Oct 1, 2019

Giving Pearls To Pigs

There's two ways I look at this verse: One, is when a believer repeatedly shares Jesus with those who continually ridicule Jesus. Even the Bible says to shake the dust off your feet and keep moving, meaning you have a responsibility to share the Gospel with unbelievers, and if they don't listen, you've done your part. The other way I look at this verse is giving something sacred to unappreciative people. If you give something of precious value to someone who's going to take advantage of that gift, what good is that? To me, it's common sense thinking to share valuable things with people who will appreciate what you're offering. You're more likely to be satisfied with giving if you give to those who value what you're bringing to the table. How people become selfish is they give to everyone and don't use discernment in their giving. They get tired of being burned so they become selfish and either give sporadically, or not at all. Had they used discernment in giving, they would study Matthew 7:6 which says, don't give holy things to dogs or throw pearls in front of pigs.
You can't get mad at the dog or pig for trampling over your pearls because they're animals, that's what they do. I've had to learn this lesson many times before I finally got it, and now that I've got it: It's game over. I'm generous, to a fault. If I think you're not going to appreciate the gift (be it spiritual or physical), then expect 0 from me. You're not supposed to be giving to everyone because not everyone will appreciate the blessing you give them.

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🤦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.