call ourselves his children, we model his behavior.

Sep 2, 2023


 Confidence is staying true to yourself even if others don't like you.

Throwback Quote From Me

 The grass is greener on the other side, but the water bill is also higher~Me.

Aug 31, 2023

Not Every Trial Is From Satan

 Not every trial is an “attack of the enemy”, it’s the repercussions of your actions.

Aug 30, 2023

Throwback Message

With the state of society, I see why many parents choose to homeschool their children. You have the Radical Homosexual Agenda trying to push their filthy lifestyle on school children. No child should be exposed to that garbage. Real Talk. It seems like children have to be ready for war nowadays because of bullies, immoral ideologies that they may not understand, nor have the desire to. I'm understanding more & more why I'm reluctant to bring a child into this sorry world. What was taboo back in the day has become normal. Back in the day, everybody got jobs fresh out of high school and now you have unemployment (the rate is higher for black men). Some people have been unemployed for a year or more. You have people with Master's Degrees & Ph.D's that can't find jobs so what does that tell you? Something is seriously wrong. What's the use of going to school all those years and you can't get a job in your field? That defeats the purpose *shrug*. Greedy corporate executives, 1 in 88 children with autism, black on black murders, etc. I wish God would wipe us off the map and start over because this mess doesn't make no sense. If I had the power, NONE of the aforementioned issues with exist; forget this "real world" garbage. This so-called "real world" is the reason why society's in the shape it's in because what was taboo back in the day has become normal. The reality is that life was intended to be sweet but when Adam & Eve disobeyed God, THEIR disobedience caused all this craziness we hear & read about. Don't get me started on the divorce epidemic. Back in the day when something was broke, it was fixed. Men & Women understood COMMITTMENT. They married somebody based on who they were compatible with & not for their $$$ or good looks. Nowadays, most people aren't relationship material so it's better off they stay single for life because it's no sense in you being a great catch and attracting someone who's not about nothing. If you can't handle your spouse when all hell is breaking loose, YOU SHOULD NOT GET MARRIED. Simple As That. I understand what many elders are saying when they say things should be like they used to (minus the racial prejudice). At times I'm called narrowminded because I don't co-sign foolishness others support. Well, I'd rather live in the proverbial bubble than get infected by the disease of stupidity.

The Coast Is Clear

 Sometimes GOD holds you back temporarily until the road is safe & clear to continue.... Be thankful for the stall!! πŸ˜‡

Aug 29, 2023

Faking Vibes

I’d rather not be anyplace I have to fake vibes. 

Adults Chasing Popularity

Adults chasing the popularity they missed out on as a teenager are the worst 🀦🏾‍♂️

Aug 28, 2023

Monday Encouragement

 It’s all falling apart to come back better! I don’t know who that’s for!

Aug 27, 2023

Food For Thought

 Repost from Kenya: ✍️ Food For Thought:  At times, being too kind to others open doors for a lot of disrespect!!! Never change the way you love, just the fake ones you give it too. When you change your goodness because of the ungratefulness in others, then you become hard to deal with. Stop being accessible to the things that do nothing for your life, people that could careless about you, and people that don't do a thing for you, but use you!

Good Morning World!!!

Aug 26, 2023

The Meaning Of “Nobody Is Perfect”

“Nobody Is Perfect, we all make mistakes” Translation: I have too much pride to admit I’m wrong. 

Aug 25, 2023

Keep Pushing Forward

 Everyone falls short. What matters is we go to God to get cleaned up & keep pushing forward.

Aug 24, 2023

Applying Pressure

 A young lady posted a tweet, which was shared on Facebook about her rejection of a man who she felt didn’t apply pressure when she told him she wasn’t ready for a relationship. The man chose himself & wished her well. I congratulate him because he wished her well & moved on. If someone’s not interested in you, keep it moving. No sense in changing a person’s mind. Most likely, she wanted the chase & was upset when he didn’t apply pressure. Nobody has time to chase anyone who won’t allow themselves to be caught.

Aug 23, 2023

Today’s Thought: Mind Your Business

 Minding your business will keep you out of mess! That’s why my name never comes up in drama because I stay to myself. Life is too short to always be in nonsense.

Aug 22, 2023

Young Death

Street dudes: There’s nothing real about dying young. I’m sick of the ghetto mentality of some inner city young men. Then again, a lot of street guys are hopeless so they don’t care if they live or die, so I kind of get it (I’ve never been in the streets).

Aug 21, 2023

Now Is The Time

Now is the time to lay down all foolishness & stupidity. People are leaving left & right, and folks still carrying on with foolishness.

Aug 20, 2023

Hard Times: What Are We Made Of?

 Hard times reveal how far we’ve come: Do we hold onto offenses or let God deal with them?

Aug 18, 2023


 Unfortunately, offenses are part of life. We (Christians) have a choice to let offenses slide or hold on to them.

Aug 17, 2023

Friends Who Don’t Respect Honesty

 If your "friends" can't respect you when you keep it πŸ’―, they're not your friends and you should cut them off.

