Sep 30, 2015

The Cost Of Doing Wrong

I was watching video footage of MIYayo the movie, where it talks about Miami's top 10 black gangsters and the carnage they inflicted on their hoods, and one dude said something that stuck with me. What he originally stated was: When you're in the game (drug game), you have to expect to take a fall at some point. What he meant was that you can't stay on top of the drug game forever because of rivals and police. If the cops don't get to you, rival dealers will; especially if you're making big money on a major thoroughfare. I don't care who you are or how hard you claim to be, when you do wrong, you will take a fall at some point. Whether you're involved in illegal activity or mistreating people, wrongdoing will not go unchecked. It may not be today, tomorrow or even a week from now but Karma knows everyone's address, and she will pay everyone a visit. People can keep doing wrong if they want to, and end up looking like Booboo The Fool.

Sep 29, 2015


The following video will encourage anyone (myself included) who's frustrated their dream hasn't come to pass as quickly as they would have liked. Brother Tyron explains the process of Working From Your Wilderness. In a nutshell, keep working towards your dream even though you may not see the manifestation just yet. At the proper time, your gift will make room for you. Before I let the video be my blog message for today, I'll add one thing: If we were thrust into the limelight, most of us wouldn't know how to handle the notoriety, so that's why sometimes God will have you work from your wilderness so that once he unveils the curtain, you'll remember who gets the glory (God).

Cut The Crap

Just like someone has the right to act stupid, another person has the right to call you on your foolishness (if they choose). Stop with the shaming language, because all you're doing is proving the person right. Granted, some people are critical even if you're doing good, but pay them no mind anyway. The way I see it, someone cares about you to call you on your foolishness, and you get upset with them and retort with "Only God Can Judge Me" Yes, God does judge but he sends people to get you back on track before he sends his judgment. When God judges, nothing good comes out of it. That's the problem with a lot of folks, they mistake constructive criticism as judgment. Judgment is accountability for your mistakes, constructive criticism is given to make you better. Some people are used to acting stupid because they have no one getting in their ear. There are folks who want the right to act stupid, and will get upset with you for checking their behavior. That's cool, some folks will let you continue making yourself look crazy. Just don't get upset if someone puts you in your place & dares you to move. Not everyone is about foolishness, loved ones or strangers.

Sep 28, 2015

You Don't Reap What You Don't Sow

The person mentioned in this tweet posted this on her Facebook page, and it was too good not to share. It speaks to the gimme, gimme mentality that exists in Christians. A lot of Christians want manifestation in their lives, but haven't planted seeds. How does that work? It doesn't. The Law Of Reciprocity states that you get what you give. If you give out bad vibes, you will get them in return. There's no one to blame but yourself because you put negativity into the atmosphere. The pastor can ask the congregation to give above the tithe & offering for missions, and you'll be lucky to find fewer than 100 faithful church members ready to give beyond. As soon as the pastor prays a special blessing over the congregation, the non-givers co-sign like they're entitled to reap from the harvest.
It's like a group of people chipping in on food for the party this weekend, but a select few won't chip in, but want to partake of the food. Everyone wants a seed to manifest, but half of you don't want to sow. You have to sow in order to reap. Would a farmer expect to reap the harvest without toiling daily & planting seeds at the right time? He shouldn't, because he didn't give the ground nothing to work with. It's the same thing in Christianity, you have to sow in order to reap. If you want financial blessing, you follow Biblical principles to get the desired blessing. Some Christians irk me always wanting something for nothing. It doesn't work that way, and it never will because God didn't design sowing and reaping to be one sided. Both feed off each other.

Tough Love: Jeff Green

The following message was posted by FB friend Jeff Green. It's about Tough Love. I don't have anything to add because he said it all right here, read on:

People don't complain about stuff that they don't love!
If people really don't care, then they are not cognizant of what you do.
People that care about you express their concerns, anger, ideas and adoration.
What you call bashing is really tough love.
Nobody gets on a STUPID MF'ERS case about being stupid, and doing STUPID things unless they care.
Folks that don't care, work around you and work to remove you from their surroundings.
It's not the yelling and the so called bashing that you should worry about.
It's the silence!

Sep 27, 2015

Top 5: Shots Fired

I tell it like it is with these 5 tweets. I'm not trying to hurt anyone's feelings, but I need to put this out there, so here goes:

Sep 26, 2015

Fab 5: Twitter Style

This is the REALEST tweet I've ever posted in regards to Obama's critics:

Women Claiming To Be Kings

See this the foolishness I'm talking about that you just don't seem to get but the TRUTH is "no matter" how self-sufficient you are you can never ever be a KING so stay in your lane!!!

You'll never hear a man utter a similar phrase: Sometimes, the queen is a man. You see how stupid that sounds? Well, that's my sentiment with the above photo. Today's women have gotten beside themselves trying to take on male traits: First, Alpha Female, and now women want to be kings and queens. Where does it stop for some ladies? I have no problem with a woman calling herself Queen IF she carries herself as such; but for her to claim she's a King is crazy. All I know is if I EVER read about a man calling himself queen, he's gonna get it. Ladies, I dig you but make up your minds. Either you're going to be a king or queen, you can't have it both ways.

