Dec 15, 2022

3 Prophetic insights for 2023 | Crypto is not enough

This is Prophet Tomi Arayomi, someone I follow on YouTube, and a lot of gems were dropped. Many of the gems dropped were telling people to get their finances together in case of an economic collapse. This ties into the Bible story about the 5 foolish and wise virgins: The 5 wise virgins made preparations so they stacked oil, the 5 foolish waited until the last minute to get ready, so they were caught slipping. Because the 5 foolish virgins were caught lacking, they depended on the wise to hook them up, but aht aht...the wise had to turn away the foolish virgins because the wise didn't have enough for themselves and the foolish virgins. That Biblical parable ties into today because prophet Arayomi is telling people to get their finances ready: pay off debt, invest, save, etc.
The next gem he dropped was getting rid of foolish friends. Friendship is fine, but if those friends are keeping you from your purpose, drop them. This really stood out to me: Don't make friends, choose friends. I've never heard friendship described like that before. For me, the only friend I have is Jesus, and I'm good with him being my solo friend. At this point in my life, I'm on a mission & I won't let anyone in who's bad for me; my purpose is too valuable for that. It annoys me when I let someone in & the energy isn't right. It's tough for me to consider someone a friend if I haven't invested time with them.

I pray this blog post & prophetic message reaches people, and causes them to get ready, but if not...all I can do is promote this prophecy. What people do is on them. I felt led to share this.

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.