Aug 16, 2023

Not Playing The Game

 I know the game, but I won’t play the game! Most times, the game is rigged so there’s no victory.

Aug 15, 2023

Brownnosing At Work

 Brownnosing to get ahead at work is pathetic! If you brownnose, make sure the boss’s backside is clean because you may end up with a πŸ’© face.

Aug 14, 2023

Life Isn’t Always A Race

 Sometimes you miss important things when you move too fast. It’s ok to take things slow. Life isn’t always a race.

Aug 11, 2023

Why, Why, Why?

 Why, why, why? Why did this person hurt me and so on? Do people really need an explanation for why people hurt them? They shouldn't, because the guilty person will rarely, if ever take responsibility for their offenses. They'll always find a way to deflect or offer some half-hearted apology. Some people are that foul, so the best course of action is to cut them loose and move on.

Aug 10, 2023

Today’s Thought: Appreciate Your Blessing

 What you take for granted, someone struggles with. Many people don’t realize how blessed they are.

Aug 9, 2023

Question Of The Day: Does A Leader Need A Helpmate?

 If a man is expected to be leader of his home, what does he need a helpmate (woman) for? He’s the leader, he can do most, if not everything, right? For me, I rarely ask for help because of pride, and I usually figure it out.

Aug 8, 2023


 If you’re observant πŸ‘€ enough………. People usually tell on themselves!! ✍🏾

Aug 6, 2023

Just A Thought

 Repost: Monica Regina Jones

Just a thought: We must make sure we're getting our bodies right as well as our minds, emotions, and spirits.  It's time for some congruency, because in order for us to fully function as we should, we can no longer esteem one aspect of ourselves higher than the others. The Lord actually has them interconnected for a reason. Truth be told, many of us have missed it by only focusing on one part of ourselves, and not the totality of who the Lord created us to be.

Aug 5, 2023

Breaking Chains

 One of the healthiest things you can do to break generational curses, mentalities, patterns—especially if they’re destructive, is keep your children away from your relatives and move from your hometown.

Aug 4, 2023

God, Keep Me Hidden

Instead of praying for a good (wo)man, it's better to pray that God keeps you hidden from certain (wo)men.

Aug 3, 2023

Why Voting Hasn’t Been Good For Blacks

I'm understanding more why some blacks don't vote. No matter who's in office, the president is guaranteed to do little or nothing for black people. I must be one of the few smart folks that realize a president isn't supposed to do for one race, (s)he is supposed to do what's in the country's best interest. Some black folks say how Biden would be so much better for blacks than Trump, but let's be real: Biden is no different because some of the policies he supported have hurt blacks, plus he embraced segregation. Donald Trump and Joe Biden are from the same racist era, so while some blacks have valid reasons for not supporting Donald Trump, there's also valid reasons for blacks to not vote for Joe Biden because historically, Joe Biden's stance on black issues has not been favorable.😎

Honestly, I don't expect any presidential candidate to have a favorable stance on black issues, but what folks are NOT gonna do is criticize someone who has a valid reason for not voting. If two candidates don't line up with your beliefs, why would you vote for either candidate? Makes 0 sense to me. The whole argument of "not voting equals a vote for Trump" sounds crazy. I think blacks who don't vote are smarter because they have sense enough to know that neither candidate has blacks' best interest at heart, so it makes more sense NOT to vote. 

Aug 2, 2023

Minister Until You Die

When we’re called to ministry (whatever capacity that may be), we should complete our assignment until our time is up. 

Aug 1, 2023

Loud Bark, No Bite

 Most people who bark real loud don't have a bite! Ignore them and keep going!

Today’s Message: Represent For Jesus

 We’re (Christians) ambassadors for Christ, so we (believers) have a responsibility to make Him look good.

Jul 31, 2023

The Game’s Been Good To Me: Devin Rispress

This was too good NOT to post: This story is proof that God has another plan for our lives that’s different from our trajectory.


Title: The Game Been Good To Me 

Ford Arena in Beaumont Texas. A lot of people don’t know this story, This is the same place where I almost died and my life changed forever. Stemming from an off the field altercation I was stabbed my brain was bleeding and I fell out and had seizures from the injury. Minutes before that episode I was about to play in the game. I was unconscious for 3 days in the hospital. When I came through my mama was standing over me and I said. 

Me: What u doing here?

Mama: Nugga u almost died. 

I was changed, anybody that know me know I was fearless my whole life, after this ordeal I was different. I was afraid of my own shadow literally, I wasn’t the dog I was before. The doctors said that I shouldn’t play Arena Football anymore and and my mom and coaches felt the same. I took a year off and returned to football the following year. I was far from 100% with blurry vision and a tingling sensation down my spine and I was scared. God had a plan for me as I was traded to Sioux City Iowa and was brought in as the highest paid runningback in the league and to follow up Fred Jackson who was taken by the Buffalo Bills a year before. I thought was closer to the NFL after Jackson tore the league up and I was his replacement. I got there and played my first game and played the worst game of my life, two weeks later I was sent back to Texas to my old team. I was determined to prove that I still had it even at the expense of my life. That Saturday we played a team from Florida in the same Arena where I almost died and I scored 5 touchdowns in 1 half of football. 2 days later the team folded because of financial issues and that would be my last time playing football. God let me taste success in the game for 1 last time and I was satisfied, I returned home and the journey I’m on now began. I’m forever grateful for this journey God carried me on and I wouldn’t change anything. 