Sep 25, 2015

Voicing Displeasure vs. Arguing

"I would rather listen to my girl argue, fuss and nag every second of every day than to hush her. Telling her to "be quiet & stop complaining," huffing & puffing & rolling your eyes when she wants to express herself makes her cold. Dealing with her mouth is much easier than dealing with her silence..."-Michael McPherson Jr.

"Talk TO her not AT her! Regardless of if you think you're right, you still need to respect her as a woman and value how she feels. It's like she's begging to be heard, then when she speaks, you're listening with the intent to battle back rather than to comprehend."-Michael McPherson Jr.

Better to live in a desert than with a quarrelsome and nagging wife.(Prov 21:19)

Better to live on a corner of the roof than share a house with a quarrelsome wife.(Prov 21:9)

A quarrelsome wife is like the dripping of a leaky roof in a rainstorm.(Prov 21:17)

After reading this man's posts and the following scriptures, I have one thing to say: No real man wants a contentious wife. If the Bible speaks on valuing peace over arguing, why do some women insist on pushing the issue(s)? Let me be clear: Most men don't mind their woman voicing displeasure; it's the constant fighting that irks their nerves. The disconnect comes when some women don't feel heard, so according to them, they resort to nagging because that's the only way their man will hear them. Here's a few responses about this subject:

"His first post just sounds dumb to me. Who wants a nag, man or woman! Now in the second post I do agree with, and it's a 2 way street. It's called respect."-Aundrea Lott-Anderson

Me: There's a difference between voicing feelings when you're not happy & being argumentative, and that's where women get confused.

Ceci: Wait, so a woman is supposed to stay quiet and not voice her feelings if she isn't happy?

A woman is free to voice her feelings, but some women don't know how to pick their battles.. Most men don't have an issue with a woman voicing displeasure, but some women take it to another level and look for a reason to argue. If it's not one thing, it's another. It boils down to importance, what she considers important vs. his version of importance. If a man dismisses his woman's concerns, it means he doesn't consider it important enough for concern (either at that time or ever).

Top 5: Week of 9/21

Sep 24, 2015

Facebook Dislike Button

It looks like Facebook users have gotten what they asked for. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg is working with his development team to install a Dislike button. The logic behind the dislike button is it lets users dislike others' posts. I can see right now some people are going to abuse the dislike button. Somebody feels slighted by a comment someone else made, click dislike. If I don't like someone's views, I click dislike, and so on. Most people get into it with others on social media, and I see nothing good coming from this. Users wanted a dislike button, and they may get their wish. I also feel the dislike button could be good, because if someone posts a loved one's death on Facebook and someone dislikes it, that could be their way of expressing sympathy over that person's loss; they dislike the fact that someone lost a loved one. I would think if you don't like what someone posts on their Facebook page, don't go there.
I've been on Facebook since 2008,  and I've met awesome folks. These people range from old high school & college classmates to out of state folks. I have Facebook friends from across the country: New York, Washington, DC Metro, Atlanta, Miami, Dallas/Ft. Worth, and so on. What drew us together was our likeminded stance on various issues. I respect their pages & they respect mine. I may not agree with their stance on all issues, but I wouldn't dislike their post(s) & expect the same in return. Once the dislike button is unveiled, people's friend lists will decrease by the hundreds. A lot of people are going to click dislike just because they're petty. If I catch any of my FB friends disliking my posts, they will be terminated on sight. In life, not everybody will co-sign you and vice versa. If you don't like what someone posts, here's a solution: Don't post on their page. Clicking dislike because you don't like someone's status makes you look crazy because they're not changing their stance.

Sep 23, 2015

Top 5 Realest Tweets

God: Final Prognosis

Anyone who's saved & is involved in their church's prayer & healing team can attest to this: People come to church asking members to pray for their healing or that of their loved ones. Whether it's a child diagnosed with Autism or any other medical condition, it's human nature to go by the doctor's prognosis. Anybody who's walked with God long enough can co-sign being a little worried when they get that doctor's report, but some people's faith is strong enough to where they disregard the doctor's diagnosis and go by God's prognosis. God's prognosis says by his stripes we are healed. That's easy if you're walking with God, but if you don't know Christ, it can be difficult to trust God for your healing unless you have a loved one interceding on your behalf. It boils down to how strong a believer's faith is. If a believer's faith is rock solid, no diagnosis can shake them because they know God gives the final prognosis, and God's prognosis is healing. If a believer's faith is lukewarm (their faith is sometimes strong & sometimes weak), then any trial is subject to rock their world until they learn to put their faith in God, not man. Man can do so much, God does the rest.

Sep 22, 2015


If you respectfully pursue someone and they friendzone you, can they be upset for you pursuing one of their friends?

Answer: No. When you friendzone someone, you leave them open for pursuing someone else. No one in the friendzone has time to wait around for you to let them out, if at all. Some people are in the friendzone permanently with no chance of getting out. While their friend is happily married/engaged, (s)he is stuck in the friendzone. The minute there's relationship trouble, that person you friendzoned is there for you. (S)he's playing the role of your (wo)man; making cross-town trips to check on you, cooking for you because you're too depressed to take care of your own business. This is done in hopes of the couple breaking up so the person in the friendzone can slide right into their heart. It would be stupid to get upset at someone for pursuing one of your friends. You friendzoned them, what are they supposed to do, wait for you to pull them out while you see other (wo)men? Crazy.

Sep 21, 2015

Perfect Criteria, Perfect Fit? No.

