Jul 21, 2021

Mom vs. Wife: Who Comes First


Biblically, the poster is correct because Genesis 2:24 does say a man is to leave his parents and cling to his wife, but...not everyone is a Christian so would Genesis 2:24 really apply to a mainstream audience? Let's be real, a man's first example of womanhood is his mom; she gave him life and if she raised him right, she has no problem stepping back when her son gets married. A responsible, God-fearing mom will instruct her son to put his wife first; that's not to say he shouldn't take care of his mom when necessary, but that a son understands that he has a family to look after, so mom shouldn't expect him to jump when she asks how high. Some men feel as though their mom is just as important as his wife, which I understand because mom was the first woman in his life & if they were close, why wouldn't the wife understand that? God forbid a wife leaves her husband, then mom will always have her son's back. I can understand a wife coming before a man's mother if she's a good woman: Why wouldn't a man that has a good woman want to make sure his woman is straight? If a man is unsure of his wife, then I get his reluctancy to put his wife first, but...maybe he should've vetted his spouse before tying the knot.

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🤦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.