Jul 29, 2023

Women: Where The Real Men At?

 Some women can stop asking where the real men at because we all know some of them couldn't handle a real man. By real man, I mean one who's got his business together, focused on God, making a difference in his child(ren)'s lives, and staying out of the streets.

Jul 28, 2023

Jul 27, 2023

Planting Correct Seeds

Repost: Monica Regina Jones

Just a thought: We must be careful of the seeds we plant, because we're going to have to eat the fruit of that harvest when it springs forth. As long as the Earth remains, there shall be seedtime and harvest. 

If I’m In Leadership

If I’m ever promoted to leadership in my company, trust…I’m crushing everything in my path. What do I mean? My staff will have MY permission to call me out (respectfully) if I gave them wrong procedures in their job. I’m not holding my staff accountable for MY mistakes as a leader.

Employee Conflict: Work out issues with each other before getting me involved. Even if staff members agree to disagree, that’s fine. If adults, professionals…can’t solve conflict without management interference, something’s wrong. Companies are doing their employees a disservice by meddling in employee conflicts because they’re crippling their staff by making them dependent on leadership to fix their issue(s). Leaders spend too much time babysitting overgrown children who can’t solve conflicts without running to the supervisor/manager. If you bring me problems, you better have solutions.

Suggestions: Employees know their jobs better than management. How many managers could do their staff’s jobs daily?πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€I’ll wait…πŸ₯±If employees know their jobs, that means they have a better idea of what’s not working & what could work better in their position. Any suggestions brought to me with a logical proposal will be escalated to executive leadership. I’ll go further and have the staff member present their idea to senior management.☺️Your idea, YOU get the credit, and present to executive management.πŸ™‚ 

Jul 25, 2023

Throwback Message: I’m Sorry For Being Blessed

 One thing I won’t do is apologize for being blessed. I will remain humble through my blessings, but apologizing for them....negative.πŸ˜ŽπŸ‘ŠπŸΎ It’s crazy to me that some people dumb their blessings down not to offend others. If others are offended at you being blessed, they can take it up with God! I’m big on humility because everything I will accomplish in life is because of God. I can’t & won’t take credit for any success.

Jul 24, 2023

Reasons Why The Black Community Will NEVER Thrive

This message may be harsh, but it needs to be said:

Reasons Why the Black Community will NEVER prosper (Disclaimer: I don’t want to hear πŸ’© about “other races”)

1. Jealousy-Some of us don’t trust each other, let alone work together. Other races & ethnic groups have came over & surpassed blacks, and here we are…still fighting among each other. Honestly, I don’t go to any majority black events because 95% of them end in gunplay or fighting.

2. Infrastructure-How many black neighborhoods are drug & violence-free? I’ll wait…There’s a reason why gentrification hits black communities first.

The only way for the black community to survive is Divide & Thrive: The reprobate blacks have their own world to destroy themselves, and the blacks who want to build together have their own community.🀷🏾‍♂️ 

Jul 23, 2023

Sunday Message

 You can’t be everything to everyone & nothing to yourself!

A Story Of Karma

 Repost: John King Johnson

TLDR: you won't be young forever, and eventually time will make you pay for your mistreatment of people.

I got a call a little while ago from someone I used to be in a band with. We talked music for a little bit, and then they got right to the point and asked me to donate to a GoFundMe for their aunt.

The aunt in question is one of the meanest, vile, messy, human females I know. She delights in using her age as leverage to be insanely disrespectful. She's not dead she just had a stroke. Her family isn't taking her in... She'll be going to a state home.

I've had two distinct interactions with this woman myself, and both were so bad, that I often reference one of those situations as me ever experiencing the urge to violently beat on a woman which is rare for me. This woman has broken up so many marriages, and unlike a very sneaky antagonistic woman would be about that? She will openly tell you she did these things with Glee. 

She beats children, she targets men to disrespect especially. I would almost say her disrespect of men is like a fetish. It gets her smelly old dry wrinkled hairy monkey wet.

I chose to keep it respectful and just politely declined to donate to any funds that would benefit this woman. What my bandmate said to me is profound:

"John, I'm really not surprised that you refused. To be real, I just called you to ask because I was asked to and I didn't want to lie and say I did. I'm not donating either. We ain't gotta lie to each other, we both know that my auntie is a horrible person. And at the end of the month they're going to stick her in the state home. The kicker is all her kids have space to house her they just won't. Instead they made the GoFundMe."

It is a powerful statement to the life you've lead. That your children, and your family will not house you once you become old and disabled. That sends a very strong message that you are so insufferable, that they are not willing to have you under the same roof with them. These are the things you should think about as you go through life stepping on people especially your own relatives.