Is someone a good fit for you just because they meet your criteria (and vice versa)? That depends on who you ask. Some people say yes, others say no. The ones who say yes, appreciate the good, bad & ugly of a person. Those are the couples who last, so that's why I say yes. I also say no because you have some folks who look good on paper, but once you get to know flags come up. They look good for a season, but they start showing their true colors. You didn't know the relationship was going to fail because you thought to yourself, "Such & such meets my standards (vice versa) so let me snatch them before someone else does" All goes well until the couple starts growing apart (yes, couples do grow apart). By growing apart, I mean both man & woman are going in different directions; they can't see eye to eye on important relationship issues. They fight more than most couples until someone comes to their senses (usually the woman, but sometimes men will end a relationship first) and end the relationship due to irreconcilable differences. It's neither the woman or man's fault; they weren't as good a fit for each other as they thought. In closing, someone may look good on paper but not be good for you long-term. Being a good fit doesn't mean there won't be differences in a relationship, it means you can look past your differences and focus on what drew you together from Day 1. To me, that's what being a good fit is all about.

Rooting For The Underdog

I like rooting for the underdog because they have more to prove. It's easy to stay on top of your game; just keep doing what you did to get to the top & stay there. In most cases, the underdog has no support. They only have their ability to rely on in hopes of coming out victorious. Because nobody expects the underdog to win, they go with the favorite given their track record of success. Today's blog is about a different kind of underdog: The one that's been dealt a bad hand from Day 1, and had to overcome great odds to get to the top. That's the underdog I want to speak on, so let's get into it. There's a small percentage of people who had a good start in life, probably 15%-20% at the most. Those people were extremely blessed with a good start. They never struggled, it seemed like opportunities fell into their lap and they capitalized on them. They can get anything they want based on word of mouth, and most people will oblige.
The other 80%-85% were dealt a bad hand from Day 1. Their lives were marked with pain & struggle. No matter how hard they tried, no one would give them a chance. These people have had doors slammed in their face and over time the discouragement wears on them. They may be down for a moment, but something smacks them in the face telling them they need to pick themselves up and keep pushing. Because they're used to being told no, they find a way to get where they want to be on their own. They figure if no one will help them, they help themselves. I've read many biographies of entrepreneurs, ministers, and other influential people who have overcome so much in their lives to do great things, and THOSE are the people I root for. Why root for someone who had a good start? I can't learn from no one who hasn't been through anything. I prefer to learn from people who know what fighting is all about; those who have overcome major challenges in their life to become successful.

Sep 19, 2015

Releasing Your Grasp - Priscilla Shirer 2015

I discovered Priscilla Shirer (daughter of Bishop Tony Evans) through the movie War Room, then I decided to listen to some of her sermons. She's a gifted speaker.

Top 5 Tweets: Week of 9/14

Sep 18, 2015

Donald Trump vs. The Other Candidates

I've been following the presidential GOP debates on YouTube and this is why I believe Trump would make a great president:

I don't agree with Donald J. Trump on everything, but I believe that he understands the problems better than the other candidates. He's a pro and the others are rookies. I don't think Trump is worried about the other candidates "coming at him". Why? Because they don't understand the problem. I wouldn't care if Trump couldn't name a particular person in another country. Why is that important? The current guy in office doesn't seem to care, neither should Trump. Second, why would a candidate explain his/her solution? That's foolish; wait until you get in office to do what needs to be done. I would just say I have a plan. Vote for me or don't vote for me, and throw the mike on the floor. Donald J. Trump is a no-nonsense person, and that's what we need in a President. He's not trying to please everybody, he just wants America to be great once again. 
What some people don't understand is that Trump knows A LOT of people with influence, so he can move mountains to get things done if necessary. What has me sold on Trump is his illegal immigration stance: Millions of immigrants come over here ILLEGALLY and we have to take care of them: Put their kids in school, give healthcare, companies hire them, etc. In the mean time you have homegrown citizens that struggle to get the same services that illegal immigrants get for free. I'm all for immigrants coming over for a better life, but do it the right way. I'm not taking anything away from Cruz, Bush, Carson or any of the other candidates, but I think Trump is best suited for the Presidential job because he has a good understand of what needs to be done in order to make America great, from a business & economic perspective. When the economic climate is fixed, everything else falls into place.

Get Over It: Jameliah Young-Mitchell

Once upon a time, I used to wonder why people would dislike me when I haven't mistreated them. That time has passed because now, I care less about people disliking me. It doesn't mean I'm going to mistreat them, it simply means I'm not forcing anyone to like me. Sometimes, it's good not to be liked by everyone. Listen to this encouraging Facebook video by Ms Jameliah Young-Mitchell:

Sep 17, 2015

Public Service Announcement

Look, I could NOT be US president for one reason: I have zero tolerance for any foolishness so if a bill is placed in front of me that I do not like, I'm vetoing it off top. Also, many presidents were elected based on campaign contributions so if someone's contributing to your campaign, you have to support their cause(s) even though you may not agree. Running a country is a big responsibility, one that I take seriously so I would have worries everyday trying to do what's best for the country as a whole. Salute to President Obama and his family for putting up with bullcrap from citizens who don't agree with his policies, to the bickering from Republicans & Democrats. Obama has had a price on his head from Day 1, and the thing is..nobody is blaming him for these low gas prices. Some days I could handle being president, other days...Meh.

