When dogs relieve themselves during their walks around the neighborhood, that makes them vulnerable, so they look to their owner(s) for protection. I didn’t get it at first, but I do now.🥺No wonder my dog follows me into the bathroom when I’m doing my business.
Dec 17, 2021
Dec 16, 2021
Good Times vs. Cosby Show
Good Times will be better than Cosby Show for one reason: Good Times dealt with real issues, whereas Cosby Show showed educated parents raising their kids in a good environment. Both shows did a good job of showing a strong family unit: James Evans was old-school, did what it took to provide for & protect his family. Cliff was more laid-back, although if it came to it, Cliff would have no problem going to war for his family.
Dec 15, 2021
What Is True Worship?
True worship should flow freely from the mind, through our hearts and out of our mouths. When all 3 are in sync, we will see the evidence of signs, miracles & wonders.
Dec 14, 2021
Accounting: Toxic Generation
We are a toxic generation that doesn’t know how to build healthy relationships. We end up throwing lines like “I don’t owe anyone anything”. You do owe people something, you owe those you offended an apology. You owe those who gave you support gratitude. And you owe those you disrespect, respect.
Accounting is a personal act of integrity and moral principles over what the trends and society say.
We will forever live in a broken society, until we learn to account for our actions that impact other people’s lives negatively.
Dec 13, 2021
PSA: No Political Party Is Better Than Another
Democrats think they’re better than Republicans, Republicans think they’re better than Democrats, when the fact is: BOTH are trash to a degree. Independents are no better because even though they have no affiliation, I’m sure they have their fair share of 🗑.
Dec 9, 2021
Biblical Thoughts
Humbling yourself before God consist of admitting that you are NOT always operating in divine authority but that you’re simply walking your life out in good faith.
We could set so many folks free if…
Following Christ’s direction will ensure we get where he wants us to go, not where we want to be.
Dec 8, 2021
Companies Losing Revenue?
If someone pays off their student loan, mortgage, credit card, or any other major bill, it’s a loss to the company? Miss me with that foolishness. Someone reaching debt freedom won’t be much of a loss to corporations because of recurring payments from other customers. People have bought into the lie that it’s bad to be debt free, and companies are no better because sometimes, they refuse to process a client’s final payment because they don’t want to lose revenue from that customer.
Dec 7, 2021
Keep It Real
Humbling yourself before God consist of admitting that you are NOT always operating in divine authority but that you’re simply walking your life out in good faith.
We could set so many folks free if…
Dec 6, 2021
Ministry: Big Congregation vs. Messed Up Family
Dec 3, 2021
Humility Among Christian Leaders
I’m not sure.
I don’t know.
I missed God.
These seem to be the hardest phrases for Christian Leaders to actually say. Yet, it would be so powerful if they did.
Dec 1, 2021
Roe V. Wade
Nov 30, 2021
Nov 29, 2021
Today’s Gospel: Blessed In Silence
Nov 28, 2021
Genesis 6:6
Nov 24, 2021
McMichaels & Bryant: Guilty
Nov 23, 2021
Ahmaud Arbery verdict
#JusticeForAhmaudArbery Travis McMichael feared for his & his dad’s life, but it was 3-on-1, and had a shotgun. Make It Make Sense😑.
I’m telling y’all right now…If the McMichaels and Bryant walk, all hell will break loose in this country.
The above ☝️ posts sum up my thoughts about the Ahmaud Arbery trial, but know that if the McMichaels and Bryant walk…we really haven’t come as far as we think.
Nov 22, 2021
Pet Ownership: If I was rich…
Ever since I’ve owned my dog, I’ve become more concerned about pet welfare. I’ve despised those who mistreat loving pets more & more. In my eyes, mistreatment goes far beyond neglect & physical abuse, but it includes surrendering your pets for stupid reasons like: having a baby, moving, not wanting to care for it anymore, and so on. With that said:
Nov 20, 2021
Question: Post-Verdict
Repost from Nikki Brooks:
What say ye about the verdict Nick? What’s the Solution? Do we March, vote? What’s next? You’re an advocate - what do you think?
We’ve marched for decades. This isn’t on us to fix because if we could fix this it would be repaired already.