A few of you might know her on here and I do not care if you tell people what happened. Cuz I don't like her, and most of the people I know that know this woman don't like her either. And I will also say I had a big stupid grin on my face when I hung up the phone. How funny is it, that a woman who gleefully insults people and their spouses and children? Ends up having a stroke, that paralyzes her right arm and her ability to speak? How often has that right hand went across somebody's face? And that mouth said something that no one could get over?

You may think you are big and bad, but time is bigger and always patient.

I want to add that Karma…is giving her the blues. You reap what you sow. This lady has sown disrespect & hate to people, and her own family doesn’t want to care for her, so they let her go to a state home. I can’t say I blame them, because honestly…I would consider doing the same because if you’ve been hateful all your life, chances are you’ll die that way.

Jul 21, 2023

Friday Throwback: You’re Solid?

 Everybody swears they're solid until you put heat on them, then they melt like ice.

Jul 20, 2023

When Something Feels Off…Listen

 Your Spirit will WARN you when something feels off.. LISTEN TO IT‼️🎯

Jul 19, 2023

Relationship With God: Personal, Not Public

 Your relationship with God is personal, not public. Folks can talk all day about being a Christian, but if the walk doesn’t line up with the talk, it makes one look crazy. Note: I know believers fall short (myself included). Unbelievers would rather see an example of Jesus, than a hypocritical version of Him.

1 Kings 2:3

 “Do what the Lord your God commands and follow his teachings. Obey everything written in the Law of Moses. Then you will be a success, no matter what you do or where you go.”

1 Kings 2:3 CEV…

Jul 17, 2023


Imagine doing for someone without caring about credit or recognition. I do my best work behind the scenes. I’ve never cared about props, notoriety or any of that nonsense.🀷🏾‍♂️Too many times, people want recognition for what they do or have done, and while it’s nothing wrong with receiving praise, watching the recipient shine is all the credit myself, or anyone should ever need.

Jul 16, 2023

Settling: Monica Regina Jones

Repost: Monica Regina Jones

Just a thought: It's good to know the great qualities you possess and all that. It's also good to know that you're not for everybody. But it's  even better to get to the place where you don't want anyone SETTLING for you. It's a good thing to get to the place of " if I'm not what you're looking for, it's ok to keep it moving". If I'm not your "type" I'm not gonna be mad. I'm not gonna tell you it's your loss or you're missing out either. I've come to the point, that I don't want what doesn't want me. Life is short enough. No one needs to have anyone in their life that doesn't want to make room for them or doesn't want them there. #NotASubliminalPost #OnlyAThoughtAndRealization 

I can respect someone telling me I’m not what they’re looking for.🀷🏾‍♂️Everyone is allowed their preferences. Truth be told, we would be wasting each other’s time by forcing something to work that’s not meant to be.

Jul 15, 2023

Saved By God’s Grace

 “You are saved by God’s grace because of your faith. This salvation is God’s gift. It’s not something you possessed. It’s not something you did that you can be proud of.”

Ephesians 2:8-9 CEB

Jul 13, 2023

Thursday Thought: Moving Forward With God

 When we fall short (and we do), God gives us the grace we need to keep moving forward with Him.

Jul 12, 2023

Morning Thought: Pet Adoption

Daily Thought: I share videos of shelter dogs looking for forever homes, and sometimes it gets to me because so many pets are overlooked for being less adoptable (Senior, special needs, long-term resident, abused/neglected, etc)πŸ₯Ή. It also makes me happy when some of them finally find forever homes. 

Jul 11, 2023

Reminder: DON’T Leave Your Pets & Children Inside Hot Cars

 If you have to be reminded NOT to leave your kids or pets in hot cars during the summer, you shouldn’t have either. I don’t care if you’re going to the store for a quick minute, or getting a bite to eat.

Jul 9, 2023

Don’t Figure Everything Out

In my case, this is easier said than done:

Repost: Glory Brown Inspiration Coach-Don’t waste your time trying to figure everything out. There are some things you’re not supposed to understand right now. We can’t see the plan of God. We can’t fathom how He does things. If you’re always trying to figure it out, it’s going to frustrate you. Instead of using that energy trying to understand what’s happening, use it to thank God that He’s working, thank Him that He’s fighting your battles, thank Him that He’s making crooked places straight, thank Him for His favor. 

We Are Not Anyone’s End All, Be All

Repost: Monica Regina Jones

Just a thought: The sooner we can realize and recognize that we are no one's end all be all, the freer and more easier we can move in our own lives. 

Jul 7, 2023

Right Place, Right Time

 Retweeted The Secret Teachings (@TheSecretForYou):

God is going to put you at the right place at the right time. He’s going to send divine connections, people that will go out of their way to be good to you. You couldn’t make it happen. It’s the favor of God bringing you into your yes.

Jul 6, 2023

Judging Harshly: 2 Things

Even if someone apologizes, is the apology sincere? Most likely not, so the offender can keep their half-hearted apology. I'll forgive, but that's it. I'm a different breed because now...I make people stand on how they choose to treat me.