Sep 16, 2015

God's Got My Back

People must be gluttons for punishment if they think they can keep God's people down. If God wants his chosen people in the spotlight, nobody will stop him because he's God; he does what he wants, when he wants, and how he wants. God will go as far as getting rid of folks in order to make room for his people. No discriminatory policy, no strategy, no pitfall of any kind will stop God from doing what he needs to do, so people need to cut the crap. I paraphrased this quote from the movie War Room, where Tony Jordan's friend said: When God's fighting on a woman's behalf, you can hit the gym all you want because it won't look good for you. For example, two employees are up for promotion, one is a Christian and the other isn't. The unsaved person does subpar work and gets along with colleagues, whereas the Christian does excellent work, and also gets along with colleagues. Matter of fact, quite a few colleagues have asked for prayer about tough challenges in their lives and the Christian intercedes on their behalf. 
The boss indirectly has it out for the Christian because (s)he's an atheist. (S)he can be heard disrespecting the name of Jesus in conversations with colleagues. Little does this supervisor realize, one of her staff is saved. The supervisor doesn't think highly of the saved person, but will never admit it due to HR policy against creating a hostile work environment. The saved employee gets a word from God that she's supposed to move into the supervisor position. Once this gets to the boss, all hell breaks loose. This boss does everything in her power to prevent the saved employee from taking her job, but fails because as stated before, God appointed his child for that position. People better stop playing and learn to adapt to God's plan(s), not theirs. No matter how hard one tries, if God wants his agenda, he will get it even if it's at the expense of people used by the enemy to block God from moving.

Disloyal Friends

Today's blog message is about disloyal friends. I have to shake my head at the increasing amount of disloyal men these days. What I mean is that dudes who have grown up together as friends are throwing away lifelong friendships over booty. You mean to tell me a man is going to let a body part come between him and his friend? Some of these dudes make me sick, no lie. You want to know why I fly solo? Mess like this. I take friendships very seriously, so if I'm putting myself on the line to let you in, I expect loyalty and vice versa. Maybe it's good some bros are willing to throw away friendships over butt because they're showing their true colors. Any man that's willing to throw away a lifelong bond over a body part is no man in my eyes. 
Let some of these dudes tell it, "She was fine, I couldn't help it." Really? A woman has that much power over you to where you can't respect your friend enough NOT to sex down his sister? I'm sorry, but there are some things a man should not do and putting sex over friendship is one of them. I'm going to put a spin on Chris Brown's song "These H*** Ain't Loyal" and say, These Dudes Aren't Loyal. Considering how some guys put booty above their lifelong friendship with their bro, I would be right. Nowadays, it's almost not worth it to befriend anyone because some people are out for self. There was a time where dudes obeyed the rule "Bros Before Hos", but I see that's not the case in 2015. Dudes violating left & right.

Sep 15, 2015

Peace Over Everything

We all should value peace over being with someone who's about drama; I know I do. Someone needs to hear this real talk from Madea in one of her stage plays, so watch the video:

Men Being Providers & Protectors

This is ONLY in a marriage context: I think many men get in their feelings over being providers & protectors because they don't trust their spouse to hold the house down, which is why some men want a woman to pull their weight. A man should have no problem being a provider & protector if he's done his homework in choosing a godly woman. A good woman understands her role as helpmate; to run the house while he's getting the money for his family. If a man can't trust his spouse to take care of the house while he's at work, what is he doing with her? Some men bring woman trouble on themselves because they're too busy looking at her assets rather than her domestic skills. The inspiration for this blog comes from a Facebooker by the name of Maurice Hutt. 
He posted a message saying how a man should have no trouble taking care of a household on his salary, which I agree to some extent. Given his education & skillset, and the amount of debt, a man should be able to take care of a household singlehandedly. Going further, if a man makes $100K annually or greater with NO DEBT and he has other income streams, then he shouldn't need his woman to work because he makes more than enough to sustain a household. The keyword in my statement was NO DEBT, meaning debt freedom or close to being debt free must be a reality. Otherwise, it's gonna be tough for a household to survive on one income. While he's working, the woman is at home taking care of the children and keeping the house in order (laundry, cooking & cleaning). 
Once the husband comes home from a long day at work, he's free to relax because he knows his wife handled household operations while he worked. Both couples have the rest of the day to enjoy themselves. My final thought: If men didn't pick bummy women, they would be able to support a household on their salary. While he's working, she's taking care of the home. It's a win-win for both because the husband comes home to a clean home and cooked meal, and the wife feels valued for her contributions to the house.

Sep 14, 2015

Dead Weight

I said it, many churches are full of dead weight; especially megachurches. Megachurches can have 10,000+ members on the roster. Of the 10,000 or so members, what percentage is involved in ministry? I'll wait. I'm not saying all church members are lazy, but some of them are. They come to church to feast on the Word, but when it's time to step up in ministry, you can't get a dozen people to help out. If some people do step up, it's begrudgingly (they won't admit it). Then you have those who don't mind serving because they have a heart for souls. The true servants are the ones you can count on to step up whenever there's a need in the church. You don't have to ask, they know there's a need and they're ready to work. 
The true servants do 80% of the ministry work in the church while the majority has their butt imprint on a pew. When the pastor gives thanks to those who helped out, the slackers want to stand up like they did something; that's the mess that burns me up. I think all churches should adopt a mandatory volunteer policy, where all members must volunteer 3 times a month in different ministries within the church. If they do NOT volunteer, they are kicked out of church. It's harsh, but I'm tired of seeing butt imprints on church pews. In other words, some people can come to church to get fed (the Word), but they won't volunteer in ministry. It's easy to sit on the sidelines and nitpick about what you don't like about this and that ministry when you're not doing nothing.