1. Self Preserve.
Do what’s necessary always to get retrieve and solace from the stress of living as a minority. Take your PTO. Protect your kids. Do what you have to do.
2. Master the Game.
Take off your blinders and teach your children that their color is seen and that the best defense is understanding the ways of supremacy and how to protect yourself from it - how to navigate it in the way that’s best for them. There is no one size fits all.
3. No Performative Hope.
I’m not Jesus and my name ain’t Holy Ghost, Junior. Don’t participate in the theatrics to absolve folks guilt. Make them go to GOD in prayer and find peace like everybody else.
So when asked simply say “No comment.”
Besides. The change isn’t on the victims it’s on those who uphold the systems and benefit from them.
4. Understand the end game.
Make no mistake. This is intended to solidify a precedent - to try and kill the imaginary “race card.”
Stormfront and The Proud Boys and Patriots have been in formation.
Anyways. That’s my answer. What’s yours?”
This is not blacks’ fight. I respect what our black leaders have accomplished on our behalf, but this is not our fight. Blacks have marched, protested, prayed, and for what? We’re still struggling for basic human rights & that’s shameful. Blacks were brought over as slaves & forced to work ourselves to death, and folks have the nerve to say we’ve come so far as a country? Oh really? If you still call fighting for equality progress, then we really have gone backwards. Ahmaud Arbery, Kyle Rittenhouse, etc. I see why Critical Race Theory is a hot topic, because it’s exposing the sin of white supremacy. White children will be forced to feel shame for the sins of their ancestors. White parents are upset that their children will learn about rocks being thrown at Ruby Bridges for going to school with other white kids. White supremacy was created by whites, so it’s THEIR responsibility to fix it.
Nov 19, 2021
Rapper Young Dolph Murdered In Memphis
Memphis rapper Young Dolph was murdered in S. Memphis yesterday as he left Makeda’s Cookies. He was known in Memphis for giving back to his community. Every year he did a Thanksgiving drive in his old hood, and folks from that same community took him out. I don’t know the details that led to his death, but it’s said he had conflict with a couple other Memphis rappers, so maybe one of the other rappers’ associates had something to do with Dolph’s murder, who knows?🤷🏾♂️. All I know is this jealousy has to stop. There’s enough success out there for everyone, so why hate on someone that’s shining? You don’t know what they went through to make it. I’ll repost a post from a FB friend that sheds light on human nature:
Repost from John King Johnson:
“Dolph Opinions:
1. "Hunger, envy and lust, will make any man become a killer." Don't know who said it, but I feel it applies.
2. One of the OG ELs told me "Don't no starving people want to see you full,fat, and iced out in their face everyday. Eventually they going to take it from you or change your plane to get it."
3. It's a shame, Dolph just wanted to help Memphis. But we live in an era where niggas will literally take your life for looking too successful in their presence. They won't even rob you. They just will stop your existence.
4. Pay attention to Louisiana rappers that are successful: Master P, Baby, Wayne, Boosie,Kevin Gates... None of them live in their home state. For a reason.”
#3 confirms this whole post. Folks are too lazy to put in work to be successful, but they want to hate so bad on a blessed man that they’re willing to erase him off the earth. So you kill someone because you’re jealous of their success, then what? You go to jail for life, or you may be killed yourself because you don’t know what circles that person runs in.
#4 is sad, but true. If there’s anywhere you should get more support, it should be your home state/city. At the same time, you get more hate from your hometown because of the people you came up with in the same hood. You were blessed to make it out of the ghetto, and some people are stuck there & they’re mad, so they kill you thinking it’s going to make them feel better about themselves.
Young Dolph was a father, husband, son & friend to all who knew him. He will be missed by those who loved him.
Nov 18, 2021
Your Dog Is Bigger Than You
No rottweiler should be bigger than a grown man. I see these dudes with 150-160 lb rotts and that can’t be good for the dog’s health. A normal sized rott should be at least 100-120 lbs (female & male).
Today’s Thought: Hurry Up
It doesn’t take 2 days to figure out whether Kyle Rittenhouse is guilty.😒The judge and jury is dragging this trial out just to give Kyle a reason to walk.
