Dec 31, 2019

Thought For Today: Holding The Blessing

Lord, I pray for a strong container to hold all blessings you have for me.

Dec 30, 2019

Monday Gospel: Failure Determines Success

The greatest success often comes through failure. I try to keep this in mind.

Dec 25, 2019

One Chance

You better tread lightly, because I'm very observant. If I sense the slightest trace of messiness/petty behavior on your part, I'm out, and you won't know why.

Dec 24, 2019

Is Tithing Biblical?

This is the realest explanation about tithing I've heard. What about Christians who aren't church members? They give to their favorite ministries, and missions. They're tithing, but in a different way.

Dec 18, 2019

Blessings Out Of The Blue

The best blessings are unexpected.

Dec 17, 2019

R.W. Schambach Quote

Brother Schambach was NOT lying. No wonder the church, and Christianity as a whole is NOT effective. You have some Christians who want to be down with the world instead of taking a stand for Christ. R.W. Schambach was a no-nonsense, old school preacher who spoke on Hell. He was respected by millions. Today's ministers are scared to preach on Hell because they're not trying to lose numbers. Yes, you want to win souls to the Kingdom, but don't water the Gospel down to make sinners feel comfortable.

Dec 16, 2019

Opa-Locka Miami Dade (True Story In The Hood)

A powerful documentary about these guys who do hardcore ministry in the ghetto. Many of these guys were deep into the streets until God turned them around, and now they try to make a difference in the ghetto. For those who don't know, Opa-Locka is one of the notoriously dangerous areas of Miami.

Dec 13, 2019

You Don't Tell Me How To Raise My Child(ren)

One time for all the ignorant parents who don't want someone telling them how to raise their kids when their kids are on the road to nowhere; this message is for you. Feel how you want, I don't care.

Dec 12, 2019

Today's Thought: It Pays To Live Low Key

I'm grateful I'm not popular. The more you're well-known, the greater propensity of your name popping up in foolishness you don't want to be involved in.

Dec 11, 2019

Carnality & The Church

I've touched on this a few times in previous messages, but I feel a refresher coming on. The church has become worldly, and the world has become like the church. It's no surprise the world doesn't respect the church because there's no difference in how the church acts as opposed to them. I get it, times change; but the core message should remain the same. Embracing carnality is NOT how a church should remain relevant. You have so-called Christian leaders who embrace the world because they think that's the way to reach them. Negative, the way to reach the world is to lead by example of Jesus teachings. That doesn't involve doing what sinners do, but showing them the way through the love of Christ. That's how a church remains relevant.

Dec 6, 2019

Today's Thought: Parental Failure

Somebody needs to tell some of these parents how to raise their children because some of these kids are ridiculously spoiled/entitled, disrespectful, and headed for destruction. I thank God daily I don't have children because this world is not conducive to raising responsible children.

Dec 4, 2019


If you're rebuking others, you better be ready to be rebuked. Can't offer one without the other.

Dec 3, 2019

Focus On God, Not People

Dug this out of the vault. I shared this from another person's page. This is why it's not good to focus on others. Your relationship with God is YOUR responsibility.

Dec 2, 2019

Nov 20, 2019

Child Support

The logic of some men is something else. They want to play, but when it comes time to pay, they have an issue. It takes two to make a baby, remember that fellas before you run your mouth about having to pay child support. The below message is for men who complain about being put on child support, NOT for the men who take care of their children, but can't see them because the mother has a vendetta against him.

Nov 19, 2019

Thought For Today: Vindication

Nov 18, 2019

Kanye West: Is He For Real?

Believers are in their feelings over Kanye seeking God because some of them feel he's doing it for attention or he's not sincere. The above post sums up my thoughts on Kanye West's Christian conversion. To quote my post, "Only God knows his heart." God knows who's for real and who's fronting. Kanye West is in a position to lead millions to Christ through his music, and if souls are won to the Kingdom, that's what matters. I wasn't going to speak on this, but I got tired of reading FB posts going in on Kanye for his supposed "fake" conversion to Christianity.

Nov 12, 2019


I try to remember this whenever I'm facing an attack of the enemy. Every believer that's walked with God for a number of years has felt this way.

