Sep 10, 2015

Silence Is Golden

Silence should be a staple in every believer's life. Most believers struggle with hearing from God because they don't set aside time to meditate and feast on his Word. God's always speaking, it's that believers don't take time to listen to him. We have time for everything else (social media, IPhone, jobs, friends, school, etc.), but some believers struggle with making time for God. Believers have family and job obligations which I understand, but start off with 30 minutes of quiet time with God. You can pray &/or meditate, read the Word, whatever works. I was praying for God to help me set aside time for him, and he's answered. I usually have my TV on for most of the day, but I struggle to find worthwhile programming. Yesterday, I had the TV off all day so I decided to listen to a YouTube sermon. Afterwards, I read a few verses on my Bible app, followed by prayer and I felt good afterwards. 
Today, I did the same thing, heard a YouTube sermon from Priscilla Shirer (daughter to well-known Dallas minister Tony Evans), and she spoke the real. I listened to 4 of her sermons (2 yesterday, and 2 today) and each one spoke to me. I said that to say this: Sometimes, it's tough finding something worthwhile to watch on TV, so I've decided to dedicate the time I normally spend watching TV to God. It's 7pm right now, and I've never turned on the TV since coming home, and I'm ok with that. Sometimes it's good to sit in silence and meditate. I'm trying to get closer to God and the way I do that is by meditation. Besides, most TV programming is ratchet anyway and I can't take too much ratchet foolishness. I'll take quiet time with God over ratchet foolishness anyday.

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.