Nov 16, 2021
Kyle Rittenhouse Is Guilty
That’s how I feel. Rittenhouse is guilty, period. The jury is dragging this out hoping they can get Rittenhouse off.
Nov 15, 2021
We are called to not minister to the righteous, but rather to those who are lost and in need of forgiveness.
Nov 14, 2021
Question Of The Day
Repost from FB friend Michael ShoNuff Glenn:
The Baby Daddy Don't want to help the baby mother with child support/daycare fees help physically or financially in any way at all with the child,would she be wrong for cutting him off from seeing his child?
My answer: No. She gave him a chance to be in his child’s life and he chose not to, so he needs to deal with the consequences. Sad to say, but some men wouldn’t have a problem putting all the work on the mother because a lot of men are lazy. He had no problem laying down with her, but she’s not good enough to raise his children with…miss me with that idiot logic. Any man can “see” their child, but a good father would be involved in their kid’s life without having to be asked. I’m built different because I’m moving heaven & earth to make sure my kid(s) is straight. I respect all the good fathers who do whatever it takes to make sure their child(ren) is straight. For those deadbeats who make no effort to be in their child(ren)’s lives, you don’t deserve to see your kid(s). They’re not going to know you. What could you show them that they haven’t already learned?
Nov 12, 2021
Critical Race Theory
Disclaimer: I’ll write in-depth about CRT at a later date, but for now…feast on this:
Critical Race Theory has triggered folks. I’ll put it this way: School officials will find a way to sneak it into curriculum, no matter how many laws are passed against teaching it.
Nov 11, 2021
It’s dangerous for people to experience success who don’t have the character to handle it. Look at how many high-profile individuals get in legal trouble, cheat on their spouse or do other unsavory things. When you prosper in life, you must move different because you have more to lose.
Nov 10, 2021
Ahmaud Arbery: No Justice, No Peace
Repost from Jay Hamilton McCoy Esq:
Just saw the prosecutor’s opening statement in the “MURDERERS of Ahmaud Arbery” trial (if we are being objective here).
This trial is going to be hard to watch, mainly because we all know good and dayum well that this Brutha was lynched for BEING BLACK in white spaces and nothing more. Yet, we finna hear every justification for his death... every character attack... every prior bad act he has allegedly done since grade school... all to justify murdering a Black man in cold blood while also on video (just like Bro. Floyd).
What makes this even more tragic is that I can’t even assure y’all that these guys will be found guilty. Every Black person in America knows what I am saying to be true. Our violent deaths are par for the course in a Country built on the concept that a Black man is a tool and not a person.
But because so many of y’all rely on me for the information on these legal cases, I’ll do my best. Just know that there is always a cost to this whether you see it or not.
My Thoughts: This brother said it all. Let’s say the McMichaels and Bryant get off; They will have to stay within the confines of their neighborhood because if they go anywhere else in Brunswick, and a pissed off black person sees them, it’s on sight. They will need their guns for the mob of angry black folks if they get off. Honestly, I don’t see why there’s a trial. The video shows it clear as day: It was an execution, period.🤷🏾♂️Then again, I’m aware the system was never for us blacks, so should I be surprised? No. That’s what being woke does, it opens your eyes to cold🥶 truths.
Nov 9, 2021
Thoughts For Today
When we are in sync with God’s purpose, we will have his blessing & protection.
Our journey in life may be long, but God’s strength will carry us through life’s many trials.
Nov 8, 2021
Today’s Thought: In Your Face
Where’s the lie? The enemy is bold with his agenda and he doesn’t care who he uses. Folks talk about how woke they are; I can’t tell because some of us who are spiritual can’t see the writing on the wall.
Nov 4, 2021
Teacher Departure
Ask God
It’s ok to ask God for what we want, but it’s best if we ask for what God wants. God enjoys having his Word quoted back to Him.
Nov 2, 2021
Keep It Real Tuesday
Old folks weren’t always old. Many of them did foul stuff in their younger years, and they’re reaping what they’ve sown. Sin will always cost you more than you want to pay.
Nov 1, 2021
God’s Strength
Our journey in life may be long, but God’s strength will carry us through life’s many trials.
