Dec 26, 2022

Monday Message

God will let us think we can do a better job than him. It's when we get jammed up that we realize that God knows best, after all. This is a continual lesson I'm learning everyday. What I may think is good for me may not be what God thinks is best for me. 

Dec 24, 2022

Family Isn't Always Loving

Family Isn't Always Loving 

I wonder how this young man is doing since this episode aired. This Judge Mathis episode was rough because this young man was born into tragedy: Sickle Cell Anemia, and a crappy uncle. The young man was trying to escape the ghetto, and the uncle could've cut him some slack. My FB friend Paulette Marie shed valuable light

"Unfortunately, the uncle’s behavior/demeanor is generational. I guarantee you, he was treated the same way. Not making excuses for him cause as an adult he should do better…just saying."

This the one. The uncle (if you can call him one) was mistreated as a child, so he's going to make his nephew feel the same way he did. I'm not condoning the uncle's behavior, but it's the truth. Hurt people, hurt people (even that statement is becoming tired because it sounds like excuses are being made for toxic behavior). Clips like this prove that family isn't always loving, and I'm understanding why some family members are estranged.

Dec 23, 2022

Fellas, Tighten Up

4 years later, and this message is still true. I guess that's why I don't hang around men like that because a lot of these jokers are seeped in foolishness.


Dec 22, 2022

Peace Of Mind: Put YOU First

 Thought For Today:

Many people talk a good game about wanting peace of mind, but very few back it up. What I mean is that many people are scared to X toxic people out of their lives because they think they're being selfish by actually putting THEIR desire for peace over overlooking someone's "flaws". I'm not afraid to X toxic folks out of my life, and I don't care who's slighted. I'm not trying to give some people repeated green lights to keep subtracting from my life. If that makes me selfish, I embrace that all the way. There's nothing wrong with putting yourself first.

Dec 21, 2022

Avoid THESE False Prophets in 2023 - Prophetic Word from Bishop Alan DiDio

False prophets aren't called by God, they call themselves. A lot of false prophets are ego-driven. A true prophet speaks what God puts on their heart. In my view, false prophets will only fool those who aren't wise. If you follow Christ, it'll be easy to discern between a false prophet & real prophet. False prophets have truth in what they're saying, but even then it takes wisdom to decide which is real & false.

Dec 20, 2022

3 Wise Women: When Should A Woman Pay?

Repost: Question 2: After what number of dates should a woman offer to pay for the date after she’s been out on a couple of dates with the same guy?

This question is symbolic of what goes on in relationships today. Some feel the man should continue paying, others feel she should kick in. Depending on who initiated the date, to me that’s who should foot the bill. My response:

This is the problem with relationships: One person does all the giving while the other takes, takes and takes. Relationships like that WILL NOT last because they are built on selfishness. Regardless of who initiated the date, to expect one person to put in all the work is ridiculous. The other person doing the receiving has nothing to bring to the table. If a man is dropping $200 or more for dates on a woman he's probably not feeling, he's not very intelligent because who's to say if you spend $$$ on a woman, she'll be interested in you. You don't know. Ladies and Gentlemen, don't allow your mate to drive you broke.

Dec 19, 2022

Random Thoughts On Monday

Random Thoughts:

I will be alone before I hang with messy people. Their toxic nature will rub off on you if you allow.

For some reason, extroverted people are bothered by introverts who don’t need acceptance from the masses.

If you went to high school with someone, but you never spoke to them, do you really remember them?🤔 

People Don’t Like Me Because I’m Anointed Or….

Repost: Charity Israel

I wish we would stop the "people don't like you because you're anointed" preaching/conversations.  Truth is some people don't like you because you could be mean, self-centered,  controlling,  angry, bitter, arrogant, insecure, ignorant, irresponsible,  lack integrity, a liar, inconsistent, unreliable, etc. Also, they could not like you simply because your personality, not your anointing, is not likeable to them. This doesn't make you or them bad. Truth is, every human has a right not to like a person, and it does not mean they have a demon because they don't like you. 

For those of you who seem to be obsessed with those who do not like you, and you work overtime trying to get everyone to like you:  I encourage you to put that energy into those who do like you. More importantly let God's love and you liking you be what matters most. People are too fickle to build your life around them liking you or not. Now go in peace ✌️ ❤️ ! 

I felt this. I’m over people liking me because I feel if I haven’t mistreated them, they have a right to dislike me. It’s not making me lose sleep because it’s less drama for me. While it’s true that sometimes a person is disliked for their anointing, many times it’s for the reasons above. Either way, be ok with people not liking you. People are too fickle to bank your favor on.

Dec 18, 2022

Biological Father vs. Stepdad

Fathers who aren’t involved in their children’s lives can not dictate how their kids are raised, especially if another man steps in to raise YOUR children. 