Give Him 15: A Great Symphony Of Prayer


Jul 4, 2023

Under 40 In Authority

 People under 40 should NOT hold leadership positions in a company. What leadership or life experience could someone have at 35-40?🀷🏾‍♂️. It’s that age group who’s prone to letting authority go to their head. #ISaidWhatISaid

I’m going to spotlight a few responses: 

Monica Regina Jones: But bro I have known ppl that were in their 50s and older who have let leadership positions go to their heads also. It's not really about age. It's about character and maturity. Trust me, I literally know ppl that are younger than me that have both. I also know ppl older than me that lack both.

Interpretation: I see where she’s coming from because it’s 40+ people that are terrible leaders, but they play politics to get in authority. This usually stems from toxic management who hires those like them.

Lorraine London: My husband was dorm chief at the age of 18 in the air force. He was over men twice his age. Now he’s a police major in a very large department. He’s been tapped to be police chief twice and turned it down, twice. Too political he says, and he’s nobodies do boy. Some people have natural leadership abilities. Age isn’t necessarily a factor in that. It’s character, mental maturity and intelligence.

Response: This seems to be common in the military, groom young servicemen for leadership until retirement. Like Ms. Lorraine said, it’s character, mental maturity & intelligence. I stand corrected because you have young leaders who have been groomed right: They’ve sat under seasoned leaders with good character, intelligence & maturity so it’s natural for them to emulate that.

Jul 3, 2023

Hurt People, Hurt People: John Johnson

Repost John King Johnson

I know the saying 'hurt people hurt people' and all. I (based on life experience) am willing to say what's more common is "Uncomfortable people, make people uncomfortable."

Really sit and think about it. Mofos really be at comfortable people, especially comfortable children. I hate and resent how often growing up that either I or another child was harassed, bullied, hit and beaten by a GROWN ASS ADULT because the kid was relaxed and chill.

Humans envy comfort, and don't like seeing it on other humans, so various forms of harassment come into play.

My view: No lie was told. Humans are used to discord that they can’t believe there are well-adjusted drama-free folks. My mission in life is staying as drama-free as possible, and if I have to deal with it head-on or remove myself from the situation, I will. 

Jul 2, 2023


 Thought Of The Day: In my eyes, cheating is an abomination. An abomination is a vile, detestable action, condition or act. In other words, you're stuck like chuck if you commit an abomination. When you take someone as your man or woman, you do so with the intent of staying faithful to them. If you don't want them, why cheat? It's stupid. You two need to part ways because cheating is just going to make you look the fool once you get caught (and you will). Cheaters are not only fools, but so are the men & women who take them back. A cheater didn't care about you when he/she creeped with another man/woman so why on earth would anyone be so dumb to take a cheater back? They said "baby I'm sorry, please forgive me I won't do it no more" You take them back and boom! They cheat again. At some point, you have to cut toxic people loose. If you're with someone that doesn't respect the relationship or you to remain faithful, it's doomed from the start. Then people become hardened and finally cut the person loose, another man or woman comes along that wants to do right by him/her but they won't give them a chance because of what their ex did. Most baggage can be avoided by enforcing boundaries from the start. If someone doesn't respect your boundaries and they walk off, they did you a favor. By showing you who they are, that's less drama you have to deal with.

Sunday Real Talk

 When you pray for something, be ready for the blessing; however it comes.

No matter what plans we make, they should be subject to God’s agenda.

Jun 30, 2023

The Irony: Music Groups Split Due To Ego

It’s ironic that New Edition and other successful music groups started out as childhood friends from the same hood, but split because egos got in the way. Fame & fortune can be a curse, just like a blessing. 

Jun 28, 2023

America is NOT 1 Nation Under God

Sorry to offend some Christians, but America lost the right to be 1 Nation Under God when God was removed from American society. Here’s a repost from Charity Israel:

PSA: AMERICA is not a nation under God. It's a wicked nation with Godly people in it. With that being said, we should not expect people who do not belong to God to honor His word. The Bible was written for those who claim to be his; and it is teaches those who love him how to conduct themselves in a world that doesn't love Him. Until we understand this we'll be demanding righteousness from people who are under no obligation to live that way.  The word is the standard for living for CHRISTIANS not the world. Our "righteous policing" is for those claiming to be His. Our love is for everyone so they'll know we are His, and he loves them. Our salvation is for anyone who calls on His name to be saved. Let's focus on the salvation of this wicked nation before demanding it lives like it.

Note: We can return to being 1 Nation if we repent from our wickedness.

Jun 27, 2023

Tuesday Gospel

 You have nothing to prove to anyone, just prepare for victory and win.

Jun 26, 2023

Look For Someone On Your Level

 6/26: This is for men & women. I'm sick of men & women having a laundry list of standards for a mate that THEY don't have themselves. How can you require of another person what you don't have to give yourself? That's that craziness right there. If you're a nickel, look for a nickel. If you're a dime, look for a dime and if you are a quarter, look for a quarter. Catch my drift? Men and women should look for mates comparable to them and then focus on growing together.

Jun 25, 2023

Independent Ministry

 Independent ministers have more freedom to preach God's word the way it was intended: Uncompromising truth.