Oct 29, 2021
The mother abandoned her children, period. If you’re gone for hours and don’t check in with your kids’ babysitter about their welfare, you failed your kids. The friend is stupid for siding with this neglectful parent, and the sitter is right. I don’t know why the mom is worried about losing her children, since she doesn’t give a crap about them.🤷🏾♂️
Oct 28, 2021
Thursday Gospel
When God speaks to us, we praise him for the answer prior to its manifestation.
When our eyes are open to God’s light, we are full of light, but when our eyes are closed to God, we’re in darkness.
Oct 27, 2021
Confronting Injustice
God has called & still calls individuals & the church to confront societal & individual evil in the form of human rulers.
Oct 26, 2021
Racism: 🇨🇦 vs. 🇺🇸
Canada must be laughing their behinds off at the racial turmoil in the US. One thing I respect about Canada is that to my knowledge, it doesn’t have anywhere close to the level of racial hatred of America. America should be ashamed.
Oct 25, 2021
All In The Family
How far has society fallen when family members can marry each other? If you ask me, pretty low. What’s worse is people condoning this nonsense with statements like “Love Is Love” or “Y’all are jealous”. First, Nobody is jealous of them. They deserve to be dragged because for one: He’s a family member & 2: They have nothing in common based on the age gap. 3: Anyone who condones this is just as foul as this couple. I’m sick of folks condoning wrong. This fool was grooming this girl since childhood; it wouldn’t surprise me if he was molesting her since she was little. Nothing anyone can say can justify this madness. If there’s anything we can take away from this, it’s that some parents have to watch their kids, even around family. Mess like this would NEVER cross my mind because unlike most people, I was raised right.
Oct 22, 2021
Smelling Yourself
Repost from Michael Sho-Nuff Glenn (Facebook friend)
REMEMBER......None of us Sit High Enough to Look Down on NOBODY!!! Be Humble 💯💯💯💯💯💯💯
That’s one thing about me, I’ll always be humble no matter how successful I get because I know what it took to get where I’m at. Folks get blessed & start smelling themselves.
Oct 20, 2021
Question Of The Day: Is It Child Abuse?
Is it child abuse for parents with a history of mental illness to have children who could inherit that mental illness? I think it is because that’s a generational curse. If the parents are mentally ill, why would they want their children going through what they’re dealing with?It’s not fair to the children because they didn’t ask for mental illness, they inherited that from their parents. Unless the parent(s) has their mental illness under control, then it’s possible for them to be good parents. Mental illness is too unpredictable to tell when someone will & won’t have a mental breakdown, so it’s best for parents dealing with mental illness not to have children.
Oct 19, 2021
Digging Up Dirt
Breonna Taylor was dating a dope boy, Trayvon Martin had a criminal record, and now fools are trying to dig up dirt on Ahmaud Arbery. Y’all can miss me with that nonsense as if somehow that justifies their deaths.🤦🏾
Oct 18, 2021
Ahmaud Arbery Trial
The same pressure that was on the jury to convict Derek Chauvin is on the jurors in the upcoming Ahmaud Arbery trial. It’s high time racists get what’s coming to them. Greg & Travis McMichael, plus their accomplice tried to do law enforcement’s job with a “citizen’s arrest”😑. The accomplice was so smart, he filmed Ahmaud Arbery’s murder. Everyone saw Ahmaud Arbery tussle with Travis McMichael before the shotgun went off, killing Arbery. This should be a slam dunk trial, but something tells me the McMichaels’ legal team is going to argue self-defense; “Travis feared for his life, so he shot Arbery in self-defense”. Some jokers are saying Arbery had no business in the neighborhood. Excuse me? Arbery was jogging through the neighborhood minding his business when the McMichaels & their accomplice went hunting. Even if Arbery had criminal intent, it wasn’t their place to do law enforcement’s job by confronting Arbery. I’m looking forward to this trial because I want justice for Arbery’s family; they deserve it after what they’ve gone through with the murder of their loved one.