Sep 12, 2015

Count The Cost

Everything has a cost, whether you like it or not. There's a cost for going to college and/or grad school: Most of your time is spent pursuing knowledge, completing assignments and networking for your future career. The cost is less time for a social life, but that's the price you pay for choosing to better yourself. So you want to get married, great. The cost? You give up the single life to be with someone. You can't go into marriage with a single mindset, but so many people try and fail. You want to be a goon? Great. The cost of being a goon is legal issues because the police and District Attorney will have it in for you because they see the carnage you cause in your city and want you off the street quick. If I'm an investor looking to invest in a business, I'm counting the cost: I'm weighing the risks and benefits of investing before I agree to put up my money. It's only right because it is my money, and I want a good return on my investment. No matter what you do, count the cost.

Sep 11, 2015

Priscilla Shirer - Speak Lord | Priscilla Shirer 2014

Until a few days ago, I didn't know about Priscilla Shirer. I didn't know she was Dr. Tony Evans daughter until I did a little research. I discovered her through the movie War Room, and that's how I discovered she has her own ministry called Going Beyond Ministries. I've listened to a few of her messages over this past week, and in the short time I've followed her, I enjoy her preaching. I look forward to listening to more of her messages on YouTube. I want to share this message with everyone.

Messages Of Substance vs. Posting Filth

Social media is good for this. All over social media, folks are comfortable posting filth but when it comes to posting messages of substance, they struggle. Why is posting filth easier than substance? Because posting sexual stuff requires no intelligence. You type freaky stuff and post, that's it. When you're posting substance, you put more thought into your writing. Your thoughts have to flow like water so your reader can follow. For those of you who are new to my blog website, let me give you a brief history: I've debuted Richard's Gospel (formerly The Chill Zone) in Jan. 2012. Richard's Gospel is my view of what's going on in life and the world. I've written 1050 blogs (and counting) covering various subjects like sports, politics & Christianity.  I've shared YouTube videos from time to time and I've posted other bloggers writing on my site. Of the 1000+ blogs I've written, not one of them have been sexually-oriented, because I don't go for that.
I think some people find it easier to post sexual stuff on social media because that's what gets folks attention. Unfortunately, sex sells so if someone's trying to get noticed on social media, post sexual tweets or FB statuses and they're instant social media stars. I'm used to posting my views on the world, so it's nothing for me to write a commentary on whatever I feel led to discuss. I could write an X-rated commentary, but that's not me. It would be awkward because I'm not used to writing about sex. I write what I'm comfortable with, and that's sports, life, Christianity, politics, and my own personal thoughts. I feel like this: It takes less time to post a freaky statement than it does to post substance. Most people are comfortable posting about sex because that's their passion. I'm passionate about real talk, so that's what I write.

Sep 10, 2015

Silence Is Golden

Silence should be a staple in every believer's life. Most believers struggle with hearing from God because they don't set aside time to meditate and feast on his Word. God's always speaking, it's that believers don't take time to listen to him. We have time for everything else (social media, IPhone, jobs, friends, school, etc.), but some believers struggle with making time for God. Believers have family and job obligations which I understand, but start off with 30 minutes of quiet time with God. You can pray &/or meditate, read the Word, whatever works. I was praying for God to help me set aside time for him, and he's answered. I usually have my TV on for most of the day, but I struggle to find worthwhile programming. Yesterday, I had the TV off all day so I decided to listen to a YouTube sermon. Afterwards, I read a few verses on my Bible app, followed by prayer and I felt good afterwards. 
Today, I did the same thing, heard a YouTube sermon from Priscilla Shirer (daughter to well-known Dallas minister Tony Evans), and she spoke the real. I listened to 4 of her sermons (2 yesterday, and 2 today) and each one spoke to me. I said that to say this: Sometimes, it's tough finding something worthwhile to watch on TV, so I've decided to dedicate the time I normally spend watching TV to God. It's 7pm right now, and I've never turned on the TV since coming home, and I'm ok with that. Sometimes it's good to sit in silence and meditate. I'm trying to get closer to God and the way I do that is by meditation. Besides, most TV programming is ratchet anyway and I can't take too much ratchet foolishness. I'll take quiet time with God over ratchet foolishness anyday.

Satan Is Real

It's one thing not to believe in God, it's another thing when you deny the obvious existence of Satan. Look at what's going on in society from homosexuality running amok to Christians being persecuted for taking a stand for Christ; it's difficult to deny the enemy's existence. If people want to deny God, that's on them, but to deny Satan's existence is borderline crazy. If Satan wasn't real, why did he take 2/3 of the angels with him when God banished him from Heaven? Lucifer (as he was known back then) started getting beside himself and wanted to put himself above the Creator, but God showed him who's in charge. Since Lucifer was kicked out of heaven, he's waged an all-out attack in society. Children being born with disabilities, marriages falling apart, poverty, violent crime, etc. People better wake up & understand there is a real devil out there who's taking as many folks to hell as possible before his time is up.

