Oct 10, 2019

Chain Reaction

In the Bible, Genesis 3:1-24 is a good example of how one person can mess up for everyone. Adam & Eve disobeyed God and ate the forbidden fruit. God told them they could eat from every tree except the Tree of Knowledge Of Good & Evil. Adam tried to put it on Eve by saying, "This woman you gave me; she made me eat this fruit." Adam and Eve had dominion over the entire garden so it was Adam's job to remember God's order and heed it. Eve allowed the serpent to deceive her into thinking they would become like Jesus if they ate the fruit. Eve deceived Adam into disobedience, and when God found out, he punished both. The evidence of their disobedience to God is what's going on today. Moral of the story: Like it or not, your actions have an indirect/direct effect on others.

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.