Jun 6, 2016

One Is Enough

A man should have ONE woman he would give his life for. Something's wrong if a man has met several women he's loved more than himself. Why? Because it's not possible for anyone to have dated several (wo)men they would give their life for. Every person you court should have a redeeming quality that stands about them. This makes it easier for you to pick the right person because everyone is not the same. If every (wo)man a person meets has the same wonderful characteristics as the other person, how are you able to figure out who's right for you? You can't because you don't have a barometer to help you. When I hear people compare their current mates to their ex, it's usually from a standpoint of how wonderful their ex was to them.
Hypothetically, let's say I meet several women that have everything I'm looking for in a woman: Smart, articulate, not ghetto/ratchet, Godly, loves to cook, work out junkie, driven, etc. In theory, it would be a good problem to have because all these women have what I'm looking for, but...I look deeper. I'm looking for something in each woman that makes her unique. I would have to go to God for guidance on picking the right person who could be the helpmate for me. On the surface, these women would be what I'm looking for, but what if I pick one lady that looks good on the surface, but as I'm with her, she starts to show her true nature? Her character flaws come out and I'm at fault because I didn't do the proper due diligence. It's not her fault because she was playing the part of my representative; she was being who I wanted her to be.
When a person says they've met several (wo)men they've loved more than themselves, I'm thinking to myself they have poor selection ability because it's not possible to meet several potential mates you have loved more than yourself. There will be things you don't like about a potential spouse, just like they will see things in you that they may not like.

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.