Nov 11, 2019

Verse Of The Day

Nov 7, 2019

Faith Test

Nov 6, 2019

Popeye's vs. Chick-Fil-A

I don't know what's in Popeye's chicken sandwich, but folks are showing their behinds over it. When I read that one man was stabbed to death over the chicken sandwich, I shook my head because it's not that serious. I've had Popeye's and Chick Fil A and both are good, but to take someone out over a chicken sandwich? Ridiculous. I know people get hurt or killed for much less, but enough is enough. Many reports of people fighting over a sandwich have surfaced social media. I wish this chicken sandwich war never started because it's done more harm than good, at least from Popeye's standpoint; Chic-Fil-A folks would never carry on like this. Folks can stand in line for hours for a chicken sandwich, but not for what matters. These are the same people who wonder why they're no better off than they were. Priorities...

Nov 5, 2019

Today's Gospel

Your circle grows or shrinks depending on the level of your season. Everyone that comes with you, can't go with you. In other words, some people may fall off and that's ok. If God wanted them with you, he would've opened the door for them just like he did for you.

Nov 4, 2019

His Ways & Thoughts Are Higher Than Ours

There's a reason why God says "My Ways are higher than your ways, and my thoughts are higher than your thoughts." That's because he can see what we can't. Remember, he knows the end from the beginning.

Oct 30, 2019

Every Eye That's Closed Isn't Sleep

Excuse the language, but the sentiment is true. Some people think you're Boo Boo The Fool; want you to tell your life story and the moment you and him/her fall out, your business is on the freeway. Even if you're on good terms with someone, keep your eyes open because people flip on you like a switch.

Oct 25, 2019

Pro-Blacks: Enablers of Wrongdoing?

You can be pro-black and tell the truth about your own. Some blacks are enablers of wrongdoing within the black community. Any black person who criticizes another black person is what's wrong with the black community. Other races can give each other constructive criticism, but some of US (blacks) act like we're above accountability. Don't be another black person who calls out the ills of other blacks or you'll be labeled as coon, Uncle Tom, Sambo or here's a good one: You hate your people or you're a closet white person.

Oct 24, 2019

Being Nice: Strength Or Weakness?

It's sad that some people think nice folks are Booboo The Fool; like nice people are doormats to be walked over. I've learned that you can't be nice always; you have to let folks know what time it is early on so they won't get the notion to play you. I'm a nice person, but I watch how you treat others because if you do someone dirty, you'll try me like that & that's a problem you don't want.

Oct 23, 2019

Everybody Can't Handle Fame

If you're famous, you have a target on your back. All eyes are on you, waiting for you to slip. Knowing this, why can't some famous people stay out of trouble? You're blessed with a major platform and you abuse it by getting yourself in compromising situations. I feel if someone's prone to trouble, either they need to take a different path or lay low.

Oct 22, 2019

Know When To Wait, Know When To Keep Moving

Some things aren't worth the wait. In situations like these, you have to keep moving. Wait long, wait wrong.

Oct 21, 2019

Bishop Jakes: The Purpose Of God Is Stronger Than Men's Problems

“Don’t covet someone’s blessing because you don’t know what comes with it.”. He said that!🙏🏾I want MY blessing, not yours or anyone else’s.

God has enough blessings for everyone, so it's beyond me as to why I or anyone else would want someone else's shine. Like the old school song says, What God Has For Me, It Is For Me. I don't want your blessing, and you shouldn't want mine. You enjoy your blessing, I enjoy mine, that's it.

Oct 18, 2019

The Devil Is A Crutch

Sometimes, believers give the enemy too much credit. Every time a Christian gets into it with somebody, the first thing they say is "the enemy is working through that person" The enemy cannot work through willing participants. People allow themselves to be used by Satan. Is Satan putting a gun to your head to make you act stupid? No, you did that yourself. Christians need to stop giving the devil credit.

Oct 17, 2019

Throwback Thursday: Fake Love

That's called fake love, and people can smell fakery from miles away. I hear & read about people boohooing at funerals over someone's death and when others point out the fakery, I think to myself "You love them now, but didn't show love while they were alive."

Oct 16, 2019

Wednesday Gospel

Oct 14, 2019

Relationship Advice By Madea

In the below clip, Madea (Tyler Perry) gives the best relationship advice ever. I've been a TP/Madea fan for years, and each play/movie he does, there's a message behind it; that's why I will continue following Tyler.

