Jul 5, 2021

Show & Tell

 Maybe I missed the memo, but I'm wondering when was it mandatory for someone to post what they have going for themselves on social media (rhetorical question)? I'm asking because some people think you don't have anything going for yourself if you're not posting it on social media. Privacy may be foreign to a lot of people, but for me: I will always post what I want folks to know. Social media will never know the details of my personal life, except the edited version. Telling too much of your business can get you jammed up, & that's a risk I refuse to take. If you folks want to be an open book, be my guest, but don't start crying when folks use your details against you because not everyone on your FB friends list/Twitter followers is legit. It's some people that are doing surveillance on your social media accounts to use your details against you.

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🤦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.