Oct 15, 2021
Age Yourself With A Store
In my 41 years of life, I’ve seen stores come & go. Some were iconic, so I’ll go from old school to new school:
Maas Brothers
Radio Shack
Service Merchandise
Montgomery Ward
Sam Goody
Oct 14, 2021
Today’s Thought
Police are still respected, just the good ones who do right. Bad cops don’t deserve respect because many of them are on a power trip.
Oct 13, 2021
Brutal Honesty
Someone who calls themselves brutally honest is a red flag for me. Honesty doesn't require brutality of any kind; you can be honest while being compassionate, kind, and loving, even if the honesty you're delivering is uncomfortable. Brutal honesty is simply code for being proud of being a prick. I have no respect for those types of people.
Oct 12, 2021
The Bible: Atheists vs. Christians
It’s interesting that many atheists know the Bible better than most Christians. Atheists dig deep into the Word, whereas many Christians settle for the surface teaching. A possible reason is that many Christians are scared of the loopholes that may be found. Remember, the Bible was written by man (even though God spoke directly through Paul to write 2/3rds of the Bible).
Oct 11, 2021
Free Will Comes With A Price
#KeepItReal: God’s biggest mistake was giving mankind free will, because if he knew some folks would use their free will for evil…🤦🏾Make it so bad, the good must suffer the aftermath of evildoers. Matthew 5:45
Oct 9, 2021
Disabled 14-year old girl violated
Oct 7, 2021
Prophetic Word
As a believer, I’m into prophetic messages because I want to know what’s next. In my view, this message is a sign of what’s to come. Folks talk about being woke, well…this is it.
Oct 6, 2021
Animal Cruelty (Pt. 1)
Oct 5, 2021
Today's Thought: Take Everything Personal
Oct 4, 2021
Question Of The Day: Why Is It Taboo To Admit Indifference or Hatred For Your Job?
The only answer I can come up with is that there are unemployed folks who wish they had your job, so that's why it's considered taboo to say you are indifferent or hate your job. Some people have legit reasons for being indifferent or hating their job: Coworkers, management, etc. Even then, go to work, do your job & go home. The dislike comes from some people kiking with their colleagues, and the moment a colleague gets a raise or promotion, shade is thrown. The shade can become so toxic that it's felt in the atmosphere. In the social media age, colleagues have gotten fired for airing their grievances on social media; that's another reason it's taboo to admit hate or indifference for your job. If I didn't like my job (which is false, because I enjoy my job & look forward to advancing in the company), I wouldn't put it on social media because of rats. It's wild...that's all I can say.
Oct 3, 2021
Free Will: Genesis 6:6-7
Oct 2, 2021
Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated
Oct 1, 2021
I'm Back/COVID-19 PSA (Pt. 1)
After a month+ absence from writing, finally I've returned to blogging. This break has given me plenty of time to think & I have lots to say. I want to discuss this pandemic & how it's brought the fool out of people: Ever since COVID-19 hit, it's destroyed lives and the economy. Hundreds of thousands have died from COVID. I'm grateful to have survived COVID due to my strong immune system. I loaded up on elderberry gummies, drank plenty of fluids and rested. I didn't have much of an appetite, but I forced myself to eat because I needed fuel to fight the virus. I feel for those dealing with COVID because they're not able to see loved ones while in the hospital. I pray this mess is over with because I'm sick of this pandemic, as are many others. A bigger downside of this pandemic is businesses struggling to find employees: Drive around the city, and what will you see? Now Hiring. Some companies are offering signing bonuses to attract talent. Nobody wants to work because it's easier to sit home and get free money from the government. Of those who received stimulus payments of $1400, $1200, $600 and so on, how many of them have saved a portion of that money? Very few, if any. Free money won't last forever, and then people will be forced to look for a job. It may not be what they're used to, but at least leverage any job to something better.
Aug 6, 2021
Before You Marry
Aug 5, 2021
Men Holding Each Other Accountable
Aug 4, 2021
Black Man Charged With Defending Himself Against Attackers
Black Man Charged With Defending Himself Against Attackers
Tell me how is this fair? A group of white punks jump this man and threaten to hang him with a noose; then when the man defends himself, HE (the black man) gets charged. Was he supposed to let these cowards lynch him before justice is served (if at all, because we know how crooked the justice system is)? The part that makes me mad is the prosecutor was adamant that Booker take responsibility. The prosecutor wanted Booker to let the men off the hook, but I don't blame him for saying no. He deserves justice for everything he's been through, and I hope he gets it. This country is a toilet. We've come a long way as a nation? I can't tell. If this man ends up hating white people, I can't say I'll blame him one bit.