Jun 24, 2023

Saturday Thought

Reconcilation doesn't always mean restoring the broken relationship. Besides, do you really want to fix a broken relationship with someone who has done something so foul against you? 

Jun 23, 2023

Friday Gospel

 Who Is God? Promise Maker & Keeper. Every promise God makes, he keeps if we’re in covenant with him.

Instead of finding fault, we should praise God.

Jun 22, 2023

Throwback Thursday: In My Experience

In my experience, adults who say they're grown act nothing like it. Examples: Gossiping, vindictive behavior, jealousy, snide comments, manipulation, etc. Grow Up people, seriously. It's not a good look.

Jun 21, 2023

Who Is God?

 Who Is God? Promise Maker & Keeper. Every promise God makes, he keeps if we’re in covenant with him.

Jun 19, 2023

Monday Thought: Fake Apologies

Any apology that begins or ends with “If I hurt anyone” isn’t genuine. At this point, you might as well not apologize if you’re not going to OWN your mistake.

Jun 18, 2023

Let People Off The Hook

Repost from a FB friend’s page

Somebody needs to hear this and it’s true. I didn’t start to prosper until I let go of grudges and hate. 

Good morning and Praise The Lord it’s Friday!? πŸ‘‹πŸ½πŸ‘‹πŸ½πŸ‘‹πŸ½ Today’s Scripture 

“And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of His glory in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:19)


God has seen everything that’s happened in your life—the injustice, the bad breaks”, the person who did you wrong. Those people cannot pay you back. They cannot make you whole. No matter how good a person is, they can’t give you everything you need. Only God can meet your needs. He said He will give you beauty for ashes. He said He will pay you back double for the unfair things that have happened. Quit LOOKING TO PEOPLE to make it up to you. Quit trying to get somebody to apologize, to admit they were wrong, to give you what they don’t have. When you let people off the hook and quit trying to make them perform perfectly and keep you fixed, not only will their life be better, but your relationships will improve.

Let people off the hook. If you GO TO GOD, He WILL bring you out better. He WILL make the rest of your life more rewarding and more fulfilling than if those negative things hadn’t happened in the first place.

A Prayer for Today

“Father, thank You that You made me to be complete and fulfilled in You alone. Help me to realize when I’m looking to others to give me what only You can give and to let them off the hook. I believe and declare that I find everything I need in You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

🎢🎢🎢🎢 I feel like praising, praising Him.  πŸ‘πŸ½πŸ‘πŸ½πŸ‘πŸ½πŸ₯πŸŽΉ  Ooooo…. I feel like praising, praising Him!  Praise Him in the morning πŸ‘πŸ½πŸ‘‹πŸ½πŸ‘‹πŸ½ Praise Him all day long.  I feel like praising, praising Him. πŸ‘πŸ½πŸ₯πŸ₯  If U don’t want to praise don’t hinder me! πŸ₯πŸ‘πŸ½πŸ‘πŸ½  If U don’t want to praise Him don’t hinder me!  Praise Him in the morning, Praise Him all day long! I feel like praising, Praising Him. πŸ₯πŸ₯πŸ‘πŸ½πŸ‘πŸ½πŸ‘πŸ½ I’m gonna praise the Lord while I have a chance!  πŸ‘πŸ½πŸ‘πŸ½πŸ₯πŸŽΉ I’m gonna praise Lord while I have a chance!   πŸ•ΊπŸ½πŸ’ƒπŸ½ πŸ’ƒπŸ½πŸ’ƒπŸ½πŸ’ƒπŸ½πŸ’ƒπŸ½πŸ•ΊπŸ½πŸ•ΊπŸ½πŸ•ΊπŸ½πŸ•ΊπŸ½ “Happy Father’s Day to all our fathers!” πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’  Praise Him in the morning praise all day long I feel like praising Praising Him! πŸ₯πŸ₯πŸ‘πŸ½πŸ‘πŸ½ "Have a blessed weekend!  In Jesus name Amen πŸ™πŸ½" 

Sunday Thought: Extroverts Worried About Introverts

 Daily Thought: Extroverts are more worried about introverts than the reverse. 9 times out of 10, extroverted people can’t stand to see a quiet person who prefers to be low key. We see you…we (introverts) know how fake you are.πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€

Jun 16, 2023

Morning Thought: Finding Fault vs. Praising God

 Instead of finding fault, we should praise God. I’ll admit, it’s easier finding fault than praising God because we don’t like what’s going on in our lives, but if we’re locked in with God, he’ll always see us through.

Jun 15, 2023

Let God Heal

 It doesn’t matter how God chooses to heal, what matters is we’re open to his healing power, however it comes.

Jun 14, 2023

Being The Man

 If a man can be the man in bed, he can be the man as a father, with the finances, in the living room or in the office.

Jun 13, 2023

Tuesday Prayer

“Father, thank You that when things don’t go according to my plans, I can know that You are working behind the scenes and in charge of my steps. Thank You that You love me too much to leave me on my own. I believe that You will work all of these things together for my good. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.” 