Sep 9, 2015

Collection Of Real Talk

Cortez Mack- It's a SAD DAY in our society when people are being PUNISHED and PENALIZED for upholding VALUES, and being MORALLY right. And we keep asking, "Where Are The Examples?" for our youth. Well, they are being CRUCIFIED for exemplifying REAL MORAL VALUES. I know none of us are perfect, but a man that doesn't own his mistakes is not a man. Random Pet Peeve: People who are scared to do things by themselves. Vacations, going to events/festivals, etc. You don't need people in order to have fun. Rachael Guelle In the black community, if you don't worship the drug dealers, the gangbangers, the addicts, the deadbeats, the thieves, basically all the vile shit most normal people hate. You are labeled a COON. How dare I want black people to be drug free, not to kill each other, not to abandon our children, not to steal but to work hard for what we need and want. I am obviously a HOUSE NIGGER because I won't spread the lie, that black lives matter. Smh.

Sep 8, 2015


Life is about balance. If one thing exists, so must the other. Let me break it down:

If it's hot, there must be cold.
If someone's rich, another person is poor.
If someone's Christian, another person is unsaved.
A person can be gay or lesbian, others are straight.
If you don't have faith, you have doubt.
There must be fake people to balance out real people.
If you're rich, someone else is broke.

I could go on, but y'all get the gist.

Sep 7, 2015

Are You Bitter Or Not?

Welcome to social media, where folks are boo'd up in love. Every other status is dedicated to how much folks love each other; they post selfies together, videos, etc. All is well in their relationship until reality hits; they go from lovey-dovey to can't stand each other. Their fights become so bad they break up on bad terms. Those "I Love You Baby" statuses turn to "I Hate You". Make it so bad, some folks set their relationship status to "single" or "it's complicated" Let me get this straight, y'all went from being lovey-dovey to can't stand one another in 6 months. Sounds like some people didn't do their homework on that person before they got involved. I don't like folks talking down on their ex on social media. It makes you look bitter, and if it's over, keep it moving. That ex isn't thinking about you, and why should (s)he?
They've moved on with their lives, and you're stuck making statuses about them, not realizing they probably don't have a social media account, or if they do, it's set to private because they don't want folks in their business. She was all in love when he was knocking her back out; he was in love with her when he was hitting that cervix. It's crazy how some couples can be lovey-dovey one minute, and at each other's heads the next minute. If you're no longer in love with someone, keep it moving. Littering your social media account with statuses about your ex makes you look bitter. No (wo)man wants to deal with someone who hasn't healed from their last relationship. It's a turnoff to talk down on one's ex on social media. If I'm getting to know a woman, and the entire conversation is an ex-bashing fest, my first impression is that she hasn't gotten over her ex.

The Other Side Of Malcolm X

Pro-blacks respect Malcolm X because he exposed white supremacy. He was also militant in his approach for black equality, but a lot of pro-blacks don't realize Malcolm X was balanced, meaning he condemned destructive behavior in the black community: Single mothers having children out of wedlock, black men shooting & selling drugs to each other in the hood, etc. Because Malcolm X spoke out against the ills among the black community, Muhammad put a price on Malcolm's head and had him assassinated. He was well-rounded when addressing issues & people; wrong is wrong no matter who it comes from. Some blacks give each other passes for wrongdoing, but are quick to blame whites. In case some folks didn't hear me the first time, I'll repeat: WRONG IS WRONG. 
Time out for blacks excusing wrongdoing from their own because the same black person blacks go to bat for is the same one who would throw them under the bus to clear their name. This is what I've noticed among pro-blacks: Black people can come together to crucify white folks, but as soon as a black person condemns destructive behavior in the black community, here comes the terms Uncle Tom, coon, and sell-out. I'm pro-black first & foremost, but I'm not going to excuse wrongdoing from blacks. If that makes me an Uncle Tom, coon or sell-out, I'll be that. The black community will never become great unless blacks learn how to work together, and that includes condemning destructive behavior. That's the reason Malcolm X was killed, because he had the courage to condemn destructive behavior among blacks, and some NOI members didn't like it.

Sep 4, 2015

Free Kim Davis

"Mike Huckabee
Yesterday at 2:03pm

Having Kim Davis in federal custody removes all doubt of the criminalization of Christianity in our country. We must defend religious liberty and never surrender to judicial tyranny. Five, unelected Supreme Court lawyers did not and cannot make law. They can only make rulings. The Supreme Court is not the Supreme branch and it's certainly not the Supreme Being. I am proud of Kim for standing strong for her beliefs. Who will be next? Pastors? Photographers? Caterers? Florists? This is a reckless, appalling, out-of-control decision that undermines the Constitution of the United States and our fundamental right to religious liberty."