Aug 3, 2021
Avoiding Toxic People
Aug 2, 2021
Son Forgets His Promise To Always Take Care Of His Dad | Dhar Mann
Jul 29, 2021
Let It Ride
I'm learning this daily because sometimes no resolution will come from addressing the situation, so I don't care enough to address it. It's about picking your battles: Knowing which battles you can win, and which ones aren't worth fighting.
Jul 28, 2021
Today's Thought: You Reap What You Sow
Jul 27, 2021
Coming Back Into Your Life/Uncle Tom
Jul 23, 2021
Art Imitates Life
Jul 22, 2021
Throwback Thursday: When They See Us
I'd like to share a Throwback Thursday post I made on 7/17/2019 about When They See Us produced by Ava Duvernay. Even though this is a throwback post, it's still relevant today because blacks are STILL fighting for basic equality.
Jul 21, 2021
Mom vs. Wife: Who Comes First
Jul 20, 2021
Today's Thought: Avoiding Fake People & Drama
I see why some people are "antisocial", because as much drama that many people involve themselves in, it's not worth it.
Jul 19, 2021
No Credit: Behind The Scenes
I get it, we all want credit for how we've helped others reach a certain level, but as I've gotten older, I've learned that not everyone will give you credit for helping them shine, and that's fine. You know they wouldn't be where they are if it wasn't for your help, so charge it to the game and move on. I'm a different breed because I've never cared about getting credit for helping someone come up. Watching the recipient shine is credit enough for me, especially if me & that person have history together.
Jul 16, 2021
Jul 15, 2021
Today's Thought: Working Hard For The Devil
Jul 14, 2021
Smelling Yourself
Jul 13, 2021
Church: Men vs. Women
Even those who don't go to church know this to be true. It's a combination of reasons: Women are more willing to serve in church, the pastor's messages resonate better with women than men, and a big one: Women are more in tune with God. This was a good response from a FB friend:
Jul 12, 2021
Jul 9, 2021
Forgiveness vs. Restoration
Jul 8, 2021
Today's Thought: Old School Relationship
Give Him 15: Daily Prayer With Dutch Sheets
Jul 6, 2021
I'm Glad You're Gone
Some people give themselves too much credit by claiming to have cut you off. Little do they realize that you're glad they're gone. If y'all were casual acquaintances, is it really going to make much difference if there's a falling out? No, because you two don't have enough history together.
Jul 5, 2021
Show & Tell
Jul 2, 2021
Life Wisdom
Jul 1, 2021
Question Of The Day: Is It Worth Pursuing A Law Enforcement Career?
Jun 30, 2021
Extending Life With No Quality
What's the point of extending someone's life with no quality? A loved one is suffering from dementia or a stroke; they're not themselves, and some family members are so selfish that they'd rather keep their loved one alive as long as possible even though they're suffering. It's not fair to the loved ones or the person. I guess people do it out of love, but for me, it would be torture to be "maintained" on earth. I truly don't understand the mentality. I feel like we are more loving with our pets, that we know when they are suffering and can let them go. But with humans, we think it's some duty to extend life as much as possible even in a sub-human state that will only get worse. I've heard it often said the family's dependent on the patient's social security &/or retirement checks, so if the patient passes away, those checks stop. Or, it could be the family can't bear to let go so they hold on for as long as possible. Either way, if someone's not in their right mind, it's best to let them go even though it's difficult.
Jun 29, 2021
Today's Thought
Gentle Parenting
Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🤦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.
Message! See, I thought there was only one type of simp, but after reading this, there are 10 kinds of simps. This was posted on the Stop S...
Foolishness can end your life quick, and death will be ready to embrace you. — Florida Made (@RichardMIATL) July 2, 2015 As usual, ...
A lot of men get confused between simping, and showing your woman love. Many men believe that simping is respecting your woman who goes out...