Jun 12, 2023

Monday Thought

 Some Christian women claim to want a man chasing after Jesus, but if he puts God over her, she will be slighted.

Jun 11, 2023

Sunday Message

 You can think yourself right out of an opportunity. It's ok to make smart decisions but at the same time, know when to move.

Jun 10, 2023

Proverbs 17:4

 This is why you gotta pay attention to who people hang with and listen to…

Why did they sit there and listen to lies about you?

The Bible tells you! 

“The wicked enjoy fellowship with others who are wicked; liars enjoy liars.” Proverbs 17:4. 

Living Translation 

“An evildoer listens closely to wicked lips;

And a liar pays attention to a destructive and malicious tongue.”

The Amplified

Jun 9, 2023

Friday Sermon

 Thought Of The Day: Since when did it become acceptable for a MAN to sponge off a woman? He's not pulling his weight, leaving her with the household expenses and her stupid self co-signs. A woman has no right to catch feelings because she's enabling him. I can't fault him for sponging off her because she allowed it. Tell him to tighten up or he has to find somewhere else to live or someone else to sponge off of.

Jun 8, 2023

Humble Yourself Before God Does


NO ONE and I mean NO ONE!  is better than anyone else, and my heart is sad for those who think they are. No matter how big your house is, how new your car is, or how much money sits in your bank account - we all bleed red and will eventually fade from this earth. Death has no discrimination, and neither should your life.

     Be kind to others. We are all here to serve. Stop the power tripping. Your oversized ego won’t get you anywhere.

Be humble and kind! 

      Very few will read this far, but if you’re genuine, I challenge you to copy.  Most won’t because they’re the type of people I’m talking about. πŸ’―

We all need to be reminded of this. I totally agree.

Jun 7, 2023

Let The Past Stay There

Mark Wahlberg is still being crucified for his hate crimes in the 80s. I feel bad for him because he's constantly apologized for his mistakes & folks won't let him slide. The lesson is that people will hold your past against you although you have changed for the better. 

Jun 6, 2023

Jun 5, 2023

June 5, 2023: God Is Calling You

UVB Word For Today

*Today God is calling you (3)*

5 June 2023

*‘‘I have prayed for you, that your faith will not fail.’’*

Luke 22:32 NASB

God wants you to do His will, but you’ll never reach the place of spiritual maturity in which you’re ‘Satan-free’. You can overcome him, but you can’t eliminate him. Look at Peter. He had only one gear: overdrive. He was always in the middle of everything that was going on, but he wasn’t always on top of things. The man who ended up leading the church, first denied being a disciple of Jesus. Pretty shocking, eh? But nothing about us surprises God. He doesn’t call you and say, ‘I hope you’re the right person.’ No; Jesus told Peter, *‘Satan has demanded to sift you…like wheat; but I have prayed for you, that your faith may not fail’* (vv. 31-32 NASB). Isn’t that an amazing revelation? Even when you don’t know how to pray for yourself, Jesus is praying for you. *‘He ever liveth to make intercession for them’* (Hebrews 7:25 KJV). Jesus told Peter, *‘When you have turned back, strengthen your brothers’* (Luke 22:32 NASB). Out of the mess you’re in today can come a ministry to others. Not only can God turn your life around, He can use you to turn the lives of others around too. And one more thing: God isn’t apt to think you’re worth ‘sifting’ if you aren’t doing something right in the first place. Sifting is a method of purifying, of straining out the debris and refining what remains. That means there had to be something worth salvaging in you at the outset. *Today God is calling you. Don’t waste another moment; surrender your life to Him.*

*Bible in a Year: 2 Kings 15-16, Acts 10:24-48* 

Jun 4, 2023

Jun 3, 2023

Malcolm X: Black Genocide


I will always stand on this, and don't care who's slighted. There was a code among old-school gangsters that you DO NOT attack women & children. Whatever issue you had, it was settled between the MEN. Now, these cowards will go after families to get to the man. Anyway, Malcolm X was spot on. Blacks have enough enemies outside their race, they don't need to be warring with each other.

Jun 1, 2023

Thursday Message

 Stop encouraging reconciliation from people who aren’t sorry for their mistakes!

May 31, 2023

Jentezen Franklin: Psalm 119:105

When you’re faced with several GOOD choices, trust God to show you the BEST one! “Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path.” (Psalm 119:105) 

May 30, 2023

Shoot Up The Club

Shootings & murders at nightclubs confirm what I've said all along: People bring street disputes into an environment that's supposed to be fun for all.

Non-PC version: People go to clubs to fight & shoot.

Tuesday Sermon

It’s one thing to be loyal, then there’s being a fool. Know The Difference. 

May 28, 2023

Sunday Message

If you are always worried about what other people think, you will be distracted from your destiny. 

May 27, 2023

Raw Truth

 I don’t respect anyone who drops their loyal, single friends just because they got married. I get that you can’t hang like you used to, but to drop your loyal friends because of your spouse is foul. Who raised some of you disloyal jokers?😐

May 25, 2023

Raw Truth

Raw truth 101:

Many churches in America need to permanently stay shut! There is a lot of ungodliness going on in them and God is not pleased!



