Sep 21, 2015

Perfect Criteria, Perfect Fit? No.

Is someone a good fit for you just because they meet your criteria (and vice versa)? That depends on who you ask. Some people say yes, others say no. The ones who say yes, appreciate the good, bad & ugly of a person. Those are the couples who last, so that's why I say yes. I also say no because you have some folks who look good on paper, but once you get to know flags come up. They look good for a season, but they start showing their true colors. You didn't know the relationship was going to fail because you thought to yourself, "Such & such meets my standards (vice versa) so let me snatch them before someone else does" All goes well until the couple starts growing apart (yes, couples do grow apart). By growing apart, I mean both man & woman are going in different directions; they can't see eye to eye on important relationship issues. They fight more than most couples until someone comes to their senses (usually the woman, but sometimes men will end a relationship first) and end the relationship due to irreconcilable differences. It's neither the woman or man's fault; they weren't as good a fit for each other as they thought. In closing, someone may look good on paper but not be good for you long-term. Being a good fit doesn't mean there won't be differences in a relationship, it means you can look past your differences and focus on what drew you together from Day 1. To me, that's what being a good fit is all about.

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.