Dec 16, 2022

Friday Message: Other People’s Insecurity Is Not Your Problem

 Repost (Britteny Brown Inspiration Coach)

It really bothers people when you're comfortable with yourself. They start feeling like you think you're perfect or above the next person... their insecurity is not your problem.

Dec 15, 2022

3 Prophetic insights for 2023 | Crypto is not enough

This is Prophet Tomi Arayomi, someone I follow on YouTube, and a lot of gems were dropped. Many of the gems dropped were telling people to get their finances together in case of an economic collapse. This ties into the Bible story about the 5 foolish and wise virgins: The 5 wise virgins made preparations so they stacked oil, the 5 foolish waited until the last minute to get ready, so they were caught slipping. Because the 5 foolish virgins were caught lacking, they depended on the wise to hook them up, but aht aht...the wise had to turn away the foolish virgins because the wise didn't have enough for themselves and the foolish virgins. That Biblical parable ties into today because prophet Arayomi is telling people to get their finances ready: pay off debt, invest, save, etc.
The next gem he dropped was getting rid of foolish friends. Friendship is fine, but if those friends are keeping you from your purpose, drop them. This really stood out to me: Don't make friends, choose friends. I've never heard friendship described like that before. For me, the only friend I have is Jesus, and I'm good with him being my solo friend. At this point in my life, I'm on a mission & I won't let anyone in who's bad for me; my purpose is too valuable for that. It annoys me when I let someone in & the energy isn't right. It's tough for me to consider someone a friend if I haven't invested time with them.

I pray this blog post & prophetic message reaches people, and causes them to get ready, but if not...all I can do is promote this prophecy. What people do is on them. I felt led to share this.

Dec 14, 2022

Wednesday Gospel

There's always a motive behind what people say, do and ask of you-Anonymous elderly woman.

 Doing what I have to do in order to make a better way for myself. I'm on my hustle, I'm on my grind. 

Dec 13, 2022

Suffering At The Hands Of Evil People

I put the disclaimer at the bottom because I know this subject is too real for some Christians. Why? Because most of them are used to powder puff preaching: Serving God is the best decision you'll make. For mature believers, yes because there's nothing like God having your back when you need him most. What about baby Christians, those starting out in the faith? I feel that mature Christians need to be real with rookie Christians about the faith walk, because a lot of babes in Christ come to Him under false pretenses that everything will be sweet once you give your heart to Christ. Aht aht...once you surrender to Christ, game on. You become a target for Satan, so he's going to throw every fiery dart at someone to deter him/her. You have to be built Ford tough to walk with Christ because we live in a fallen world, and part of living in a fallen world means battles choose you. I know most folks aren't used to that real talk, which is why many sinners choose to reject Christ; because for them, there's no benefit. If you go through more hell as a believer than not, then why should anyone choose to serve Christ? Remember, God reigns on the just & unjust, so that means trials will hit everyone, whether they're evil or good. Those who are anchored in Christ have a better shot of survival because they can lean on Him. 

Dec 12, 2022


Repost (Tera Carissa Hodges)

#Fathers if you love your children,

#1 choose mentally stable women as their mothers…preferably, they should be your wife first

#2 stay in your child’s life to be the healthy balance and adult advocate if need be. 

(Moms, the same goes for you, but I’m referencing a trending video right now). 

That video going viral of a mother #bullying her daughter, recording it, then cutting her hair is straight up child abuse.

It’s something she’ll never be able to live down because it’s out there now. 

The mother is so short sighted, did she consider the impact of such video if they girl ever applied for a #scholarship, a #job, etc.

I truly hope loved ones have intervened to have the girl removed and the mom investigated. 

This is one time, I would have supported the daughter standing up to her mother 

(read between the lines to get what I’m really saying and multiple times to defend herself.)

Enough is enough.

If you can’t get through to your child, perhaps there’s an issue YOU need to work on as a parent.

She’s accusing her daughter of being obsessed with looks but is recording herself with a beauty filter on. My guess is, #jealousy of a younger, prettier version of herself was also a motivating factor. 

And of course, the mother was substantially bigger physically than her daughter.

Rarely, do you see a parent picking on a child their equal or bigger than them. 

Abusers are not stupid. They pick on who they think they can win a fight with. 

We often hear of parents keeping a child in their place, but parents need to be kept in their place as well. 

It’s time out for parents trying to humiliate their kids and then wonder why they grow up to have low self-esteem, harm themselves, bully other people, stay in abusive romantic relationships or have nothing to do with them etc.

You reap what you sow.

I use to judge people who stayed in abusive romantic relationships until I began going through the process of becoming a therapist and realized so much of why people stay is rooted in what they were taught about love growing up…

“You know I’m only bullying you, hitting you, screaming at you, cursing you out, etc.” because I love you right?”

The video is an example of why I’m not quick to sympathy for older adults who complain about their adult children not coming around, not bringing their children/the parent’s grandkids around. 