May 23, 2023

May 22, 2023

Monday Messages

 You are not worth anything if you are in the wrong place!

Stop apologizing for wanting more!!

May 21, 2023

Sunday Word: Let People Show You Who They Are

Good Or Bad, a person has one time to show me who they are! Once they do, that’s how I view them. In reverse, this applies to me because I want to be viewed positively, but I know no matter how friendly/approachable I am, some folks will never like me, and I’m good with that.

May 20, 2023

Saturday Chronicles: Simple Things Can Mean So Much

#SaturdayChronicles: Halfway through my 2-mile walk at Cascade Park, this cute little dog smiled at me & rolled over on her back for belly rubs. I obliged for a few minutes and went on my way. The owner thought it was adorable as she said “awwww, you’re so nice.”πŸ₯°Simple things can mean so much to me, and others.☺️ 

May 19, 2023

Today’s Message: It’s Not A Secret

 Understand this: Not everything is a secret, it's simply none of anyone's business.

May 18, 2023

Today’s Message: The Lambs Book Of Life

You can shout,”R.I.P, Fly High,& Long Live etc.” All you want to but if your Name isn’t Written in the LAMBS Book of Life, the Lake of Fire is waiting!πŸ”₯ 

May 16, 2023

The Power Of Agreement

 When asking God for something, be careful who you align with because they could have wrong motives.

May 13, 2023

Best For You!

 You are not REQUIRED to explain a decision that was best for YOU‼️

That’s ItπŸ’―

May 12, 2023

Speak Truth

 Just as a broken clock is right twice a day, the devil tells the truth at times, too!!!




May 11, 2023

Silence Is Golden

 Silence Is Golden. It’s in those quiet times where God can speak to us.

May 10, 2023

Throwback Message: Making Heaven Without God’s Blessings

 When I listened to one of Steve Harvey's messages, he said some real stuff. He said that some believers will make it to heaven without getting all the blessings God has for them. I got to thinking I don't want to make Heaven only to find out there's a box of blessings God wanted to give me, but I was too in my own way to see it.

May 9, 2023

Today’s Message: Too Valuable To Be Violated

It's better to let people walk away from you than walk all over you! You are too #valuable to be violated!! 

May 7, 2023

Transparency Post: Holding Back

When I posted this on FB, I got positive reactions & responses. I normally don’t get personal on social media, but if my content helps others…forget what others think.🀷🏾‍♂️

 #TransparencyPost: Not long after my dad passed, I was walking my dog around my neighborhood when a neighbor on the next street asked about him. I told her he passed, and she was about to cryπŸ₯Ή. I WANTED to tell her to cut the crap because she had EVERY opportunity to check on my father, and didn’t. The reason I held back is I didn’t know her situation (she could’ve been going through something herself), and two, I wasn’t raised to disrespect my elders. Sometimes, we think we have a reason to check folks, but if we take a step back…we’ll find that maybe the person couldn’t be there like they wanted.

Spiritual Warfare: Babette Glenn

Repost (Babette Glenn)

STOP speaking of spiritual warfare. Until you do its NOT going to cease. Lately I have been hearing a lot about it and I know for a fact it's happening more often because it's what's being talked about more often. When talking to God He does NOT want you talking to Him about your adversary ALL of the time. He wants you to talk to Him about Him ALL of the time. When you reverse your conversation and talk about the goodness of God and NOT the badness of your adversary....the good will outweigh the bad and more good will exist and the bad will begin to cease. 

Think about it this don't want anyone saying anything bad about you to anyone else so why are you saying bad things about someone else to God? Amen? Amen 

Good morning Peeps 

If you’re in tune with God, you can sense spiritual warfare without mentioning it. It’s in the atmosphere: Bad energy all around…that means your presence is a threat to demonic activity.

May 5, 2023

Friday Thought

 Too many people treat God like a Genie, like all he’s good for is answering prayers.

May 4, 2023

Food For Thought

Don't exhaust your star player. Always have capable players who can come off the bench if needed. 

May 3, 2023

Blacks’ Anger At Emmett Till’s Death

 I understand black folks’ frustration at Emmett Till’s death: They feel Carolyn Bryant got to live her life, while Emmett Till’s was tragically cut short. Let’s recap: Karma gave Carolyn Bryant the business: Several personal losses, followed by a poor quality of life leading to her demise in hospice. I’d say she reaped more than she’s sown until she left this earth. She’s gonna do a LONG sentence where she’s going, so…did she really have a good life? No.🀷🏾‍♂️

May 2, 2023

America: πŸ›‘ STOP Policing Other Countries!

I’m a proud American, but our country has too many issues to police another country. We have no business telling another country how to live when we have our own trouble.🀦🏾 

May 1, 2023

Emmett Till Accuser Carolyn Bryant Died At 88

Carolyn Bryant didn’t die in peace, know that. Ever since she lied on Emmett Till, her life was toast: She divorced twice, lost one or a couple of her sons, she was a recluse for the remainder of her life. Karma gave her the business. Good or bad, what you plant will return to you. 

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.