Oct 11, 2019

Living For Jesus vs. Living For Satan

I pulled this out of the archives because it's a good topic to discuss. I'm talking to believers because every Christian has felt this way at times, myself included. You go through persecution as a believer; at times you feel like foolishness is coming at you from all directions, so you get to a point and wonder if it's worth going through all this just to be called God's child. Then God shows himself faithful over and over and you realize that it's worth going through hell to get to heaven. It may be easier living for Satan, but living for him will lead to your demise. I remember whenever I did something wrong and got in trouble for it, my mom would tell me the devil is sitting back laughing at you. The devil blesses his people just like God does, but the devil's "blessings" come at a cost, your soul. When you get saved, you've got a target on your back. The people you ran with may see you differently, and probably walk out of your life, your standing may be affected, etc. It may cost to live for Jesus, but it costs more to live for Satan.

Oct 10, 2019

Chain Reaction

In the Bible, Genesis 3:1-24 is a good example of how one person can mess up for everyone. Adam & Eve disobeyed God and ate the forbidden fruit. God told them they could eat from every tree except the Tree of Knowledge Of Good & Evil. Adam tried to put it on Eve by saying, "This woman you gave me; she made me eat this fruit." Adam and Eve had dominion over the entire garden so it was Adam's job to remember God's order and heed it. Eve allowed the serpent to deceive her into thinking they would become like Jesus if they ate the fruit. Eve deceived Adam into disobedience, and when God found out, he punished both. The evidence of their disobedience to God is what's going on today. Moral of the story: Like it or not, your actions have an indirect/direct effect on others.

Oct 9, 2019

God's Goodness

Knowing God will bring me out with double, keeps my faith strong. Is it easy? No, but neither are most things in life worth fighting for.

Oct 8, 2019

Positive Black Imagery

Some black people complain (I've been guilty of this myself) about the lack of positive black imagery in the media, but I've had to catch myself and realize that positive black imagery doesn't generate ratings. The media's job is to generate ratings through negativity, sad but true. For every positive story about blacks, it's overshadowed by 5 images of negativity. I wish that weren't the case, but it's true.

Oct 4, 2019

Forgiveness & Race

This Amber Guyger trial has social media on fire. Everyone is speaking their minds on the trial, and it's good because some issues need to be talked about, such as forgiveness and race. If there's anything good that came out of this trial, it's the power of forgiveness. Botham Jean's brother forgave Amber Guyger for killing his older brother, then went as far as to give her a hug. Some people are slighted by that show of forgiveness because this lady took the life of his brother, and for him to extend grace on that level, it was almost like Jean's family gave her a pass. I can see how some people would be outraged. I see things from a Biblical and secular standpoint. From a Christian standpoint, the Jean family was following God's mandate of forgiveness. When someone sins against you, you are required to forgive them even if they don't ask or show no remorse. That brings me to this topic of race and forgiveness. It's no secret of the atrocities that blacks endured during slavery. Yes, blacks have gone through hell related to slavery, but why are we expected to overlook White America's sins against us? It's like blacks are supposed to be doormats for others to walk on. The moment blacks start fighting back, here come the titles of Angry Black Woman or Angry Black Man. Considering what blacks have gone through, they have every right and then some to be angry. Black people always have to be the ones to turn the other cheek, we have to be the ones to extend the olive branch, etc. I feel like this: Forgiveness is tough because some offenses are so grave that you can't let slide that easy. 
Considering all that blacks have been through, I think we're a forgiving people. Are we too forgiving? Sometimes, but I believe it's because some blacks understand that holding a grudge doesn't do any good in the long run. It doesn't hurt the offender, it hurts the victim because they're carrying around all that animosity towards someone who doesn't have one care of how they hurt them.

Oct 2, 2019

Oct 1, 2019

Giving Pearls To Pigs

There's two ways I look at this verse: One, is when a believer repeatedly shares Jesus with those who continually ridicule Jesus. Even the Bible says to shake the dust off your feet and keep moving, meaning you have a responsibility to share the Gospel with unbelievers, and if they don't listen, you've done your part. The other way I look at this verse is giving something sacred to unappreciative people. If you give something of precious value to someone who's going to take advantage of that gift, what good is that? To me, it's common sense thinking to share valuable things with people who will appreciate what you're offering. You're more likely to be satisfied with giving if you give to those who value what you're bringing to the table. How people become selfish is they give to everyone and don't use discernment in their giving. They get tired of being burned so they become selfish and either give sporadically, or not at all. Had they used discernment in giving, they would study Matthew 7:6 which says, don't give holy things to dogs or throw pearls in front of pigs.
You can't get mad at the dog or pig for trampling over your pearls because they're animals, that's what they do. I've had to learn this lesson many times before I finally got it, and now that I've got it: It's game over. I'm generous, to a fault. If I think you're not going to appreciate the gift (be it spiritual or physical), then expect 0 from me. You're not supposed to be giving to everyone because not everyone will appreciate the blessing you give them.