If an adult is otherwise stable in other areas of their life (a functioning, healthy, productive adult) and they are avoiding their parent, there’s a reason why the parent is not telling. 

It’s also why I advocate, the first thing to do if you’re escaping a #toxicfamily dynamic is get your #money together.

The #1 thing that keeps people tied to abusive situations (including toxic relatives), is needing the abuser financially. 

Adding on to what she said, men need to read #1 because it would save them a lot of baby mama drama. If a man doesn't see a woman as a future mother, he shouldn't lay down with her. Then again, most men think with their second head instead of the one attached to their shoulders.

Dec 11, 2022

Privacy Is Power


When no one knows your next move, they can't sabotage it. I'm learning this daily because I can't run the risk of attracting envy. People will go to great lengths to sabotage your success, so for me, the best course of action is to make moves in privacy. Remember, what people don't know, they can't ruin. Let people think you have nothing going for yourself, that's the key. When you make it big, the evidence speaks for itself. Folks shouldn't have anything to prove to anyone.

Dec 10, 2022

Pet Ownership vs. Raising Children

I feel pet owners when they mention taking care of a pet is like taking care of a child: You’re making sure your pet remains healthy by any means necessary, the same as a child. 

Dec 9, 2022

Stay In Your Lane

The average highway has 3-4 lanes in each direction, some have 5 if you include major cities, so why can't some people seem to stay in theirs? 

Dec 8, 2022

What Discernment Is NOT

 Repost (John Jones)

Gossip is not insight and slander is not wisdom. There are messy people who hide their mess under the word “discernment”. The real proof that God talks to you, is that you don’t talk too much!!

Discernment is an overused term. Everyone claims to have it, but they don’t. Discernment is knowing when (not) to speak. Last I checked, true discernment doesn’t involve stirring up 💩.

Dec 7, 2022

Today’s Message: Working Twice As Hard

 Some people give everything they have to accomplish what you take for granted. I call those folks spoiled, because they don’t understand there are those who would love to be in their position. Take someone who was born into adversity, and take someone who had a good start; who do you think appreciates success more? The person born into adversity because they fought for their success. They had to work twice as hard to get where they’re at.

Dec 6, 2022

Today’s Message

Doing what’s best for you requires no explanation. If people want to call you selfish, let them. 9 out of 10 times, they would do what’s best for them.

Dec 5, 2022

Repost: James Mitchell

 I serve a God who doesn't let anything we go through go to waste. Meaning, even in the "bad" times He has a way of making all things work together for our good, so that He gets the glory❗️

Dec 4, 2022

Repost: Herbert McClain

Repost (Herbert McClain)

Never Mock a situation you haven't endured, because when life hits might become everything you ever criticized. 💯 

The above repost puts life in perspective. I don’t mock anyone’s situation because it could happen to me. Life doesn’t cut anyone slack regarding trials: When you mock what someone is battling, a similar or worse situation could hit you, and we’ll see how you handle it.

Dec 3, 2022

Question Of The Day: Mannie Miller


I think many married couples want singles to experience the joys of marriage: Spending your life with someone who brings out the best in you, so I get why many people think marriage is everyone's end game, but...there are those who used to want marriage until they saw what their parents and other loved ones went through, and they were turned off by that. It takes maturity to deal with the rough times in marriage, and everyone's not cut out for that. Some people have no business being married, and that's fine. Everyone isn't cut out for married life because either they can't find the right person or they don't want the work that comes with making a marriage last; it's not my responsibility to judge. I used to want marriage, but my eyes were open to the reality and now...I'm fine with single life. I move how I want on my time & not someone else's, and I don't check with anyone before I make a decision. I've read many articles of spouses becoming disabled and the person they married ends up bouncing because it's too much work caring for a disabled spouse, but let people tell it...marriage is so great. Then there's the divorce rate: 50% of first marriages end in divorce (of that percentage, women initiate the majority of divorces), and that percentage increases with subsequent marriages. Some marriages are successful because the couple refuses to let anything destroy what God put together. Confession: It would take A LOT, and I mean A LOT for me to trade the single life for married life, because when you're married, you can't think of self, you have to consider the impact of your decisions on your family.

Dec 2, 2022


Pay Attention

 PAY ATTENTION to the "friends and family" who don’t wish you a happy birthday, but when it's everyone else's, they write a book!! Pay attention to the "friends and family" who don't hype your selfie up when you post it, but hypes up everyone else's!! Pay attention to the "friends and family" who don't like your pictures on IG, FB, or your posts PERIOD, but loves everyone else's!! Pay attention to the "friends and family" who don't "clap" when you win, but congratulate others. A lot of people are around to be nosy, NOT because they actually care!!!! KNOW who to keep around & KNOW who to keep at a DISTANCE! 💯

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🤦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.