Jul 29, 2021

Let It Ride

 I'm learning this daily because sometimes no resolution will come from addressing the situation, so I don't care enough to address it. It's about picking your battles: Knowing which battles you can win, and which ones aren't worth fighting.

Jul 28, 2021

Today's Thought: You Reap What You Sow


Why should I or any upstanding citizen feel sorrow over evildoers' demise? These people spent their lives causing pain to others, and they got what was coming to them. A FB friend just told me a story about a sex offender getting his head split in half for molesting a 6-year old girl. That story confirms what I know: Inmates have zero tolerance towards child sex offenses. Make it so bad, inmates know what you're in for prior to your arrival. When you do evil, evil will always follow you.

Jul 27, 2021

Today's Thought: God


Coming Back Into Your Life/Uncle Tom

By then, it would be too late because once someone leaves my life, they're x'ed out for good; never allowed back in.
Black people, we MUST stop using Uncle Tom as an insult. Uncle Tom was a man who refused to beat black women.

Uncle Tom was a man who refused to tell on other slaves.
Uncle tom was a man who would put cotton in other slaves’ bags at night, so that they wouldn’t get beat!
Uncle Tom was a man who helped 100 slaves get free long before the underground railroad.
Uncle Tom was a man, that once free, established the 1st Laborers school for other fugitive slaves!
His name? Josiah Henson! Josiah Henson was an author, abolitionist, and minister. Born into slavery, in Port Tobacco, Charles County, Maryland, he escaped to Upper Canada in 1830, and founded a settlement and laborer’s school for other fugitive slaves at Dawn, near Dresden, in Kent County, Upper Canada, of British Canada.
So stop calling these sell-outs Uncle tom! That’s a compliment! Its Sambo that was the sell-out, who would do anything for his slave masters’ approval!

Tell me, what's so bad about being an Uncle Tom? I'll wait.


Jul 23, 2021

Art Imitates Life


Shout out to this wonderful painting by the artist. Whoever this artist is, he nailed it. The artist painted himself how he grew up with each TV black dad. You have a variety of TV fathers from all education/socioeconomic backgrounds: Ghetto/Inner City, middle/working class, professional/upper class, etc. I like this painting.

Jul 22, 2021

Throwback Thursday: When They See Us

 I'd like to share a Throwback Thursday post I made on 7/17/2019 about When They See Us produced by Ava Duvernay. Even though this is a throwback post, it's still relevant today because blacks are STILL fighting for basic equality.

Jul 21, 2021

Mom vs. Wife: Who Comes First


Biblically, the poster is correct because Genesis 2:24 does say a man is to leave his parents and cling to his wife, but...not everyone is a Christian so would Genesis 2:24 really apply to a mainstream audience? Let's be real, a man's first example of womanhood is his mom; she gave him life and if she raised him right, she has no problem stepping back when her son gets married. A responsible, God-fearing mom will instruct her son to put his wife first; that's not to say he shouldn't take care of his mom when necessary, but that a son understands that he has a family to look after, so mom shouldn't expect him to jump when she asks how high. Some men feel as though their mom is just as important as his wife, which I understand because mom was the first woman in his life & if they were close, why wouldn't the wife understand that? God forbid a wife leaves her husband, then mom will always have her son's back. I can understand a wife coming before a man's mother if she's a good woman: Why wouldn't a man that has a good woman want to make sure his woman is straight? If a man is unsure of his wife, then I get his reluctancy to put his wife first, but...maybe he should've vetted his spouse before tying the knot.

Jul 20, 2021

Today's Thought: Avoiding Fake People & Drama


I see why some people are "antisocial", because as much drama that many people involve themselves in, it's not worth it.

Jul 19, 2021

No Credit: Behind The Scenes


I get it, we all want credit for how we've helped others reach a certain level, but as I've gotten older, I've learned that not everyone will give you credit for helping them shine, and that's fine. You know they wouldn't be where they are if it wasn't for your help, so charge it to the game and move on. I'm a different breed because I've never cared about getting credit for helping someone come up. Watching the recipient shine is credit enough for me, especially if me & that person have history together.