Me: Kim Davis was thrown in jail because she wouldn't issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples. According to the judge, all Ms. Davis had to do was issue the marriage licenses to gay and lesbian couples, and she would've been free. Davis decided to stand firm on Godly principles and look where it got her, behind bars. I salute Ms. Kim Davis for not folding under pressure from the gay mafia. Since the Supreme Court ruled in favor of same-sex marriage, it has been open season on Christianity & religious liberty. Some of the blame lies on Christians because many Christians have LET their rights fade to black. As much as it hurts to say this, I blame Christians for not coming together to fight the gay agenda. See, gays & lesbians have clout because they organize. If they want special treatment, they know how to come together and get things done. 
I salute Kim Davis for honoring her relationship with Christ. Yes, she's in jail because she was disobedient in the eyes of the law, but God's law trumps man's law every time. Ms. Kim Davis should be encouraged that she will be rewarded for taking a stand for Christ. Her reward may not come on earth, but she will be crowned in Heaven, and I think she'll get through this. Christians aren't supposed to co-sign contrary lifestyles, and in God's eyes homosexuality is wrong. By the same token, some Christians take it to extremes by saying "God Hates *&%$". I don't respect that either. The Bible mentions that the world hated Christ, so it should not be surprising that Christianity is under attack. Anytime Christians voice their displeasure with this homosexual agenda, here come the "bible-thumper, bigot, God has no place in society, etc." comments, yet these are the same people who slow sing & flower bring when tragedy strikes.
 If Kim Davis didn't want to issue licenses to same-sex couples, another person could have done so in her place. Ms. Davis shouldn't have been pressured into violating her Christian code. Regardless, Ms. Davis is honored in God's eyes for standing firm in Godly principles. For that, I commend her.

Big Mad Or Little Mad?

Yesterday, a newsclip showed high school students & their coach showing love for Christ before a high school football game in suburban Atlanta. Needless to say, some people got in their feelings. A lady was quoted as saying "God has no place in public schools because some students will take offense." LET THEM GET OFFENDED! I'm sick & tired of people getting in their feelings over high school students showing love for Christ before a football game. Not just a football game, but in general. People are trying to rid God from society, but cry foul when tragedy strikes. I thought you didn't want God involved in societal affairs, but when tragedy strikes, "Where's God?" People running to the church then.
I'm going to be 100% uncut, and I don't care who will be slighted: Don't come running to God when tragedy strikes and in the same breath, try and rid God from mainstream society. It doesn't work that way. Either you want God involved or not, can't have it both ways. Supposedly, the Pledge Of Allegiance is going to be edited to take out "One Nation Under God" because it's "offensive to other religions" I know there's many religions, but let me ask this question: Did Buddha die on the cross for anyone's sins? What about many other "gods"? How many of the gods of Islam, Quran, and other religions have went to the cross and died for their followers sins, and he was innocent? I rest my case. People have no problem standing up for corruption, but when Christians take a stand for Christ, feelings are caught.
I salute those high school students and their coaches for having the guts to stand up for Christ regardless of what flak they've caught from hypersensitive parents, students, etc. Last I checked, this nation was founded on Christian principles, and no matter how people try and stamp out God, they won't win. The second tragedy strikes, unsaved people are slow singing and flower bringing calling this tragedy an "Act Of God" or asking "Where's God"? Cut the crap. Folks wanted God out, they got their wish. Some people are lucky God's merciful even though some people degrade him at every turn.

Sep 3, 2015

Why is Apologizing So Difficult?

One mark of maturity is apologizing for the mistakes you've made. By apologizing for wrongdoing, you don't deflect, tell the hurt person to "get over it", or say "I'm sorry, but..." NO. Either you take full responsibility for your transgressions (or your part of the offense) or don't apologize at all. I would rather someone NOT apologize to me for offending me than give me a half-hearted apology. They could've kept their weak apology to themself. You have some callous people that will tell a hurt person to "get over it", like the hurt person doesn't have a right to be upset at the offender. The hurt person has every right to be upset because 9 times out of 10, they did nothing to warrant that mistreatment from another person. Unlike most people, I can't sleep well knowing I've mistreated a person. 
I always make it right with those I've hurt, and I'm through. If they choose NOT to accept my apology, that's on them. At least I can sleep well knowing I've tried to make it right. Apologizing is a trait that all parents should have taught their adult children; If you offend someone, make it right with that person you've hurt. Don't justify the act or deflect, own your offenses and keep it moving. A lot of folks find apologizing difficult because of pride: Their pride won't allow them to fess up because they would be seen as weak. Nobody likes to be vulnerable, but too bad. Most people should have been taught in childhood to apologize when you hurt someone, but they haven't. I guess apologizing for wrongdoing is too much like right for some people.

Sep 2, 2015

Goon Music: Fast Track to Fame & Fortune

 "Catch you suckers hanging
In the hood on the porches
Chopper like raid
Spraying on you cockroaches"-Project Pat