Sep 27, 2019

She Won't Let Me Be A Man

Sep 26, 2019

Role Reversal

I couldn't have said it any better than this. It's another reason why I have no intention of bringing children into a pathetic world. I can raise my son(s) to be men, but once they get old enough to be on their own, it's on them to live out what I've taught.

Sep 24, 2019

Hanging On To What You're Used To

This was so good, I had to repost. I'm serious about my destiny and miracles, so I don't have time for naysayers. If you're not going to support me as I walk toward my destiny, exit stage left. No hard feelings, but I have to protect what God has for me. Too many people want to take everybody and their mama with them into their season, but God says everyone isn't meant to go to the next level with you. Do you think those people are going to take you with them into their season? Doubtful.

Sep 23, 2019

Today’s Thought

People are going to learn about hanging with everybody, knowing that everyone isn’t kosher. Some people hang around any and everybody just to feel important. I’m glad I wasn’t raised to be accepted by the masses. I don’t want to be known by everybody, just by the right people.

Sep 20, 2019

God’s Peace

God’s peace is way better than the world’s peace.🙏🏾

Sep 19, 2019

Knowing Your Neighbors

I read an article that said most people don't know their neighbors. Asking for myself: What's the point in knowing your neighbors? I can't see any benefit to knowing those who live beside or across the street from you. You mind your business and I'll mind mine, and all is well in our neighborhood. Some neighbors are nosy, messy, or have bad vibes; then you have those neighbors from hell. I prefer to live low key, where very few or nobody knows me because you keep out drama that way. I only know one neighbor, she's an older woman who's real chill, so we chat from time to time. I'm just saying that all neighbors aren't good neighbors. The minute something happens at your home, your neighbor probably has something to do with it.

Sep 18, 2019

Where's My Blessing?

The oldest messages have the most impact. Here's an old message from my FB friend.

Sep 16, 2019

You're A Boss?

Next to "living my best life", I'm tired of people saying how much of a boss they are. If you have to tell people what and who you are, chances are you're not. Another thing, it costs to be the boss, and most people aren't willing to make the sacrifices needed to be one.

Sep 13, 2019

Sep 11, 2019

Let Go, Let God

Sounds so simple, doesn't it? Why don't some believers do just what this text says? In one light, God's given us the tools we need to have victory in our lives, and the next, we are to lean on him. I think it's because we try to handle problems in our own strength instead of depending on God to fight our battles.

Sep 9, 2019

Sep 6, 2019

Following Jesus

It costs to follow Jesus; a follower has to be willing to give up everything to follow Christ, but the rewards are well worth the sacrifice.

Sep 5, 2019

Tough Love Gone Wrong

I'll let the above video clip speak for itself. When the uncle said "You're not nothing to me", that was it. What's in your heart will come out of your mouth.

Sep 4, 2019

Today's Word

Sep 3, 2019


Sep 2, 2019

Reconnecting With Your Father

My heart goes out to men & women who grew up without a father, which includes having a father around, but he's not involved in his childrens' lives. He's just there. He's quick to dole out discipline, but what about love & support? What about showing his children how the world works, what to/not to do? In the above clip, Steve has a panel of men who share their experiences about reconnecting with their fathers and growing up without fathers, and I did see this episode; it got real. It's not just boys that are affected by their father's absence, girls are too. I think girls are more affected because they don't have an example of how a man should treat them, which explains why many women pick sorry men, because their dad didn't give them a blueprint of what to look for in a man. It's no secret about boys; boys who grow up without fathers are more likely to join gangs and get in trouble with the authorities. I see it from both sides: The man who wants answers as to why his father wasn't around when he was little and the mother who feels slighted because her adult son wants to reach out to his dad for answers about his absence. She was the one who was there for him since Day 1. Like I said before, a mother can only do so much, but she CANNOT raise a boy into a man.

