Jun 7, 2016

Sinner's Delight

Today's topic is called Sinner's Delight with good reason: Too many sinners feel comfortable in their sin while in God's house. When I was coming up, sinners had such a respect for God's house that they were uncomfortable being in the presence of holiness. The preacher wasn't afraid to tell it like it is in their sermon and depending on the sinner, (s)he may (not) be moved to conviction and repentance. Fast forward to today: Some churches are afraid to lose members if they preach the no-nonsense Word Of God. Because of this, ministers water the Word down so sinners will feel comfortable in their sin, therefore they aren't moved to repent. It's not the sinner's fault because sinners will go to churches that don't tell it like it is about sin, therefore that sinner feels comfortable in their sin and they don't see a need to change.  
Upon entering God's house, a sinner should feel so uncomfortable in their sin that they are moved to conviction (that's ONLY if a church is set up by God and upheld by man). When pastor does an altar call, they're the first ones to the altar because the pastor delivered a powerful message about salvation that it shook them to their core, and the sinner realizes they need to get right with God. It's easy to tell if a church is God-ordained instead of man-ordained based on the message contact. If the pastor seeks God before he delivers his sermons, that's a God-ordained church because the pastor speaks what God tells him to speak. A sinner should NEVER feel comfortable in their sin while in God's house, but again because the church has watered down the Gospel, sinners aren't moved to repentance because they know the pastor will indirectly co-sign their sin by preaching fluff messages.

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.