I could be a multi-platinum selling rapper if I rapped about getting
money, shooting enemies with assault weapons, and other nonsense that's
so prevalent in mainstream music. I don't have to be about that life, just sing about goon activity and I'm a multi-millionaire. That formula works for most mainstream rappers and look at them, they're shining. A lot of people don't realize that rappers portray themselves as ruthless gangsters because that's what label executives want. Label execs know sex, money & mayhem sells, so that's what they want their artists singing about. Here's the catch: Many artists have never sold coke, shot an assault weapon or thugged a day in their lives, so why rap about a life you've never lived? REAL gangsters know the deal. They know the downside of street life: Paranoia from wondering if today's going to be their last day; they're into it with a rival and they always have to tote a weapon just in case their enemy catches them off guard, or if their enemy can't get them, they go after loved ones to send a message. Because it's difficult to find a job with a record, a lot of street guys get into hustling. 
Once their business takes off, they have to deal with rivals trying to take over their turf. Anytime a drug dealer is making money on a hot block, there will be competition especially if his rival is in close proximity and they're struggling. You'd think the inner-city gangster life is glamorous with the way mainstream rappers make it seem: Getting money, shopping sprees and carousing with women, but it's not. Once the feds shut down the operation, they're taking that money. What's worse is that young people are influenced by gangster rap so they emulate the lyrics. Just because a rapper says "I'm riding by your spot and shooting up your home" doesn't give you the green light to do it. No, you're going to prison while the artist is making millions living in the suburbs. You have some artists who live their lyrics because they're trying to "keep it real", and end up behind bars. Personally, if you're blessed enough to make it out of the ghetto through music, embrace that. Talk about what you've been through, what you've seen and leave it there. Rappers should not be trying to relive their hood glory days.
What's worse is that some rappers have admitted they don't do the gangster activity they talk about in their music, but they rap about it because it sells. A lot of people are weakminded so they aren't able to separate reality from entertainment, so they emulate their favorite rapper's lyrics and end up catching a case. Is that rapper going to bail them out of prison? No. The only rappers I respect are those who used to be in the streets, but got out of the hood making music. They used rap as their ticket out of the ghetto, and their music is all about what they've been through and seen. These rappers use their music as a teaching tool to steer youth away from the streets, because they've been there. Losing loved ones to violence, having a record, police run-ins, etc. Label executives don't look at the big picture when they're having artists push sex, money & murder in their music, all the execs are looking at is dollar signs; how much money they can make through this artist and a lot of rappers fall for it every time.

I'm Cutting You Off

Seriously, I could care less if someone cuts me off who can't do anything for me. Are they footing my expenses? No. Cooking my meals? Negative. So if they're not feeding or financing me, why would I care about them cutting me off? I don't. I understand not everyone is like me, and I respect that. Some people want to be liked by everybody that they can't stand the thought of someone cutting them off through no fault of his/her own. They figure, "If I haven't mistreated them, they shouldn't cut me off". That's not how life works. You can be a generous & respectful person to all you come across, and you may build a rapport with someone at first, but as time goes on, you two grow apart. Out of the blue, you're cut off for no reason, let alone receive no explanation. When someone who can't do anything for me says they're going to cut me off, I look at them like they're stupid and say "Ask Me If I Care". To me, that's confidence in knowing your worth whether others realize it or not. Some people come in your life for a season or lifetime; very few people ride with you to the end because it's not meant for you to have lots of lifetimers in your life. God sees fit to keep some people in your life, others he has to remove because they can't go where you're going. I will never understand why some people get in their feelings when a nobody cuts them off. They should be glad, because the person who cut him/her off is doing a huge favor. Many times, you don't have to take the trash out because the trash takes care of itself.

Sep 1, 2015

ICYMI: Wife Is Controlling and Does Not Listen | Steve Harvey in the Morning on WDAS

How old is this man? 26. A grown man should NOT have a curfew, that's crazy. It's bad enough he married a controlling woman, but the curfew she's got him on is ridiculous. With that said, let's get into this letter. It's hard for me to empathize with this man because he had to know about his wife's controlling nature. In knowing how controlling his wife is, why did he marry her? I'll tell you why: She's a good woman, this, that and the third. Nothing's good about being controlling, I'm just saying. Everything you say and do is scrutinized to the T. This woman monitors his workout time, which is crazy to me. What if he decides to put in some extra gym time? She's going to have a problem with that. This man needs to get some gumption and do 1 of 2 things: Stand up to his wife or 2. Leave. 
I'm going with #2 because I couldn't be with a controlling woman where I have to check in with her for everything I'm about to say or do. As long as I'm not doing anything I have no business doing, she should fall back. I'm having a difficult time feeling sorry for this man because he has allowed his wife to run the relationship. This letter makes me think one thing: She wears the pants & the panties in the relationship. She has no respect for him because he lets her have her way. I bet if he put her in her place, she wouldn't move because she'd know he means business. Now he wants his wife to be submissive; good luck with that because I don't see her changing anytime soon. If he wanted a submissive woman, he should have married a submissive wife because this one isn't it.

ICYMI: I'm Missing My Queen | Steve Harvey in the Morning on WDAS

This man had a good woman, but he couldn't handle her making more money than him so he mistreats her. She decides to give him a second chance, but she doesn't make it easy for him (nor should she). As she gives him another chance, she tells him what she will (not) put up with, and how he shouldn't be threatened by her having a Master's Degree. She worked hard for that degree, and she should be proud. From what I read, she hasn't thrown her education or money in his face, so why is he threatened? I touched on this in a previous blog, but I'll reiterate it again: Many men say they don't mind their woman making more than them until they meet a woman who does. If he's not direct about his displeasure with his woman making more money than him, he'll throw subliminal shade towards her until she wants the truth as to why he's so bothered by her making more than him. Maybe his ex could have made more money than him and she threw it in his face (some folks are petty like that). Not everyone is ok with their spouse making more money than them. Some people seek out mates of lesser financial status so they can take care of them. The downside is that if the couple splits, the breadwinner in the relationship would be responsible for alimony because they've gotten that person accustomed to that lifestyle. As far as I'm concerned, this man has done it now. He may not have a chance of winning her back, especially after she told him what time it was before. He has no one to blame but himself.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🤦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.