My pops was around from Day 1, but God forbid he decided to walk out, I'm not sure I would want answers as to why he wasn't there. It would be Out Of Sight, Out Of Mind with me. I would look at it this way: I grew into a man without you, so thank you for not being there. You have taught me what NOT to do if I choose fatherhood. That would be my way of forgiveness. Even if a man or woman meets their father for the first time, then what? That man or woman is already grown, those years are lost forever. What do they say, what do they do?

Aug 30, 2019

He Did The Right Thing

The above video clip is a good example of why I understand how some people can be selfish. You go out of your way to bless others, and they give you their backside to kiss. This man had every right to do what he did because he was there for his stepdaughter for many years, when her sorry father didn't think enough of her to be in her life from the start.

Aug 29, 2019

I'm Not Talking To You Anymore...

I've never cared whether people stopped talking to me because the way I see it: They're doing me a favor by eliminating themselves. That doesn't mean I've done anything that warranted them not to talk to me, it's that I don't lose sleep over those who stop talking to me. Out of sight, out of mind. My life was fine before they talked to me, and it'll be fine after they stop. People need to understand that you don't have to do anything for people to stop talking to you, sometimes they'll stop talking to you through no fault of your own; that's ok, and they don't owe you an explanation, just like you stop talking to some people without an explanation.

Aug 27, 2019

Nov. 2020

I'm for real. I haven't watched any of the debates because to be honest, none of the candidates are hitting on anything major. Maybe it's too early to tell, who knows.

Aug 26, 2019

Today's Word

Aug 23, 2019


I'll go one better and say that you're stupid if you let someone poison your relationship with someone you've known all your life; y'all had each other's back, been through a lot as friends, etc.

Aug 22, 2019

God's Promises

Aug 21, 2019

Fake Love vs. Real Judgment

Aug 20, 2019

Group Destruction

Just about every major music group has ended in destruction. What I mean is that members start off with drive to be the #1 R&B or rap group in the music business, and as the years go by, someone gets an ego and that leads to internal strife. Each member feels they're more talented than the others, so that member starts smelling themselves. New Edition is a good example because they started off as childhood friends from the Boston ghetto, then as the years went by egos got in the way leading to group members going solo and infighting. The following tweet sums up my thoughts:

Aug 19, 2019

Thought For Today: Is America A Satanic Nation?

One time for Martell Nelson (FB friend) for this thought:

Considering all the foolishness going on today, America is very much a Satanic nation. This is the result of God being removed from the fabric of society. When prayer was removed out of schools, it wasn't long before America went downhill. People got what they asked for, so deal with it. I've said this before and I'll repeat it: There's nothing Christian about America, I don't care how many people consider/identify themselves as Christian. All you have to do is pay attention to current events. In order for America to return to being a Christian nation, this nation must repent of their sin and turn back to God, but as long as people continue rejecting and hating the name of Jesus, this nation has lost the right to call itself a Christian nation.

Aug 15, 2019

Denial vs. Permission

If you're a believer, you are learning, will learn or have learned this lesson in your walk with Christ. From what I understand, denial means God's got something better in store.

Aug 14, 2019

Making America Great

This picture speaks a thousand words. If America wants to be great again, we must bring God back..

Aug 13, 2019

God's Promise For Believers

I commit to reciting this daily for the remainder of this year and next year.

Aug 12, 2019

Fellas: Health Is Wealth

A little reminder for my fellas. It's said that health is wealth, and I understand why. When you're healthy, you have the world at your hands. Better performance on your job, in school, improved self-esteem and well-being, etc. It even trickles down into health coverage because healthy people have lower health insurance premiums. Plus, men who take care of themselves are able to be there for those who count on them.

Aug 10, 2019

Post Of The Day: Look Out For Self

Credit goes to one of the most outspoken FB friends on my list, Ms. Paulette Singleton. Even though I touched on this subject before, she said it better than I could've.
When will blacks wake up? When will we as black people realize that we need to start looking out for ourselves the way other races do? We've been the most mistreated race, yet we're the most forgiving. I'm getting tired of black people fighting for others, when others won't fight for our injustices. I can't get upset at other races for looking out for themselves; I understand and expect it. Do you see Mexicans or Latinos protesting about the racial injustice against blacks? NO, but some blacks are so quick to defend illegals. We need to get it together, and fast.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🤦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.