Lord, I pray for a strong container to hold all blessings you have for me.
God may have something new to pour into your life but what you build to hold the blessing is going to be up to you.— Ron Carpenter (@roncarpenter) December 31, 2019
God may have something new to pour into your life but what you build to hold the blessing is going to be up to you.— Ron Carpenter (@roncarpenter) December 31, 2019
Life is not perfect, and neither are you. There will be failures along with success. But how you respond to your bad decisions, mistakes, failure, and the like will determine in large part how well you achieve success.— Tony Evans (@drtonyevans) December 29, 2019
Instagram post by Spiritual Inspiration • Dec 29, 2018 at 12:49pm UTC https://t.co/Wx5Zg0fYPd via @pinterest— Florida Made (@RichardMIATL) December 18, 2019
Life hits different when you live low key; nobody in your business, your name doesn’t pop up in drama.😊— Florida Made (@RichardMIATL) December 11, 2019
— Florida Made (@RichardMIATL) December 2, 2019
When God vindicates you, you have nothing to prove to anyone.— Florida Made (@RichardMIATL) November 15, 2019
Prophetic scripture for someone. When the time is right. “I the Lord will make it happen”. Isaiah 60:22.— Rev Run (@RevRunWisdom) November 9, 2019
Sometimes, God will put good & bad in front of you just to see how strong your faith is. Choose Wisely.— Florida Made (@RichardMIATL) November 7, 2019
Popeye's chicken sandwich got people acting stupid. One man was stabbed to death over a chicken sandwich.— Florida Made (@RichardMIATL) November 6, 2019
God often works in ways that extend beyond our knowledge and control.— Florida Made (@RichardMIATL) November 2, 2019
Ask Mel❓Is being a nice person a sign of strength or a sign of weakness❓
— Mel Mann, MBA, M.Ed. 🎗 (@MelDMann) October 23, 2019
It used to be a strength sign, but in today's world, it can be a weakness sign because some people will try and play you.— Florida Made (@RichardMIATL) October 24, 2019
If folks will lie for you, they’ll lie on you.— Florida Made (@RichardMIATL) October 16, 2019
— Florida Made (@RichardMIATL) October 2, 2019
Matt 7:6 CEB—Don’t give holy things to dogs, and don’t throw your pearls in front of pigs. They… https://t.co/J08FMz1u5y via @biblegateway— Florida Made (@RichardMIATL) October 1, 2019
A common complaint of men is that women won't LET him be a man. LET? Since when did a man need permission to be a man? This is crazy.— Florida Made (@RichardMIATL) September 26, 2019
It's pretty sad to see the reversal of gender roles in this country. Men acting more feminine and women acting more masculine. Even some mothers unconsciously without really knowing it emasculate their young sons at an early age as well. Smh.— NUBIAN (@BayAreaBro707) September 24, 2019
“I give you peace, the kind of peace only I can give. It isn't like the peace this world can give. So don't be worried or afraid.”John 14:27 CEV https://t.co/uHGK2iz9Fw
— Florida Made (@RichardMIATL) September 19, 2019
Everybody wants to be the boss, but doesn’t want to do what it takes to be the boss.— Florida Made (@RichardMIATL) September 15, 2019
— Florida Made (@RichardMIATL) September 13, 2019
Victorious living depends on you being awake.— Florida Made (@RichardMIATL) September 6, 2019
“All who have given up home or brothers and sisters or father and mother or children or land for me will be given 100 times as much. They will also have eternal life.”Matthew 19:29 CEV https://t.co/mD5nFiqD62
— Florida Made (@RichardMIATL) September 5, 2019
Only those who believe God and hold fast to His promises will profit.— Florida Made (@RichardMIATL) August 21, 2019
I'm living proof that life will force you into situations you don't want to deal with so you can get out of your comfort zone. Do I like it? No, but some of the hardest lessons I've learned were in my younger years.— Florida Made (@RichardMIATL) August 26, 2019
If the presidential election took place today, none of the current candidates would get my vote because from the debates, none of them have a sound strategy for tackling the issues of this nation.— Florida Made (@RichardMIATL) August 21, 2019
Only those who believe God and hold fast to His promises will profit.— Florida Made (@RichardMIATL) August 21, 2019
Only those who believe God and hold fast to His promises will profit.— Florida Made (@RichardMIATL) August 21, 2019
Some people are loved for being fake, while others are judged for being real.— Florida Made (@RichardMIATL) August 21, 2019
Watching the #NewEditionStory & like many music groups, egos get in the way leading to the destruction of the group. Everyone wants to be #1. If I went into the music industry, I would go solo.— Florida Made (@RichardMIATL) August 17, 2019
— Florida Made (@RichardMIATL) August 16, 2019
— Florida Made (@RichardMIATL) August 11, 2019
Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🤦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.