Dec 19, 2023

Peace: Tera Carissa Hodges

#Peace There’s a meme on several parent oriented pages on IG going viral that basically encourages parents to teach their teens if ever you feel the need to get out of a bad situation, leave a party, sleepover, etc, just blame it on me.

For ex: my mom is so annoying she just text I have to come home now because I forgot to wash the dishes, etc.

You know why parents are recommending this?

In part, because parents are mature enough to not care what children think of them.

They recognize their children’s friends opinion don’t matter in the grand scheme or daily nuances of their life. 

Likewise, would you like to know when you’ll walk in peace?

When like these parents, you come to a place where you don’t care what non consequential people in your life think.

If they don’t have the power to hire you, fire you, block your university acceptance letter, block your getting into heaven, block the mortgage lender from approving your loan, determine if your kids are safe, happy, and healthy, 

why care?

And if they are consequential, go above them. 

No one hired themselves. That supervisor has a supervisor. 

Bottom line, for some of you, you’re not at peace because your image 

(what you want people to think of you), is your god. 

When you remove that god off the pedestal of your mind, you will experience a peace that surpasses understanding. 

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🤦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.