Jul 15, 2021

Today's Thought: Working Hard For The Devil

Putting in overtime & all. The devil promotes his servants, but Satan's promotions always come at a cost. So tell me why some fools are set on putting in work for him? I'll wait.


Jul 14, 2021

Smelling Yourself

You can tell who's not used to blessing because the moment a person comes up, they start smelling themselves: Acting brand new. Life has a way of humbling those who get too big for their britches.


Jul 13, 2021

Church: Men vs. Women


Even those who don't go to church know this to be true. It's a combination of reasons: Women are more willing to serve in church, the pastor's messages resonate better with women than men, and a big one: Women are more in tune with God. This was a good response from a FB friend:

Looking at this response, it's no wonder many men aren't checking for church, and I can't blame them. Many churches have more ministry groups for women than men, and of the men's groups that do exist in many churches, not many men are willing to get involved because for a lot of brothers, the idea of vulnerability and accountability is foreign to some.

Jul 12, 2021

Student Debt Cancellation

 Self-explanatory. At this point, Biden is picking & choosing who to cancel student debt for.

Jul 9, 2021

Bible Study

These are some nuggets from different Bible studies I've done on my Bible app. 

Forgiveness vs. Restoration

This is for some people who feel they are required to give offenders another shot at being in their lives. You're supposed to forgive, but reconciliation isn't always necessary.


Jul 8, 2021

Today's Thought: Old School Relationship


A FB friend posted this on my timeline and it caught my eye for one reason: A lot of folks want the old school relationship like mama & daddy, or their grandparents, but do they ask the hard questions of whether their folks were happy? Back then, married couples went through A LOT to stay together. Men wouldn't allow their woman to work, which made them feel like they could mistreat their wives as long as they were taking care of their family. Today's couples aren't tolerating what their grandparents & parents did back in the day. This post sheds light on why most marriages don't last today, because the tolerance level for foolishness among younger couples is very low compared to their parents/grandparents. In some ways, an old-school relationship is beneficial because old-school couples knew how to weather storms.

Give Him 15: Daily Prayer With Dutch Sheets

Our God desires a strong America, whose people are honoring him alone, and are truly for HIM. 


Jul 6, 2021

I'm Glad You're Gone


Some people give themselves too much credit by claiming to have cut you off. Little do they realize that you're glad they're gone. If y'all were casual acquaintances, is it really going to make much difference if there's a falling out? No, because you two don't have enough history together.

Jul 5, 2021

Show & Tell

 Maybe I missed the memo, but I'm wondering when was it mandatory for someone to post what they have going for themselves on social media (rhetorical question)? I'm asking because some people think you don't have anything going for yourself if you're not posting it on social media. Privacy may be foreign to a lot of people, but for me: I will always post what I want folks to know. Social media will never know the details of my personal life, except the edited version. Telling too much of your business can get you jammed up, & that's a risk I refuse to take. If you folks want to be an open book, be my guest, but don't start crying when folks use your details against you because not everyone on your FB friends list/Twitter followers is legit. It's some people that are doing surveillance on your social media accounts to use your details against you.

Jul 2, 2021

Life Wisdom


I feel I do a good job of living by these two gems, but as a believer I will always forgive those who hurt me, but I won't let them back in my life. Once you show me who you are, I believe you and move accordingly. Getting bit by a snake once can be a mistake, getting bit twice is a choice because you knew that snake was poisonous and you let it bite you over and over again.

Jul 1, 2021

Question Of The Day: Is It Worth Pursuing A Law Enforcement Career?

 I'm asking a valid question. You can Google articles about police officers nationwide retiring/resigning in today's climate. Some of the reasons are valid: Policies are passed limiting how officers do their jobs in light of the recent police misconduct cases. I do agree that bad cops should be terminated because THEY cast a bad light on the law enforcement profession. What about the good cops who do their jobs by the book? I don't know, but I just feel like cops hands are tied to the point where they might as well let criminals show out because with everyone having smartphones, all someone has to do is record a cop doing something (s)he doesn't like, and next thing you know, that cop gets investigated.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🤦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.